Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Customer Service

Good rant Andrew. A seriously good rant. Customer service is such a lost art anymore. People act like since they did their job that we should all bow down and thank them. No French people, we do not thank you for putting crappy pretzels in a bag, that is your job. We thank you when you make good pretzels or go above and beyond the call of duty to please people. No one should thank me for a basic tour I give. If I was particularly witty or insightful that day, then people should thank me. I hate how people think we owe them our first born child just since they completed a task.

Moving on ... in other news I've decided the media has an inherent bias against Pittsburgh. This is evidenced by the fact they beat Syracuse last night, the 5th ranked team in the nation, and for Sportscenter highlights they showed 8 syracuse highlights and 4 pitt highlights. PITT WON THE FREAKING GAME AND YOU SHOW HALF THE AMOUNT OF HIGHLIGHTS! Pundits never like Pitt, pundits never pick the Steelers, and God knows our city is never put on the weather channel for weather in certain cities. I hate the fact that the city of Pittsburgh gets dumped on and I'm tired of it.

Things I think I think:

1.) Massage chairs are amazing. Every home in America should be equipped with one.

2.) Butterfingers are an often forgotten about candy. I just got one from Courtney and I had forgotten how good they are. For some reason though, no one wants to buy one when they are thinking about buying a candy bar.

3.) SUVs are ENTIRELY overrated. I hate having to slam the pedal to the floor to get the thing to go, and they are entirely awkward to try and parallel park or see in blind spots. But if you're driving and you count the numbers of cars to SUVs there are now more SUVS on the road then cars.

4.) Vans do not count as anything when counting cars to SUV ratios. Vans are their own category of horribleness.

5.) Is there a better line of video game than the Zelda line that has been around since the beginning? I didn't think so.

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