Monday, February 28, 2005

Kender is right

Che is blowy. New Jersey is blowy. AND! Boondock Saints is an awesome, awesome movie. I can tell you about that, Amanda, but not much more about Che.

Friday, February 25, 2005

This one is for the kids

Sweet and Sassy Bean Casserole:

1 Can Green Beans-drain
1 Can butter beans-drain
1 can wax beans-drain
1 can hot chili beans-don't drain
1 can pork and beans mixed
1 can tomato soup

1.5 lbs hot sausage, snouts and all
1 cup chopped onions
1 cup chopped celery
2 tsp mustard (add 1 tsp cayenne pepper powder for some extra kick!)
1 cup brown sugar (one of these things is not like the other...)

Brown hot sausage, and cook in onions and celery in a skillet. Add soup mustard and brown sugar all at once in the pan. Cook for an additional 15 minutes on medium heat. Too much heat makes it splatter all over the place, resulting in stained clothes and profanity coming from your mouth.

Pour mixture of goodness over all of the beans. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for an hour. Serve hot with beer.

thanks Jennifer! Feel free to try this one out...on the house. PEACE!!

Doo Doo Brown

I just got back from traveling to New Jersey and I realized several things while driving:

1.) My life may not be interesting for me to blog every single day. That's how you end up getting innane drivel from me like what I ate for Lunch. I just don't have enough insightful stuff to say that often.

2.) With the same conviction that I root for the Steelers and the same conviction that I believe in Jesus and the same passion I think the French government is worthless I now hold to the fact that I will NEVER EVER EVER live in New Jersey. What a depressed, ugly, boring, and confusingly lame state. I can't stand the whole place, maybe the worst state ever. Cleveland, Ohio sucks, and New Jersey is like one big Cleveland.

3.) Do you want to know why society is falling apart? No, it's not because of homosexuals (which I still haven't blogged about yet), or ESPN showing arm wrestling the other night, or even the fact that roughly something like 43% of America voted for John Kerry (TREATED!!!!) Society is falling apart thanks to songs like Doo Doo Brown from 2 Live Crew. Thanks to Andrew for introducing me to this song. It seems like their goal may have been to make the most horrible song possible in terms of words and morals ... and oh yeah, they succeeded.

4.) The show on MTV My Sweet 16 Party may be the other reason America is falling apart. Nothing like rich snotty parents throwing their kids roughly half million to million dollar SWEET 16 PARTIES FOR GOODNESS SAKE! These kids blatantly say, "I just want people to know who I am and to be popular." Way to put this kid on TV for goodness sake. They might as well say, "Yeah I'm a complete and total snot and I think it's totally cool for my parents to buy me popularity through a huge dance party where I kick out the 'inferior' kids who are A FLAMING YEAR YOUNGER THAN ME and I serve alcohol and have a body guard to keep kids wee wees off of me since Dad thinks I can't handle it and he's most likely right since he spoils me with money that he thinks is a good switch for love." Ok that's a bit absurd but the show really highlights some of the basic low lights of humanity and makes me ill.

5.) John Mayer blows. The song Daughters is a friggin joke.

6.) Eric Howard welcome to our blog and thanks for the first comment. Howard references a sports website in his comment that some of my friends recently started. People who graduated from Grove City and I have started a site, It's an actual website not a blog. We link some headlines from yahoo sports page and each write roughly two articles a week. We're trying to take down ESPN since they started showing crap that's not sports like: Dale Earnhardt made for TV movies, Poker dramas, freaking arm wrestling, far too much X-Games, things like Cold Pizza. We're getting back to sports hopefully with some humor and pop culture references along the way. It's definitely opinionated sports coverage. We just started it this week, so give it some time and check it out.

7.) Driving through the mountains in roughly 10 inches of snow is a bad thing.

8.) Truck drivers have a general disregard for life. Ok I'm painting in broad brush strokes again, I'm very guilty of this. But after being stuck in roughly 10 miles of traffic due to accidents on Interstate 80, the truck drive behind me informed me the reason we were stopped was, "There was a Fed Ex truck that flipped over and a couple of guys died. That's what's holding us up is they have to clean it all up." I was apalled, literally almost physically ill.

9.) Roy Rogers fast food sucks. If you've ever had it you know what I mean.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

This is me leaving...this is me leaving


Amanda, What has France contributed to the global community in the past 200 years, outside of their philosophies and superior cheese? Nothing. NOTHING! I'm not going to hate on France, and I'm not going to say I hate French's all a ploy to drag people to my blog with incendiary comments. France pillaged the world under Napoleon, got screwed over in a multiple World Wars, asked for our help (and got it) then shied away from global politics save to stand on the sideline and play Monday Morning Quarterback with world affairs. The French people may be great, but this deification of the Eurpoean, and more importantly French lifestyle and worldview is complete ignorance. France does not have the solution to the world's problems, and this isn't to turn around and say America has them all either. But as I survey the global landscape, take into consideration which countries are capable of making the world a better place it's clearly obvious that America is the only country in this entire world that gives a crap about anyone else. You can cynically look at that and call it greed, imperialism, racism, egocentrism, which undoubetedly you will. I see things differently, and would challenge you to take a break from your cyclical odious attitude towards America. That goes for all of you others out there as well!

With that said, I'm leaving the topic of France alone forever. Unless France, or French-inspired products like pretzels from Canada, or cigarette packs with dead babies on them ruin my day, I promise I won't talk about the dang country again. Jock Shirock is so sweet!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I know you love it!

