Friday, February 18, 2005

Another day in paradise

So it was freezing cold today on the way to work and it made me ask myself, "Why do I love Western, PA so much?" Clearly the only reason is because I've grown up here. There is no way in the world that I would desire or choose to live in this region, but then again no other region of the country appeals to me either. If you could live anywhere at all where would you live? Assuming that with this you have job security and are safe. I know gay question, but we're about to enter a busy day in our office and I don't have time to be creative today. I'm going to do something crazy this weekend either Saturday or Sunday and post on our blog. It's going to be a huge dissertation of sorts about why I believe homosexuality is wrong and a brief argument against it. We've gotten ourselves into a cross discussion with some people of another blog. So check back at some point this weekend for intellectual stimulation.

Well, I'm off to interview kids and talk to them about college and stuff. So everyone stay warm today and I'll catch you on the flip side.

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