Thursday, March 30, 2006

Time for a Lesson

Alright guys - Keith's turn. Andrew did an excellent job exposing Rock the Vote for the farce that it is. He did a ton of research, made some sense, and gave us a plan of action. I dig it. Now it's my turn. I want to give you a heads up for my plan of attack. Am I attacking a particular organization? No. Am I attacking a person? Not really? Am I going after a set of ideas? Not really. So I know you're all dying to know where I plan on going.

I plan on discussing, in several forms, the oversaturation of society. I'm sick of it. Society has reached the breaking point. We can no longer hold any more information without collapsing.

Merriam Webster defines saturation as, "loaded to capacity."

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see oversatuation os "overloaded or exceeding capacity."

Think back to basic chemistry. You remember taking water loading it with sugar, it held some, then it started sinking to the bottom. The water couldn't hold any more sugar. You then heated the water and it held more sugar ... until it became cool again and disturbed. Bang sugar falls to the bottom of the cup.

That my friends is oversaturation. And our society ... has reached a point. Let's continue the analogy. We my friends are the water, filled with sugar, about to be disturbed. We can't hold any more information without becoming stupid or disturbed. There are so many voices competing for our attention that we can no longer hear our own thoughts. It's my goal to make this evident through a series of blogs. Subjects will tackle include, but are not limited too:

1.) First and foremost the recent quest of Andrew and myself ... to get rid of cable TV. Why did we get rid of cable? What do we hope to accomplish?

2.) Sports in society. We've lost it. My teams fifth wide receiver will make multiple millions of dollars. This is absurd.

3.) The horrible state of music these days. Lyricall awful. Creatively dead. Severely lacking.

4.) Partisan politics ... all one sided and no compromise.

5.) Gas prices why are they so darn high? Ok that one is just a recent complaint.

But these are things I will explore, starting with the state of TV and how it's led to oversaturation. Keep an eye out over the weekend for my first installment.

I'm off to watch some TV on this our very last night of cable ... so refreshing.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Rock the Socialism part Deux

NOT!!!! I'm totally not even going to waste any time talking about RTV anymore. I didn't have a whole lot else to say, and I feel like I'm preaching to the choir by telling you that Rock the Vote is worthless. But I want to give you a few brief bullet points before I move on:
1) RTV sucks. If you read the article that I sent on the blog, you know that they basically wasted tons of funds on ridiculous ad campaigns, yet failed to sign on celebrities as financial courtiers of the organization. Something tells me putting "Talk to Mya and have her donate to RTV" on the social agenda might be more effective for long term operations than "let's have a concert and pay the Black Eye Peas". Hmmm.
2) RTV creates nonissues like college-graduated unemployment and re-instating the draft political hot buttons. RTV boasts on its website that they forced all presidential candidates to address whether they would vote to reinstitute the draft; from reading their website rhetoric you'd think that they probably pulled their arms out of socket while patting themselves on the back for that. The fact is it was a nonissue until Rock the Vote made a stink about it. It's still a nonissue. Thanks a whole lot, Rock the Vote, for concentrating thousands of dollars in contributions to formulating endless public service announcements that had no basis whatsoever.
3) Rock the Vote PANDERS to democratic candidates. Democratic candidates PANDER to the worthless MTV generation. Look at the interview on MTV with Bill Clinton. Is Bill CLinton's saxaphone playing, boxer wearing, hash pipe hitting personality expose vital to national interest or to the political sphere at all? Heck no! But RTV knows its audience well enough to know that when one burnout hears that another burnout is running for President, the burnouts are likely going to stick together...and in fact they did. RTV organized a panel of Democratic presidential candidates on CNN to talk about their plans to improve America, but nary a look was cast in the direction of the incumbent Republican party. Nonpartisan? Nonplus is more like it.
4) I'd encourage you all to go on the rock the vote weblog and disparrage them for their thinly shielded liberal sympathies. I'd encourage you to pick apart their shallow campaign strategies, their straw man issues, and their ridiculously immature ideologies on their weblog for the whole world to see. Now that RTV is on the ropes, we who are of sound mind need to do what any red blooded American does when they see an enemy struggling...kick them while they're down! Expose their baseless largess, their liberal pandering, and their bigotry against the Conservatives in this country on their own turf. I'll post comments if you do. Together we can rock Rock the Vote and hopefully bring them down, or at least legitimately demoralize them even more! We don't need Rock the Vote to think for us, the MTV generation, any longer.