Ok I'm back,

For the past week I've been completely sapped away from our blog because of my intense discussion with some tree hugging liberals in NYC who hate Christians and hate America. They may not agree with that last statement, but it's right.

So I know you have all been dying to know a lot of things, like:
1) Why did Fowler and Bailey stop blogging comments?
2) Who is OLMEC and how did he get on your site?
3) Has Andrew bought pretzels for the dollar store lately?

Well guess what kids? I have some answers for you!

1) Bailey and Fowler stopped commeting because they were raptured up to heaven. Chalk them up there with Elijah and Enoch as two who never tasted the bitter pill of death. We miss them commenting, but they are in a better place.

2) OLMEC, I hate to ruin the surprise, is Bill, my good friend from home. And if you all didn't know, Bill is Greek and ladies seriously litter themselves around the ground that he walks on. Litter!! I think Bill's dated 6 girls for every 1 girl I've dated in Western PA. He's the man and he can do some killer programming. Bill, if you send me a link to your website, I'll plug it all the time on my blog.

3) No I have not bought any, but I have had some other pretzels from the dollar store. Keith got some, and I tried them. Let me say first and foremost that they are good pretzels, all jokes aside. They are crunchy enough, salty enough, and just the right size for bite size snacking on the fly. The other stupid French Twists were in the shape of an elongated baguette (go figure) and had a blase taste as well (blase...typical French word to descibe typical french pretzels). And I KNOW that France is not the same as Canada, but Frenchies are the same the world over-they all blow. America clearly makes a superior pretzel, and the France should bow down. This reminds me of a flyer that Bill sent me...

Sunday, February 20, 2005

I lied

Ok I lied. I said I was going to post this weekend why I believed homosexuality is wrong. But the weekend got ridiculously busy. I'll get on it soon, at a later time perhaps. I know, I'm a total slacker, but this is the stuff my life consists of.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Just for the record

In an effort

1) to get more people to read our blog
2) stimulate people's minds and
3) get another perspective on life

I am going to start officially plugging the blog of my friend Lillet's weblog. She's a smart cookie and has worldviews radically different than mine. She also hates me, I think. And Keith too. So in addition to posting banal stories on this weblog, I put serious intellectual power into my posts on her weblog. I don't know if she'll appreciate this reciprocity, but go check out what she has to say. It's kind of entertaining as well.

Check out stuff to it and watch Keith and I get torn up:

Later, ya weinas!!!!!!

Another day in paradise

So it was freezing cold today on the way to work and it made me ask myself, "Why do I love Western, PA so much?" Clearly the only reason is because I've grown up here. There is no way in the world that I would desire or choose to live in this region, but then again no other region of the country appeals to me either. If you could live anywhere at all where would you live? Assuming that with this you have job security and are safe. I know gay question, but we're about to enter a busy day in our office and I don't have time to be creative today. I'm going to do something crazy this weekend either Saturday or Sunday and post on our blog. It's going to be a huge dissertation of sorts about why I believe homosexuality is wrong and a brief argument against it. We've gotten ourselves into a cross discussion with some people of another blog. So check back at some point this weekend for intellectual stimulation.

Well, I'm off to interview kids and talk to them about college and stuff. So everyone stay warm today and I'll catch you on the flip side.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Tupac or not Tupac, that is the question.

Actually, I don't know how you could no Tupac!

Tupac was so money. His beats, his music, his passion was all so tangible. For example, Biggie sings a song about getting some from one of his groupies. You know that the sad, sordid tale is probably true just because of Biggie's status. But inevitably the question that should pop into your head is "Honestly Biggie was a fat sot. Did he really get any?". Now consider Tupac. You look at the dude and think to yourself automatically "I bet this dude got tons of hood rat chicks who only rock sneakers". There's no question about it! I think that type of undeiable and insurmoutable street cred typifies who Tupac was. Granted I'm a white dude from Suburbia, but that's the impression that I get and that's why I wish he was still around.

And I've got something else to mention...Ma$e is 20% retarded, literally. He's 75% retarded figuratively. Does his 20% legitimate retardation take away from his figurative retardation (figuring that maybe some of his figurative retardation could stem from his legitimate retardation) or does it compound his figurative retardation? A question for the ages, I know...

The City paper is so great.

I think next year I'm going to vote for Prince for President of the USA. Come on, chant with me me now... PRINCE! PRINCE! PRINCE!


Two more questions for the day that just popped in my head:

1.) Have you ever wondered what life would be like if Tupac and Biggie were still alive?

2.) You have to choose one, who do you pick Tupac or Biggie? Which rapper is the one you keep?

I know it's almost heretical to say, but I choose Biggie, I just think I like more of his stuff. Tupac was definitely harder and cooler, but Biggie was so money. So stinking money.

Legends of the Hidden Temple

So this guy commented on our blog yesterday, but it's some dude who seems like he's just talking like the narrator from that old Nickelodeon show Legends of the hidden temple. Check it out, he commented on my short blog yesterday "Agree" It's totally from that show. Remember the teams they had, Blue Barracudas, Green Monkeys and I think the Purple Lizards were another. It was such a sweet show. In fact a lot of TV used to be sweeter. Think about the sweet shows Nick used to have between like Legends of the Hidden Temple, Double Dare, Doug ... freakin Doug! Now they have gay stuff. Plus new Cartoon Network cartoons blow. I hate them so much. The Boomerang channel is so much sweeter that plays Jetsons and Flintstones. I'm just sick of network TV and other companies overdoing it. Like reality TV, it's gone WAY TO FAR. What's worse is we're stuck with it. You only have to pay little Susie off the street pocket change compared to real actors and comedians to do show. I hate that TV is slowly being ruined. Here's a good question do I hate TV because it's getting suckier, or do I hate it because I'm getting older and out of touch with society? I hope that it's not part of me being old and lame.

