Thursday, March 24, 2005

Christine Lakin! That was the girl

Yeaaahhhh Chistine Lakin was the little girl, Al! Dang she blossomed. That was the girl who I had a crush on, I forgot. Does anyone have here digits so I can give her a call. Amanda, at this point any cynical comments or insulting remarks that you're about to make can be sublimated into actual productive work at Nyack. I know that don't pay you to chat online with boys...all day.


Anonymous said...


Please stick to inconsequential subjects, like cigars and lame TV shows.

If you ever talk politics again, I'm going to have to ask you boys to go hand in hand to the recruiter and sign up for a hitch.

Do it for your Dear Leader!

Wipe those Cheetos off your chest and DO IT!

Anonymous said...

Wow...I really don't like anonymous. Just because you have a different opinion about something doesn't mean you get to be a prat (that's british slang for all those wondering...and it's not a compliment). Seriously, it's ok to disagree or be sarcastic, but if you never have ANYTHING nice or at least helpful to say, then don't say anything at all. And to Andrew...bite's not my fault that you are incapable of multi-tasking. I get paid for what I do because I kick some ass at it and because I can do it well and STILL have fun doing other crap at the same time...and that's why I'm amazing. BOO-YA! But don't worry...maybe someday you'll get there too...sigh

Donkey Patrol said...

Ok First,

Who knew that Amanda was going to make some sarcastic and negative comment? This kid did!! That's intuitiveness baby and they don't teach that in school. And I didn't work on Good Friday...I spent the morning at bedside baptist thank you very much.

Anonymous is probably that fat kid everyone, including myself made fun of in elementary school. Now she hides behind a veil of uncertainty and semi-pointed detractions about our blog. It's cool to point your fingers when no one's looking...and if you were that kid in elementary school, well then I know you probably pulled on your own fingers as well. Eat it.

Anonymous said...

Andrew, why do you force me to be mean to you? If you weren't so rude to me ALL the time then maybe I wouldn't have to pull out the sarcastic be-otch on you...think about I said to you earlier's all fun and games until someone loses an eye...don't make me do it...but I will if necessary. ;)
Wow...that was's all I can muster up to
I didn't know you had in you Andrew...
On a lighter note...I want everyone to know I have the cutest, funniest nephew ALIVE. He's a no nonsense three year old, who I fear may indeed be a frat boy one day...but adorable none the less. So today Ethan (my nephew for all those not following the theme here) told me he wanted to go outside and play ( yard is a mud hole right now) and I said maybe later. He turns and looks at me and, maybe NOW. WHAT?! He's three, sarcastic and DAMN clever! That's my boy! ha ha ha!

Donkey Patrol said...

hey it's all love Amanda. All I'm saying is if you can dish it out, be woman enough to take some of it too. Lord knows we could all stand to laugh at ourselves a little more...I do it all the time (open invite for a zinger , go!)