Friday, March 18, 2005

Interesting Post

Wow, I'm glad Andrew has posted 3 times and I haven't posted in ages. I want to commend Andrew on an excellent post and couldn't agree more. I totally agree with the fact that we need to utilize the death penalty. There is no death penalty now it's a glorified slap on the wrist. I read musicruby's comments and I don't know who she is, but I think she's missing the point. Of course it's all about money. People are generally sinful and greedy people so therefore money is always an issue. Having more money also enables people to keep it instead of wasting it on waste of space criminals and keeping them alive. And when people have more money in their pocket the economy is better. So a person keeps his cash, he spends stuff, the business man gets richer, and he spends it, and the stock market goes up and people make money, and wages are raised for the little man and everyone's quality of life is increased. All without raising taxes. Imagine that you democrats. It's trickle down economics baby. Let me hear ya' hollar one time for Ronald Reagan! Anyway I got off on a bit of a tangent.

So musicruby says it costs just as much money to keep people alive as it does to kill them. Not if we don't let them appeal again and again and again. I say we give the person their fair and honest trial and then if they're given the death penalty, kill them. Within a week. It doesn't need to be a long drawn out process that wastes everyone's money and resources. They don't need to read every book in the prison library and learn how to make bombs and modified rifles. And they certainly don't need to have a man named Sue make love to them.

As for deterent any more deterent than we have now is better. If we even keep one more psycho from killing eighteen people or another sick man from molesting children then some good has been done. I'm not sure death is intriguing to them. They may be fascinated by killing people, but deep down people are afraid of their own death. Especially people who have no hope of an afterlife. So these people don't want to die, but whatever psychotic state they may be in, they can't see they may have to face their own death. You know what makes them face their own death? Seeing others just like them get axed, whether through the electric chair, lovely lethal injection, or something even more harsh and gruesome (all in favor say I). You don't deter anyone by showing them life in jail where they pay for nothing and live until the age of a normal man even if only a few years fewer.

Just some thoughts about the death penalty. I'm always in favor of being harsher to others. Most likely because I'm an elitist and I think I'm better than other people. Maybe even if I have no reason to be. But that's really all I have to write about for now. I'm off to watch more March Madness and get up tomorrow morning to buy some U2 tickets for their show in Pittsburgh. Yeah that's right, I'm going to see them a second time ... greatest band ever. Oh yeah, Andrew's list of stuff that incenses me is also dead on. I hate all that stuff completely. And as for that U2 site Bill, I'm not even commenting on it. It's completely bogus and I don't even want to lower myself to commenting on it.

Night all


Anonymous said...

wow...that's sooooo disappointing. First of all...NO...I didn't miss the point, I'm saying it shouldn't even BE a point in that ridiculous rant. Furthermore, just because money is the obsession of the world, doesn't mean it SHOULD be. (then of course there is globalization to consider and how those businessmen that we support spend their money oppressing the masses and murdering them...I suppose it's better to murder the innocent along with guilty so long as it doesn't innconvience you in any way and you have your TV and cable to watch March Madness.) As for a shorter process...absolutely not and it will NEVER happen and I'm going to tell you why...because innocent people have been on Death Row and the process has saved their lives. But I guess you could go all Machiavelli on everyone and make the ends justify the means...that is if your a heartless, self-serving elitist. As for the deterent've missed the point...THEY DON"T CARE! In a sociological survey 98.3% of criminals on Death Row said that they weren't afraid to die, they didn't give their crimes a second thought. On life without parol, it was 97.7%. So what does that mean? You can't deter a psychopath. Oh and PS. It was during the Regan administration, with that trickle down economics that your talking about that the number of children workers quadrupled and poverty around the world doubled...except in the US. But hey I'm just liberal, idealist who values human life over my own comfort, security, and disillusionments...but whatever...moving on.... ;)

Anonymous said...

oh and one more PS. I agree U2 IS the greatest band of all time...enjoy the show! I admit I have jealousy and am coveting your tickets in my heart... ;)

Keith said...

Music Ruby,

1.) What do you expect the people on death row to say. "I'm scared of dying oh man this is going to be horrible!" Of course they're not going to say in a survey they're afraid of it, they're about to face it ... 40 years down the road.

2.) I can't say we shouldn't do something just because it will never happen. I'm an ultimate cynic in life, and usually I do. But if I can somehow find a way to make the time people spend on death row eating up my tax dollars shorter, then I'm going to try. The answer of it will never happen is not enough to get me to give up a good cause.

3.) I'm not for sweat shops in other countries. I'm talking about health and prosperity of people on American soil. If we want to step outside America and argue international aid and politics I'm more than happy to. You can say, "Let's not make America's economy better because other people in the world will suffer." That's absurd. What about all the aid we give to countries every year. Tons, absolutely tons. And don't use that we give only a small percentage of what we have bull crap argument, we give tons more than any other nation.

4.) Ronald Reagan is sweet and I'm going to go buy some of the stamps the US Postal Service has of him.

5.) Democrats are crazy, but you're alright music ruby. I don't even know who you are.

Anonymous said...

What an embarrassing load of poopy.

Get a brain, moran!

Keith said...


After saying it was an, "embarrassing load of poopy" you misspelled moron "moran." Way to represent yourself.

Keith (uscu2)

Anonymous said...

Well I still like you too...even though you're a Republican! ;) Ps...I'm not a democrat... Anyway, as I said to Andrew, in a much longer entry, we will have to agree to disagree because my mind hasn't been changed and neither has yours soooo...let's leave it at that because I'm tired of typing about this. Enjoy the March Madness... :)

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