I tried to change my font for this blog, if it looks different that's why. I totally bought Ninja Gaiden last night for Xbox. Incredibly detailed and sweet game. As soon as I turned it on and picked up the controller it was like I entered some vortex where 2 hours of my life was just zapped away never to return. Really sweet game, so far fairly challenging also, I highly recommend it at this point.

In the new tradition of reporting good news, cause heaven knows we need more good news in the world, the guy at Lids last night (hat store in Ross Park mall) said since they were out of a hat, they would mail it to my house if I wanted to free of charge when they get it in. Now, this is really weak good news, but work with me. A company is not only trying to do their job, provide hats (their only item) but they are going the next step, and since they were out, offering to send it to my house free of charge. That is good customer service and I will now tell everyone how sweet the store Lids, sometimes known as Hat World, is to its customers. I highly recommend Lids to all of you.

Ok lastly for the day, if you like rap music, go listen to some of MA$E's old music. He's now a born again Christian and a pastor to boot, and he's making a rap comeback. He's doing it, but as a clean rapper, his new song is littered with quick little references such as, "I be like Moses and I bring you the law." That my friends is high comedy. So his new CD inspired me to listen to some of his old stuff. MA$E is so sweet. I'm sure he's not happy that I'm listening to his old dirty past life that he's trying to throw off, but you should all go listen to the stuff, it's fabulous. Some of his work whether his or a collaberation: Mo Money Mo Problems, Can't Nobody Hold Me Down, Feel so Good, Take What's Yours, Been Around The World, I could keep going, but that's a few. Great music if you like rap. Oh yeah, the person that blasted Andrew for being angry about the gay pretzels, go read her blog, you can read her comment then click on her name and it takes you to her blog. She's quite the pretentious one. I'm out kids.

This is me standing atop Mt. Superiority. Watch as I gaze condescendingly down! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


I didn't blog today. I actually got stuff done so I don't have a whole lot to say. I agree with Andrew. If you're selling your product in a foreign country or responding with someone, at least have a mastery of the language. When I go to Uganda I try to use the language well. I study it and I have a grasp of it at least. If I was going to do business in that country, the grace period passes and I make sure I have a mastery of it all so I don't offend them. French people suck, they try to befriend everyone and you can't do that in life. Way to try to side with the UN and then turn around and repair relations with the U.S. In life you have to take a stand, you can't be spineless and expect to get along with everyone, people will lose respect for you.

One quick point, I realize more and more every day that I am slowly becoming a typical guy. I like dude movies where stuff blows up, I become less observant and when home in the evening I am much less conversational. I don't know what to do about this. I always told myself I wouldn't be like that, but I have slowly become like that. How can one change who they are and become something a bit better? I don't know how to change for the better anymore. Any suggestions

I dun't speek guhd

So I'm conflicted about Lillerty's comments. On the one hand, it means that people read our blog! Awesome. On the other hand, it means someone tore me a new one for relaying a hilarious story about silly French pretzels. I should probably not address the comments, as this blog is set up to stimulate dialogue and discourse between people across states and countries (excpet France, we don't need their opinion on anything). All I'll say is that I have mastered the art of incorporating irony and hyperbole into my weblogs. Read with opened eyes from now on.

And by the way: if you're the customer service rep for a French/Quebecian company with international operations in the United States, you better have dang good mastery of the English language. Granted the dollar store may not be the best place to get pretzels...


Hey I smoked Vanilla sheesha in our hookah last night for over 2 hours.

Also, thanks to Keith, you can read this article.,2933,147713,00.html

Finally, in conclusion, I am the best Street Fighter 2 player in the Universe and don't you doubt it for a second.

Last-Off: I want some coffee but it's NOT because I'm addicted to it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Customer Service

Good rant Andrew. A seriously good rant. Customer service is such a lost art anymore. People act like since they did their job that we should all bow down and thank them. No French people, we do not thank you for putting crappy pretzels in a bag, that is your job. We thank you when you make good pretzels or go above and beyond the call of duty to please people. No one should thank me for a basic tour I give. If I was particularly witty or insightful that day, then people should thank me. I hate how people think we owe them our first born child just since they completed a task.

Moving on ... in other news I've decided the media has an inherent bias against Pittsburgh. This is evidenced by the fact they beat Syracuse last night, the 5th ranked team in the nation, and for Sportscenter highlights they showed 8 syracuse highlights and 4 pitt highlights. PITT WON THE FREAKING GAME AND YOU SHOW HALF THE AMOUNT OF HIGHLIGHTS! Pundits never like Pitt, pundits never pick the Steelers, and God knows our city is never put on the weather channel for weather in certain cities. I hate the fact that the city of Pittsburgh gets dumped on and I'm tired of it.

Things I think I think:

1.) Massage chairs are amazing. Every home in America should be equipped with one.

2.) Butterfingers are an often forgotten about candy. I just got one from Courtney and I had forgotten how good they are. For some reason though, no one wants to buy one when they are thinking about buying a candy bar.