Make sure you tell them I said as much.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Rock the Socialism

The thing that bothers me MOST about Rock the Vote is the fact that they try to pass themselves off as a nonpartisan group, trying to stimulate voter awareness amongst young people. Rock the Vote tries do to this through a number of different media, such as through recommended readings , pairing up with other non profit non partisan agencies, and through sponsoring music/cinema icons to tell you what to vote for.* Let's debunk this myth of the bi-partisan media charade and explore how RTV is completely disingenuous in their claims to political neutrality.

BOOKS!! I'm trusting that by now you've clicked on the recommended readings section. Go ahead a browse around. Do those books look like good non-partisan books with no political agenda whatsoever? Not likely. Take Dispatches from the Culture Wars by liberal radio demagogue Danny Goldberg. This guy is so liberal it's unreal. Danny Goldberg, as of Feb 2005, is the CEO of liberal talk radio network Air America Radio. Since taking office last year, he's made it clear that he wants to make sure to increase the network's advertising and public awareness and to get it aired in 90% of the country. America immersed in liberal radio rubbish? That doesn't smack of nonpartisanship. It turns out Goldberg isn't even that good of a CEO. Since Goldberg's arrival at the progressive talk network, he has been the object of blame for numerous decisions that have sparked controversy among Air America's fans, such as dropping hosts Lizz Winstead and Marc Maron (formerly of Morning Sedition). Citing this guy's book as a recommended read doesn't seem to be politically neutral to me. Not convinced?

Check out the Political Action Handbook (the full title, not displayed on is the Political Action Handbook, a How-To Guide for the Hip Hop Generation) by Dr. Maya Rockeymoore . Rockeymoore, a noted Democrat activitst** has constructed an Anarchist's Cookbook of sorts for the Hip Hop generation. From how to's on how to demand your rights and how to protest the current admisistration, Rockeymoore provides the 'disenfranchised' youth of today some feedback on how to fightback against a Republican dominated Democracy. Nonpartisan reading? Give me a break. If this woman and Goldberg got together and made a baby, they could name it something like Stalin, or Lenin, or Disaffected Black know, something with a little ring to it.

The other books follow suit, you'll just have to take my word for it because I'm too fired up to write more about them. Read them if you want to, but I wouldn't necessarily put them on a recommended reading list.

Another of the most blatant mis-uses of the word 'nonpartisan' pertains to RTV's description of it's offical non-profit backers, or partners . I went through and just did a little bit of re-hee-hee-search on some of these so called nonpartisan non-profit organizations. Wouldn't you know it, most of these organizations are directly tied either to the Democratic/Socialist party, funds from either party, or the endorsement of said parties and their constituents. If I had all day, I could recount to you how seditious these groups are in their presuppositions of political neutrality. If you really want to look into it yourself, head on over to Discover the Network and check it out. Anyway, here are some highlights for you. This is unbelievable:

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN):
ACORN drew national attention during the 2004 election campaign, when its get-out-the-vote activists turned up at the center of numerous reports of voter fraud, especially in the swing states of Ohio, Colorado, Missouri Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Minnesota. Election crimes allegedly perpetrated by activists from ACORN and from its front group Project Vote include, but are not limited to, the following:
•Falsifying thousands of voter registration forms, either by registering the same person multiple times or by registering deceased or imaginary people
•Hiring canvassers to collect registration forms from Democratic voters, while destroying those of Republican voters
•Registering convicted felons, even in states where felons are ineligible to vote (Meghan Clyne, "ACORN & the Money Tree: Taxpayer Money Helps Fund Voter Fraud," National Review Online, 31 October 2004; "ACORN: Voter Registration Fraud Allegations are Just the Tip of the Iceberg," PR Newswire, Employment Policies Institute, 13 October 2004)

