Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I dun't speek guhd

So I'm conflicted about Lillerty's comments. On the one hand, it means that people read our blog! Awesome. On the other hand, it means someone tore me a new one for relaying a hilarious story about silly French pretzels. I should probably not address the comments, as this blog is set up to stimulate dialogue and discourse between people across states and countries (excpet France, we don't need their opinion on anything). All I'll say is that I have mastered the art of incorporating irony and hyperbole into my weblogs. Read with opened eyes from now on.

And by the way: if you're the customer service rep for a French/Quebecian company with international operations in the United States, you better have dang good mastery of the English language. Granted the dollar store may not be the best place to get pretzels...

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