3.) SUVs are ENTIRELY overrated. I hate having to slam the pedal to the floor to get the thing to go, and they are entirely awkward to try and parallel park or see in blind spots. But if you're driving and you count the numbers of cars to SUVs there are now more SUVS on the road then cars.

4.) Vans do not count as anything when counting cars to SUV ratios. Vans are their own category of horribleness.

5.) Is there a better line of video game than the Zelda line that has been around since the beginning? I didn't think so.

Taking down the French!

Here's a little story for you all,

So last week Courtney comes into my office and is all like "Hey I got these crappy pretzels at the Dollar Store. They taste really bad". Now it may just be me, but whenever someone suggests that the food that they are eating or drink that they are drinking tastes bad, my first inclination is to say "Oh, let me try it!". So I did. I ate some of these Pretzels...or so they were called!! They were the crappiest excuse for pretzels that I've ever had. They tasted kind of like plaster, and had about the same consistency.

I was kind of upset that the pretzels were so bad (they are from the dollar store, what did I expect). What really irked me though is that they were made by French people in Canada!! CANADA!! Half of the bad was even in French! That was the last straw in my book. The French sit there, smoking their faggots, wearing berets, making sub-par pretzels and foisting them on the American public ALMOST as a slap in the face to our collective palate. It's as if the French are saying "Zeez Stupid Emiikans don't know good tazte...we'll give zhem deh, how do you say, crrrrrrrrappy pretzels ho ho hoooo viva la France!" I for one would not stand for it.

Being the quick action-taker that I am, I hopped on LeClerc (of course a French company name too)'s website to shoot them off a scathing email. This is what I said:

"Commentaires :
To Whom it May Concern,
I am now eating some of the LeClerc Classic Pretzel Twists. I must say, in my humble opinion, that these are the worst pretzels that I have ever eaten. Never distribute to Dollar Tree, or any store for that matter, again. I think making snack bars would be a better use of your employees' time. Thank you!

I of course was expecting nothing in return. What I got was a slap in the face from Veronique Fru Fru Frenchie:

Dear Mr. Andrew:
Following your email on our Web site, we would like to thank you for taking the time to write and tell us about our Pretzels.
Be assured that we do our utmost to offer the best quality products to our customers. If it is possible for you, we will very appreciate that you confirm the lot number that appears on the product that looks like : 03E230 11:22. This way we will be able to find out if something has been wronmg for that particular production.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Véronica Simard
Biscuits leclerc Ltd.

So many things wrong here:
1) She spelled 'wrong' wrong...a blantant slap in the face to the English launguage
2) She didn't even use proper sentence structuring ("we will very appreciate"? come on)
3) They don't apologize for the crap I ate!!! I ate crappy pretzels, and the company writes back to tell me "We make high quality products. Go back to the store, get the package number, and write us back"?!?! What happened to "We're sorry your pretzels sucked" or "Hey have a free bag on us". That's the American Way (along with touching the bonus, Mike and Colin I'm looking your direction)!! But I guess the French Way is "We're never wrong, we're just a bunch of stupid babies". Eat me, France...I'd probably taste better than your pretzels!

Monday, February 14, 2005


I have officially entered the realm of geeky nerds by downloading a program known as filetopia. I'm on a quest to find the full version of Kanye West at the Grammys last night. I think I'm close to finding it, but not quite there yet. Some guys say they should have it ripped and up by this afternoon, we'll see if they are correct or not. Grammys were alright. Good performance by U2 so that's sweet. But it makes me mad that Ray Charles won all those Grammys. Don't get me long, I love Ray. Georgia on my mind is in my top 50 songs most likely, but don't give a dude like 7 grammys cause he died. He's not even here to get them or enjoy them. I think it's bogus when people do stuff like that, way to ruin the Grammys voters, way to ruin the Grammys.

I'm going to also comment on Bailey's (a new reader woooooo) comment. I kind of agree. I like some of the stunts they do. But some of them are just flat out gay. I don't want to see people on dirt bikes go off a snow ramp and let go of the handlebars and then come back on the bike. They all practically do the same thing. I do want to see sweet jumps and ballsy things. A lot of them have huge stones ... and scars to show for it. Crazy. The X-games have an upside, but ESPN advertises them like they're friggin the NFL. Huge props to some X-gamers, no props to ESPN for continuing to: A.) overhype yourself, B.) show more drama a day than actual sports C.) continually jumping the shark and putting gay stuff on too many channels. They used to be sweet when there were like two sportscenters and stuff like ESPN 2 and ESPN News and ESPN Classic were all on one station. Too watered down and the X-games is part of that.

Valentines Day definitely sucks. I like to argue that it's gay for everyone, not just people who are single like myself and Andrew (ladies take note two eligible guys living in a crappy house are up for grabs.) I think it totally goes against a relationship, not that I've ever been in one. But shouldn't you do nice stuff for the person you're wif every day of the week or all the time, not just one day a year. Plus this day of the year crap costs more than usual, so you can't do nice stuff as often. You buy like one rose today and it costs roughly $26.73. When if you bought them other days of the year you could buy more and do sweeter stuff. Valentines Day blows, lets not all try to pretend it's sweet.