Service Employees International Union (SEIU):
•Largest labor union in the AFL-CIO
•Committed $65 million to defeating President George W. Bush in the 2004 election
•Advocates government expansion for the purpose of coercing increased taxes for the public sector
•Gives millions of dollars to Democratic lawmakers and politicians who promote government expansion and higher taxes
•Union organizer Andrew Stern is the current president

League of Women Voters:
•Ostensibly nonpartisan organization that in fact supports the leftwing political agendas
•Supports abortion-on-demand
•Supports "motor-voter" registration, which allows anyone with a driver's license to become a voter, regardless of citizenship status
•Supports gun control, tax hikes, and socialized medicine
•Supports unrestricted immigration

Alliance for Justice
Founded in 1975 by Nan Aron, Alliance For Justice (AFJ) describes itself as "a national association of environmental, civil rights, mental health, women's, children's and consumer advocacy organizations." All of these member groups push leftwing agendas. AFJ believes "that the public's interest is best served when the policies of government result from a dialogue involving not just the decision-makers but also those whose lives are directly [a]ffected by such decisions." Since President Bush first took office, AFJ has deemed that the "public's best interest" requires the commissioning of an "independent judiciary," and to this end, the group has been systematically opposed to each and every one of President Bush's judicial appointments, despite their extensive qualifications. Alliance for Justice is an ideological organization dedicated to leftwing agendas and opposes Bush appointees because of their conservative ideology.

People for the American Way:
•Wages perennial smear campaigns against non-leftist judicial nominees
•Works in partnership with the Democratic Party
•Monitors activities of "right wing" groups
•Played key role in creating United For Peace and Justice

(Oh you want to know about United for Peace and Justice just for fun? OK!)
•Anti-American, anti-war coalition consisting of more than 800 local and national groups
•Co-chaired by committed Socialist and longtime activist Leslie Cagan
•"The Bush Administration has sought to use aggressive military action…to forcibly dominate the world and impose right-wing policies at home under the cover of fighting terrorism."

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP):
•Ranked by the Capital Research Center as being ideologically near-radical in their leftist goals and agendas
•After being removed from office under allegations that he had pocketed over $60,000 from the coffers of the NAACP, former executive director Ben Chavis blames "forces outside the African American community" for his demise, prominent among which were "right-wing Jewish groups." Hmmmmmm.

I could go on and on and on and on people. The benefactors of RTV have an agenda to push and a fleece to pull over your eyes. No where in the litany of suggested readings and nonprofit partner organizations do you see a moderate, let alone Conservative representation. Never do you see conservative personalities in print, radio, or television campaigns with Rock the Vote. Coincidence? I think not. Essentially, conservatism has no place in the "get out the vote" strategy of Rock the Vote. RTV wants you to register to vote if you're going to vote Democrat, or if your ideals fall in line with their narrowminded view of the political process.

If you're sick now, wait until next time. You should SEE what Rock the Vote is doing with YOUR money!!

*(this probably merits a whole separate blog as to why the opinion of a celebrity is canonized among the leftist elite in this country. What more does Justin Timberlake or Leonardo DiCaprio know about voting than you or I? Probably nothing, if not less. Why do we deify these people's opinions, these who makes their living on depicting fiction and making it believable? Hmmm. I'd guess it's because un-reality is actually more exciting than real life, and also that RTV has failed in its mission to start a self-perpetuating youth mobilization towards more political activism. That's a stab in the dark, and also a digression)

** (VP Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, served as the Senior Resident Scholar for Health and Income Security at the National Urban League Institute for Opportunity and Equality, advisor to Mel Watt (D-NC) and Charles Rangel (D-NY), etc.)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Let's get these wheels moving

Alright folks,

First and foremost I have to say that this whole new layout that you all see...that's all Keith. He did all of this stuff. I just kind of checked up on our blog this morning and was suprised to see that it looked, how shall I say it, legitimate. It may even be legitimate enough that you read what even I have to post about.

But seriously folks let's get cranking here. I know you've been waiting with bated breath to see if Keith and Andrew can actually pull off a thoughtful series of postings. I'm here to assure you that we can. As Keith mentioned earlier, I'm going to be trying my darndest to tear apart a long-standing, politically conscious non-profit organization in the United States of America. And I bet that you've guessed that I've got my crosshairs set on the proverbial soft underbelly of the non-partisan farce known to you and I as Rock the Vote . Before I completely destroy and embarass the Rock the Vote organization, let me first start off by telling you why on earth this idea came into my head at this point in time.

