Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Ok, work with me here, I'm about to go on a bit of a rant.

I HATE the Oscars. I can stand the Grammys. I can tolerate the Emmys. I can handle the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards. But I abhor the Oscars. I hate the pre-show festivities. I hate the people that schmooze everyone on the red carpet. I hate the question, "Who are you wearing?" I hate the fact that these loaded Hollywood stars are given stuff for free to wear and show off so that other rich people can waste money on a dress they will wear only once. I abhor the fact that you hear the same campy "reporters" on the carpet each year saying horribly cheesy things like, "Oh she looks just stunning!" I hate that the crew of "reporters" is usually made up of two ladies and a gay male. I hate the fact that it's like a train wreck and EVERYONE watches and discusses it the next day (including myself).

I hate the fact that there are roughly a million awards that are given out that suck. I don't care about who was the Best Coffee Carrier On The Set Who Had An Opinion About A Movie Costume. I don't want to know the Best Adapted Screen Play That Hasn't Reached America Yet But Will In The Future and who wins that award. I don't want to hear raging liberal actors tell me how to think. I pay you money to act and entertain me for roughly 2 hours in a movie theater. I don't pay you to accept an award and tell me your beliefs. If I wanted to know what you thought, there'd be a TV show where you shared your beliefs. There currently are no shows like that. You know why? Know one gives a flip what you think about stem cell abortion, you're an actor! No one cares about how you voted because guess what ... you're an actor! No one wants to know how you feel about the war because you're an actor! You are not a Doctor, you're not a military man, you're not a politician, you are an actor. You get on camera and pretend that you are someone or something and you make me laugh or feel sad or whatever emotion you're trying to get me to emote for 2 hours. NO MORE NO LESS!

I hate the fact that Chris Rock, who is really funny, gets up there and talks about religion. You're a comedian! I hate that it's all one sided every time at the show. Of course you're a democrat, you're a comedian. Of course you hate Bush, you're a comedian. Of course you hate religion, it's an easy target to make fun of. I don't want to to friggin turn on an award show as a thinking American who has some different views and get made fun of for 3 and a half hours. I hate the fact that this show starts at 8:30 and goes till 11 ... right, it ended at 11:30. There's 4 hours of ugly exorbitantly (not a Microsoft thesaurus word one that I know althought noa big one) expensive dresses and bashing of beliefs that are different from Hollywood. It's so FREAKING LONG!

I hate the fact that movies up for Best Movie are never the movies everyone sees. Chris Rock did a spoof on this this year and it was funny. "Have you seen The Aviator?" "No." "Have you seen White Chicks?" "Yes" I did not see White Chicks, it looked HORRIBLE. But I did see iRobot. I saw 30 movies this calendar summer 30 MOVIES. Not one of which was nominated for Best Movie. I just hate how some elitist group of pompous people decides what is and what isn't a good movie. Yes there must be some discretion, because movies like White Chicks just can't win an Oscar can it? But I just think that movies that most people legitimately enjoy should be able to win an Oscar other than: Most Stuff Blown Up, Best Special Effects, Nicest Costumes, or Good Music. I think the Oscars are out of touch with America and I HATE IT!

Rant over ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow...that's one of the best rants i've read in a while...