Took the LSAT this weekend. I'll let you know how it went March 7th when I get my results. It could have gone well, could have been horrible. All I know is that it was the most mentally exhausting thing I've ever done ... ever. A girl broke into tears halfway through the test during our break and I heard a guy fall to his knees and explain how badly the test ... ummm ... had it's way with him to put it mildly. It was unreal. I'm glad it's done and the stress is past. I also had the lovely experience of hearing the worst band I've ever heard. Three people, no bass player, and the singer was a horrible horrible girl. It sounded as if someone was pooping in my ear. Oh man, that bad. Anyone out there play Fable for Xbox? It ate away the rest of my weekend and is so totally sweet. My character is ultimate evil personified. I love that game. I'm out for now. Later dudes.

Valentines Day pt. II

Or part DIEUX as the French would say. The French also say other stuff like "I like to smoke faggots!" and "Give me a baguette to eat while I wear my black and white striped shirt!" and "I have a beret!". But we're not here to discuss the French, we're here to talk about Vday again really quickly.

For as much as I knock V-day today, Courtney did get me some sweet Valentines day presents. She also got me a new cell phone which works REALLY well. And also, I don't think I've gotten as many Valentines from one person, at one time, ever! Thanks Courtney, you sure know how to make a guy feel special!

Does anyone have a full length clip of Kanye at the Grammys?

Valentines Day

Does everybody know what today is? That's right you do: it's Valentines Day, ho faces. Valentines Day. What a misnomer. They make it sound all fluffy and fruity but it's really not. It's about some dude who got kilt (short for 'killed') for trying to marry people, apparently. That's what I think happened, but you can read it for yourself here:

This delightfully gay website will break down:
1) what valentine's day is about,
2) who saint valentine was, and
3) some valentines day customs.

What this website doesn't tell you is:

1) How Cabbage Patch kids got into the V-day mix
2) Why you get valentines from ugly girls in elementary school
3) How many brain cells you will lose reading this short history of V-day.

So check this website out, because I don't have the energy to make cynical comments about valentines day all day...all valentines day. Unless you have someone to fawn over, I say Valentines day is a waste of time.

I seriously have to stop being negative, maybe some coffee will make my face happy!!

Friday, February 11, 2005


1) Ska never dies, it's still around. It's just under the surface of unpopular music. If you want to revive ska I'll help you...listen to Catch 22 and Less Than Jake again. I still get pumped up listening to that. Oh and Hey! Ska byt the suidice machines is still such an awesome song, JSO RULES!
2) The Lemon Jolly Rancher is inferior to: 1) the strawberry, grape, and watermelon ranchers in that order. It's no wonder it's not around any more because it had only a niche market. However, if you had to get rid of a Rancher, I think the cinnamon ones should go. They blow hard.
3) Write blogs and sports web pages...OR play Fable all day like Chaney (don't think I didn't see you at 3:00AM this morning rotting your brain out).
4) Teleporting would be so incredibly great. Here are the problems with teleporting that I see: a) What if you and someone teleport to the same place at the same time? You get a mess. b) What if someone teleports into your bathroom while you taking a long call? You get embarassed. c) What happens if someone teleports into space? They die. Too many variables with teleporting. Now time travel, I've already looked into that for myself...
5) I have no idea and for one and irate that Arrested Development is being canceled. That was the only show worth watching or blogging about on TV!!! How who will I have inside jokes with?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?! DIE FOX DIE!
6) The Xgames are sweet and take great athletic prowess to pull off. I like to snowboard a lot, so I will say that Xgames have pertinance to my life.
7) It would't be cool because knowing you you'd use your powers for evil!!!! Xray vision in the girls locker room AGAIN Keith?!

Here's a question: How sweet is 311 honestly? And how sweet is it that my little brother's goal for the year is to get down to New Orleans on March 11 for the Annual 3-11 day concert with 311?! I've succeeded as a big brother I think.

Yeah blogger

So I'm getting pumped about our blog a little more now that I know Andrew isn't the only person to read it. I found out of course this week that Fowler reads it, but also that Laura Thomas and Kyle Scarbro read it. Notice the shout out to our faithful readers here with us since the beginning. When our blog reaches critically massive levels of success we will remember you ... most likely. You can just be assured that we won't pass you on the street and forget to say hello at least. Speaking of Laura, I'm going to continue in my tradition of mentioning good news in my blog. Last night Laura came over to our hopping bachelor pad, and out of the goodness of her heart, made us dinner last night. Don't blush Laura, just making sure you get mad props. We are totally appreciative of her doing so, especially when our apartment is in its early stages of being put together. It's not really sweet yet, and we don't have all the fun stuff put together, but she came over and made us sweet food. Way to be a servant Laura, way to be.

Questions I would like to have answered in my life:

1.) What the heck happened to ska?
2.) Why did they get rid of the lemon jolly rancher? It was by far my favorite. You can't just take away something that's been a staple of your product and not offer it anymore. You have to at least offer it in some way. I may never buy jolly ranchers again?
3.) What am I supposed to do now that there is no football on?
4.) Do you think there is any way to teleport ever?
5.) Why are they cancelling Arrested Development? Will reality TV ever end? Why must the state of TV suck so bad currently? Woof.

That's about it for now. I'm going to avoid / move on from Andrew and I's (you like that Drew) argument regarding God making every decision about your life and everything here on his green earf. He and I will respectfully agree to disagree on a matter with no true answer. My last assertion is that I believe God is sovereign and infallible, but somehow there is a gray area where we have the ability to make the decisions for sweet things. Like surely God didn't come up with the Winter X Games. It has to be some idiot dudes idea to turn halfpipe into a snowboarding event and suck at it a lot. Winter X Games blow.