In the presidential election of 2004, I took up a beef with Sean "P-Diddy" (or "Puffy" or whatever) and his "non-partisan" Vote or Die campaign. Go ahead and check the's completely inactive, of course. Not only was the campaign slogan mind-numbingly preposterous, the entire organization was predicated upon promoting awareness about how American youth can "change the course of this country" and "make a change now" and on and on and on (read: vote for John Kerry). If you're going to promote making a "change" in an election year, and you're an official sponsor of the Democratic Party (like then that's fine...I think you have the right to speak your peace freely. But when you are organized by confessing Democrats, align your campaign stategy to suit a Democratic/leftist agenda, and encouage an implicit changing of the Republican guard, then you should in no way try to pass yourself off as non-partisan. It's disingenuous, it's farcical, and it's a lie. Fancy Democrats lying about something.

The same duplicity which draws my ire with "Vote or Die" also makes me seethe when I read about "Rock the Vote". RTV is a Democratic vote-generating machine...and anyone with half a brain knows it. I am one who values integrity in politics. Regardless of my political stance, I'm going to use my voice to support whoever has the most character, the most inegrity, and the most up-frontedness with their political aims. Anything less, to me, is unacceptable. Groups like Rock the Vote, with their feigned nonpartisan patina over a heart gushing leftist blood make me sick. That's what initially put a fire under my can to blog about the incongruencies of their organizational philosophy. And the fact that RTV is on the ropes financially and in the eyes of their supporters only further fuels my desire to kick this group while they are down. Yeah I said it...I'm kicking them while they are down.

In exposing the inherent liberal bias of the RTV camp I hope to make you incredibly angry. I hope that in exposing the insidious nature of their "nonpartisan" supporters/partners you feel outraged. I hope that when you see how a bunch of incompetent 20-something's managed to put a (at times) "successful" non-profit organization on the brink of financial collapse you are full of contempt. But most of all...I hope that through all of this blogging nonsense you see how impressionable American youth are these days. They'll accept anything that Jake Gyllenhall tells them to. They'll put fake tattoos on their face because Sam Jackson tells them that to. And what's worst...they will attempt to sway the path of this country because some myopic idealist tries to beguile them into voting for something that they don't even fully understand. Knowledge is power, my friends, and knowledge forged in integrity and truthfulness is a weapon powerful enough to stem the tide of liberal sheep-clothing-masquerades. Over the next week you're going to see indignant, fired up Andrew do what he does best...fight back. This time, it's against ROCK THE VOTE! Let's shut 'em down! Go!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

We're Back!

Well we're sort of back. You'll notice a new format here obviously. Just some new colors to kind of keep things so fresh and so clean clean. We've given you all a little easily accessible information about ourselves. One of the complaints we often had from the most basic of readers is that you could not tell who was posting what articles.

If you see now you can see that Andrew's moniker and mine. So just check the bottom of each post and you'll see who is writing with a friendly reminder down the side of who is who.

Drew and I have decided a new format for our blogs. We each are going to take on serious topics from several angles. It will go in a rotating manner. So for example Andrew may decide that Rock the Vote sucks. He wants to blog about it. He will have a week to complete his blog, or blogs. By giving a week we will hopefully accomplish several things:

1.) Shorter blogs more often. (Our readers have short attention spans apparently)
2.) Time to research our blogs. (While Andrew writes for a week, I can think about my blog for the following week)
3.) A mix of serious well-researched blogs and fun ones as well. (I can not only cover statistically why Rock the Vote blows but can go on a rant one day as well)

So you can expect to learn a little along the way and laugh a bit along the way.

Keep in mind, we do both have jobs, but this should enable us to post with more regularity and not always about things like Ikea or Karnov. Although our Ikea blogs was one of Andrew's better ones. Ah what the heck, I'll link it for you Make sure you check out some of his pictures. Great work Drew! So come back next week for exciting new blog about whatever gets Andrew's ire up!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

I know things are under construction...

