Thursday, March 02, 2006

Does Blogging Ever Get Stale?

You bet blogging gets stale! It's bound to happen when the internet is saturated with blogs and bloggers. You all have experienced it. You're bored out of your skull so you go to the internet favorites folder called blogs. You scroll through it, realizing 6 of your 7 friends haven't updated their blog recently. The one friend that has really is just linking you to some foxnews story and summarizing it in a witty manner with some fairly obvious observation. We've all been there.

No one comments. The same story stares you in the face. The color scheme never changes. Oh your friend may have put a fun picture in there. Maybe they went balls to the wall and put a poll on the side. But it's the same old crap. A cute story about Ikea here. Some lonely single girl asking why she can't get a date there. Some right wing fascist nut job telling you why recycling blows.

Is this your life? Well if it is I tell you to take a break from visiting Keith and Andrew Fight Back! Blogs about nintendo games, sports, and the right wing driving you crazy. Well, us too! We're kind of tired of our own blog. Now for those of you who have read this far, don't panic. We're not going to retire. You can all exhale now ... huge sigh of relief I know.

Instead Drew and I plan on scrapping the site for a bit, trying to revamp it, and coming back better than ever. We're going to change this boring as sin color scheme and hopefully I'll put some effort into learning how to do cool crap to the site. We'll get rid of the same lame tired google ads on the side ... we're never making money ... I know. And we're coming back strong.

I can't tell you what we plan to come back with in specific, but know this ... Rock The Vote is about to file for bankruptcy. This organization that claims to be unbiased and interested in registering young people to vote ... yeah their corrupt reign may soon come to an end. Crap! I've already said too much. So enjoy a week or too off, and come see us again in the near future!

Until then ... rock fist!


James said...

as a faithful reader who faces the same boredom you have described, it is with joyful exuberance and expectation that I await the changing of the blog.

BenJoBubble said...

Hey! Don't knock sidebar polls or witty summaries and "fairly obvious observation"! That's all some of us readers and bloggers can handle! More importantly, from one blogger to another, trust me: Don't fall into the trap of thinking your "crap" is going to be any different or better than anyone else's ... You'll burn yourself out. At the end of the day, we all write what we want to read.

Good luck getting your template dialed in.