6.) When will ESPN stop showing TV shows and gay things like X Games and start showing more sports shows?

My last point, some of my friends and I are starting a sports website. On this website we will write a couple articles a week. It'll be informal sports talk filled with analysis, wit, and insight. If you like that kind of stuff, I'll be giving you the website here when we get it started. I'll be writing roughly two articles a week for it. It's not every day thoughts like my blog, but stuff with more thought put into it so it should be even better. Alright, I'm off to go interview kids ... I hope they're not gay.

7.) How sweet would it be if I was a super hero?

Thursday, February 10, 2005

God planned for you to blog that...

Let me say a couple of things here. First, how pumped am I that Fowler keeps putting his 2 cents into the comment section of our blog? I am so excited to have a regular contributor. And no I'm not a cynical dude to begin with, I just like to front to see how people respond. But I am serious about the Soverrignty of God. Fowler brings up a good point which leads me to point 2) I don't think Keith or I's point will ever be reconciled...yeah I just say I's. It's late and I's tired so I'm not going to speak good stuff to it. But the Truth probably lies somewhere in the middle, though I agree with Fowler about his 1st and 2nd paragraph in his comment on the last blog. I think everyone should read it. Good work my man.

If our Blog is gospel truth, is Fowler's commentary the Apocypha? And am I a heretic for putting my words on the same level as the Gospel? Clearly someone is tired in this equation, and it isn't the Holy Spirit. Bed is talking some serious trash...

Calvin and Hobbes

I disagree with Andrew's logic. I think he just attributed a thing to God because it's good. Nowhere in Genesis does it say, "On the 10th day God created the electoral college. After that he appointed a president of the land via this electoral system." I think Andrew is just saying that democracy is of God because it's a good thing. Why then does he not think communism is of God ... because it's bad? You can't just go around attributing things that are good to God. I tend to be less of a hard-line determinist type person than Andrew. I think man has free will and can come up with the construct of government. Since man came up with this construct, it is inevitably flawed (i.e. democratic party ... just kidding). It's the best that we have to work with at this point, but obviously not the best.

Sorry Drew, but I don't think the same way. I guess that's the point of a web blog. I don't believe we own our own salvation or anything, but I believe that we can do other things, that are flawed, but lasting, in this life. Just a thought, no real humor in this post, let me know your thoughts.

Ok I'll tip my hat now

Alright kids here is some more comentary on being a contributor to society.

And this is also where I tip my hat and, Fowler, I can owe it all to you. I was going to be all sneaky and try to mask my true feelings about improving the world but I will say that I think humans can have a great impact on the world. "Wait wait wait Andrew you can't go changing your position all willy nilly like that? I hate you!!" you might say to me. BUT WAIT! Hear me out here. If you read my argument carefully you will see that I only mention 'humans' contributing to the world and I believe that human endeavor, based soley on human motivations and human drives and human means will ultimately pass away. The temporal creates the temporal and cannot do otherwise. It's not in man's nature to be able to create change or establish anything outside himself that won't pass away.

So where does the change come? How can man be an agent of change if it's not in his nature to change? I'll tell you how! With the aid of the supernatural, i.e. God! Granted I'm taking an admittedly Christian perspective here, so if you're not under the persuasion that Christ gives meaning and purpose to all activity you may find my argument stupid. But I think that all goodness and all integrity and all positivity flows from Christ. What good we can impart on society comes from the goodness of God himself. Government (particularly a democratic one), Fowler argues, is a manmade insitution. I purport that it's a divine institution given to man by one outside of time and outside of the temporal. I think socialism is a perversion of a democratic government. Where has it succeeded? Where has it positively impacted those subjected to it? Guess what? It hasn't. Man made-communism. God breathed-democracy. I know someone out there is probably cringing at my notion, but that's my idea and I'm sticking to it.

Man is the vessel and all good comes from God. Even the good deeds that we do, I believe don't ultimately stem from humans but stem from God. I can't go into a diatribe right now and break down my argument to every minute point because Keith is whistling and talking loudly like a jag-off and disrupting any semblence of concentration I can muster. But the point being What man does passes away. You put man's works and a holy motivation behind it? I think that impacts people. The impact of the spiritual on the temporal produces lasting change. So if you want to go out and make a positive change in this world, do it for Christ. the witness you becomes, the lives you touch, the things you make, the instituions you establish, the papers you write will all be infused with that timeless spiritual nature that breathes into them life beyond our years and impact beyond what we can ever see with our cloudy, finite eyes. There I'm done.

LSAT Horribleness

I am taking the LSATs this Saturday as I mentioned yesterday. My walls are starting to close in around me now. I see the test coming and last night instead of hard core studying I watched Duke vs. UNC and played a lot of Fable. I really wish I had studied more. I'll never make it in law school, I don't have the study ethics (if that makes sense). So I guess I'm not really sure why I'm taking the LSATs. Part of it I think is my desire yesterday to make an impact and I see that as the best way. Molding the laws of the land, going into politics and making a difference, or just being a fricking sweet lawyer. I don't think that I have the type of personality for it though or the drive to do it. This is kind of making me think the LSATs are less important. Basically I'm screwed.