...but I cannot pass over this unbelievable, unconscionable, stupefying story. Just read this. More substantial blogs will follow I swear.

(as taken from )

[Chorus 2X: Shug - singing] + (Djay)You know it's hard out here for a pimp (you ain't knowin)When he tryin to get this money for the rent (you ain't knowin)For the Cadillacs and gas money spent (you ain't knowin)[1] Because a whole lot of bitches talkin shit (you ain't knowin)[2] Will have a whole lot of bitches talkin shit (you ain't knowin)

[Djay]In my eyes I done seen some crazy thangs in the streets. Gotta couple hoes workin on the changes for me. But I gotta keep my game tight like Kobe on game night. Like takin from a ho don't know no better, I know that ain't right. Done seen people killed, done seen people deal. Done seen people live in poverty with no meals. It's fucked up where I live, but that's just how it is. It might be new to you, but it's been like this for years. It's blood sweat and tears when it come down to this shit. I'm tryin to get rich 'fore I leave up out this bitch. I'm tryin to have thangs but it's hard fo' a pimp. But I'm prayin and I'm hopin to God I don't slip, yeah


[Djay]Man it seems like I'm duckin dodgin bullets everyday. Niggaz hatin on me cause I got, hoes on the tray. But I gotta stay paid, gotta stay above water. Couldn't keep up with my hoes, that's when shit got harder. North Memphis where I'm from, I'm 7th Street bound. Where niggaz all the time end up lost and never found. Man these girls think we prove thangs, leave a big head. They come hopin every night, they don't end up bein dead. Wait I got a snow bunny, and a black girl too. You pay the right price and they'll both do you. That's the way the game goes, gotta keep it strictly pimpin. Gotta have my hustle tight, makin change off these women, yeah


Just so you know, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences deems "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp" by the 3-6 Mafia the best song written for a movie. This song was (which was most likely composed under a blue-ish gray haze) composed by throwing a handful of resampled music clips together, and laying some basic beats behind them. To compose a song of the caliper of "It's Hard Out Here...", you might need to spend the better part of an hour being tutored on how to use a mixing board...but that's about it. You don't need to know how to sing, how to rhyme, how to compose a musical score, or even how to perform well. The song, about a pimp who treats women like refuse, is the best song for a motion picture according to the Academy.

I know this is the Academy Awards and that there's a built in "this-makes-me-sick" factor inherent in the ceremony, but this travesty takes me want to induce reverse peristalsis. I might never turn on a television again. Am I off-base in assuming that this is a sign of a pending apocolypse? God help us all.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Does Blogging Ever Get Stale?

You bet blogging gets stale! It's bound to happen when the internet is saturated with blogs and bloggers. You all have experienced it. You're bored out of your skull so you go to the internet favorites folder called blogs. You scroll through it, realizing 6 of your 7 friends haven't updated their blog recently. The one friend that has really is just linking you to some foxnews story and summarizing it in a witty manner with some fairly obvious observation. We've all been there.

No one comments. The same story stares you in the face. The color scheme never changes. Oh your friend may have put a fun picture in there. Maybe they went balls to the wall and put a poll on the side. But it's the same old crap. A cute story about Ikea here. Some lonely single girl asking why she can't get a date there. Some right wing fascist nut job telling you why recycling blows.

Is this your life? Well if it is I tell you to take a break from visiting Keith and Andrew Fight Back! Blogs about nintendo games, sports, and the right wing driving you crazy. Well, us too! We're kind of tired of our own blog. Now for those of you who have read this far, don't panic. We're not going to retire. You can all exhale now ... huge sigh of relief I know.

Instead Drew and I plan on scrapping the site for a bit, trying to revamp it, and coming back better than ever. We're going to change this boring as sin color scheme and hopefully I'll put some effort into learning how to do cool crap to the site. We'll get rid of the same lame tired google ads on the side ... we're never making money ... I know. And we're coming back strong.

I can't tell you what we plan to come back with in specific, but know this ... Rock The Vote is about to file for bankruptcy. This organization that claims to be unbiased and interested in registering young people to vote ... yeah their corrupt reign may soon come to an end. Crap! I've already said too much. So enjoy a week or too off, and come see us again in the near future!

Until then ... rock fist!