Friday, March 11, 2005

Briefness part Thrice

Tie stealer I am!!

Seriously though, the tie is sweet. And I pose the question to all of those hypothetical people in blog land as well: If you found an awesome article of clothing that your good friend owned, wouldn't you also buy it? I see those heads nodding! Honestly, you should just start wearing the tie again. Try it on the road just to get used to it, and then bam it will come back again like it was never gone. I know that if you came across my tie (which you won't, because it was a seasonal tie!!) you'd buy it and I would be flattered that someone went to such extremes because they were inspired by my fashion taste. This segment of the blog is called Andrew goes Metro.

On a more lighthearted note, I'm in Seattle Washington. I think I'm found another city, outside of Miami, FL where I would be comfortable living all year round. I think the suckiest thing about Seattle is that it's not near anything good, save California with it's robotic, eye lazer shooting, cigar smoking governor!! WOOOOOO! But think about it, to the west is ocean. To the north is Canada (we're NOT revisiting Canada EVER!!) to the South is Das Kalifornia, and to the East is...the entire contiguous United States of America. Right now if I hop in a car I can hit probably a dozen major cities within an 8 mile driving radius. In Seattle, 50% of the time if you drive 8 hours you wind up in the ocean flirting with Narwals ("Bye Buddy...I hope you find your dad!") and exploring Davy Jones' locker. The town of Seattle is sweet though, and I can see Mt. Ranier from my hotel. I just hope that Mt. St. Helens doesn't blow up while I'm here, again.

Hey, who wants to hear a funny story?


DMac said...

"I'll be back..." I can never understand how Das Kalifornia has managed to elect 2 actors and one of them was a Mr. Universe.

About Seattle...arnt you worried about getting washed away from all that rain . Now about Miami, that is a place you could live all year. I mean you have hot women, good weather, hot women, easy access to cuban cigars, hot women. But what dose Seattle have to offer?

Everybody wants to hear a funny story ...

Keith said...

No, it's not ok to steal a person's tie. You just don't buy the same article of clothing. I like your Xavier hat ... a lot ... but when I have seen it I don't buy it. It steals the sweetness that someone else owns it who knows you.