On a more happy note yesterday I purchased some of the Sweet Tart Sweet Hearts from Walmart. They're so undeniably sweet. Little heart phrases (Be Mine, True Love, I'm Yours minus the gay ones on the old school chalky hearts IM Me, Fax Me, TXT Me) and they taste like little tiny sweet tarts. Unreal food item, right up there with the best seasonal food items. The top seasonal food item has to be the Little Debbie Pumpkin Delights. They taste like cinnamon pumpkin cakes of goodness. Really, come Fall you HAVE TO GET SOME!

So Courtney just came into my office and said that I gained street cred. this fall. Somehow I don't think she has the correct definition of Street cred. Street cred for all you crackers out there is street credibility a.k.a. how well you carry yoursefl on the street and appear as credible and hard. DMX defines street cred, great point Andrew about DMX having pit bulls, he's just hard as nails. You don't hear him slamming G-Unit or siding with the Terror Squad (great post 9-11 name by the way) he just comes to peoples aid and rolls with EFFING DOGS! So tough right now, if I could be any man in a fight, I'd be DMX. Thanks for the compliment Courtney, we love ya' round here, but I'm not sure I have much street cred.

Big shout out to our man Fowler, who if he keeps this up may become an honorary contributing member of the blog. He's smoking anyone out there who is reading this. For goodness sake just comment once in a while, we are giving you GOLD HERE friggin GOLD! Anyway, I'm off to Taco Bell for a little bit of lunch. Grilled Stuffed Chicken Burrito is phenomenal. Then I'll slog through work this afternoon, followed inevitably by studying for something I'm not cut out to do, and then hopefully some Fable before bed. Well dudes stay cool and try not to suck like North Korea ... way to be communist and make nukes have fun being in power for a few more months.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Music for Keith

First off, let me say that yes DMX may be the hardest rapper out there. The dude travels not with rough looking thugs who would curse you out and say something derrogatory about your mom. DMX rolls with freaking pit bulls who bite you unmercifully. I'll take a mf over a b-i-t-e any day!

And as for music that Keith should listen to (sans deathmetal, which really does get a bad rap):
1) Brand New-really mellow kind of whiny rock
2)The Chemical Brothers
3) Taking Back Sunday
4) The Strokes
5) 311...of course

And don't be cynical, and I'll tell you why later. Stay baffled and rock out.


I think my blog is a good place to reassert what I have always felt. If I saw DMX in the street, I think he would stab me in the chest, laugh, and then leave. He has to be the hardest rapper. He's be all like, "Whaaaaaat! You just been stabbed ho!" Then I'd be left there bleeding and he'd go rap some more. DMX is so tough.

Cynicism abounds ...

Wow ... Andrew ... way to destroy the next 50 years of my life in a few swift key strokes. Here's the sad part, I typically on a daily basis think like he does. I tell myself, there's no way I'll ever make a lasting impact or ever contribute something positive and worthwhile to society. I mean I'm not going to ever make America anything sweeter than company rooted in free market ideas, Christian values, and republican. I'm never going to be known as Ronald Reagan who did great things for America and was a huge part of the Berlin wall falling. I know that I'm not going to be creating any stinking light bulbs. There has to be something though, something I can do to make an impact and shape the world. I can't let this cynicism overtake me, or I will just stay here and be an admissions counselor for the rest of my life. What's the purpose of living if men don't strive to do great things?

I don't know if this is unreasonable of me to desire or what. I don't even know if there is anyway I can get on the life track to do great things. I guess I'm just destined to be a fish in a bowl impacting only my little circle of influence with base comments, pieces of humor, and little to no insight. I just feel like as it is now, I can't live the rest of my life. I feel as though I'm influencing people, but only on a small level. Our entire lives people tell us we will do great things and we can do anything we want to do. Is this a lie?

Anyway, I'm going to try to get back into the tradition of sharing good news with you who read our blog. As of now I know this is Joel and Jeff Fowler. Seriously, mad props to Fowler for commenting, even if it's about his pathetic life as a married person and "the obvious" part of being married. Way to chime and Fowler, and keep enjoying being married and all the perks. Come out to Pittsburgh, I know it's an economically depressed city, but there are tons of jobs, I promise ... sort of ... I have no good news today, but I'll start again soon.

Things I think I know:

1.) We're getting digital cable so we can get more sweet channels. We're going to get the boomerang channel, it's the one with all the old cartoons like Flinstones, GI Joe, and Super Friends. It's so sweet.

2.) We cooked last night, well Jordan did. Cooking is going to suck and I'm going to lose roughly 40 pounds I bet.

3.) U2 is such a sweet band. I am going to see them in 87 days. Not that I'm counting, but I seriously can't wait.

4.) The LSATs are this Saturday that I'm taking and I don't think I'm ready for them. Oh well not much I can do now is there.

5.) Nelly is pretty sweet.

6.) Any music out there you guys think I should try and listen too? Please no death metal or country. Thanks for the input.

I'm out.

The Contribution

I agree with Keith, that we need to impact our culture. It can be debated by some that we will never be able to make a real contribution to society. "Andrew what are you talking about? You're crazy! Of COURSE we can give back to our culture! Stop talking that gibberish" Pish posh I say to you. This is where I transform into a cynic beyond belief! BLAO POOF!!

What can we give back to society? A fist full of nothing!! What good can you do as a human? What tangible contribution will you give to society that won't, at one point or another, pass away and be reuced to meaninglessness? The biggest philanthropist, the most generous compassion worker, the most ardent business person or lawyer- what do they all have in common? Their ambition ultimately ends in an attempt at social improvement, they make some small change, they die, they are forgotten, and then things that they worked for die eventually with them. Name one thing on this earth that man has made, or a way that man has improved society which will last forever? I'll give you a buck if you think of one thing. It all passes away, only to surface again where? On an eloquent epitaph. My cannons of cynicism and doubt are blazing and you just got hit with a rocket of angst.

"But Andrew" you inquire, "I thought you were a happy, optimistic dude who loved the Lord? Why you talkin' this jive?!". That, my friends in blog land, is a discussion for another day. Stay posted, like Fowler! Wooo!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


It's like blao! That's what the rappers say at least. I don't have a whole lot to say at this late hour other than what Andrew said. We are in our apartment and things are starting to shape up. My quality of life has definitely dropped a good thousand points, but at the same time, it's improving. I have my own space again, which I haven't been able to say for roughly a year. I got cable and internet today so I again have access to the outside world. Just a taste of things that you take for granted until they return: I was watching Hannity and Colmes tonight while hanging up pictures. Once Colmes sufficiently pissed me off with his raging liberalism I turned on the U2 concert from Slane Castle in Ireland. Either way it's sweet, it's like having a large single in college, but only I can put nails in the walls. All in all, not a bad gig. I can look up and see myself surrounded by my shrine to U2.

The only thing that is yet to be put up is my Steelers neon sign and I may just wait to do that. It's a heavy piece of stuff and I want to make sure that I do it correctly. But just having it on in my room on some boxes is considerably lifting my moods. The room has a ton of my flavor but in a bachelor kind of way really. I have all my posters up on the wall just kind of hanging with duct tape or poster putty. It's a far cry from my office where everything is framed and matching. Here is home and home is all the things you enjoy: Steelers, U2, and the Boston Celtics ... most likely in that order.

Question to ponder on a serious level for the day - Do you ever wonder if we will ever make an impact in this world? I'm talking real impact not something like a great epitaph and tons of people saying, "He was a great guy, truly good guy." I'm talking like Brad Pitt lines in the movie Troy. When the messenger boy says, "The Thessalonian you're fighting, he's the biggest man I've ever seen. I wouldn't want to fight him." Brad Pitt, Achilles, just responds simply, "That is why no one will remember your name." So hard right now.

I have a desire to leave a mark. I'm assuming all of us do, and currently these are motives that I have to keep from being my sole drive and motivation. These are ok things to desire, ambitions to strive for, but they shouldn't dictate life decisions. I really want to be sure that God is driving decisions that I make, not just the desire to be as sweet as Brad Pitt. I know my blogs are usually light hearted and I hope humorous but this is something that has been driving me of late. How can one do something that is so great everyone will remember him. If only I had created Gummy Bears ... then people would never forget my name.


Pow I'm blogging from my new apartment and I feel like I'm just on vacation. That's kind of a cool feeling. I am kind of in limbo between being responsible and being a fat lazy sot! I think a heavy dose of Street Fighter 2, and a lack of nutritious eating may do me in before my time, however. Peace out from the Nightmare

Monday, February 07, 2005


I forgot to talk about my favorite SNL skit. I think for my money you have to go with Will Ferrell and one of his skits. All the Celebrity Jeopardy skits get an honorable mention with the Keanu Reeves one getting top billing. I think I have to go with the skit where Will Ferrell is Robert Gouleat (I'm not even sure that's spelled correctly). He's absolutely hysterical when he sings all the rap songs in a crooner voice, plus he gets in a staring contest with a deer. Enough said.


So this is the first time I've blogged in quite some time, and I can't promise that I'll be regular with the blogging either. I'm still fairly depressed from the Steeler game. I watched the Super Bowl last night and couldn't help but think, "The Steelers beat both these team this year." Oh well, I guess sports involves putting it together at the right time as well. On the good news front I went from the basic stage of depression to stage one. The difference with this stage is that I know longer constantly avoid sports or thinking about sports. I have begun to function in that realm of life with some sense of normality. The first stage of depression usually lasts another two weeks. It tends to take me a good month to recover if the Steelers lose in the playoff. The next stage enables me to be interested in the Steelers again. It's like trusting a person after they deeply hurt you. If your girlfriend calls you a fat pig, slaps you in the face, rips your heart out, and darkens your soul - It's going to take some time to trust again and invest. This is what the Steelers have done to me, but in another two weeks I'll go bounding back to our abusive relationship and begin to think who they're going to pick in the draft.

So on a more positive note; Andrew is right, we did move up to Grove City. Our place is a bit of a dump, but as we add personal touches to it it has become much nicer. Andrew is right, we do own a hookah and smoking apple flavored stuff is PHENOMENAL! Onto things I think I think:

1.) My sister and I are going to see U2 in Chicago May 7th. It's now three months until that day, join the countdown with me. I've never been to Chicago and I FRICKIN' LOVE U2. I will be so stoked that week.

2.) Bar-B-Que Fritos need to begin being sold in a bigger bag. They're a great snack food, but only come in that personal sized like kind of party bag. What the heck, I can buy Fritos in a bag large enough to clog my heart, but I can only get a mini-bag of their better version of snack food?!?

3.) Video games are so cool. I don't see how girls can't play them for hours on end.

4.) Owning your own apartment, although apparently sweet, kind of blows. I really have ZERO desire to cook and you have to buy all kinds of gay stuff.

5.) Monday nights at Elephant and Castle anyone? $2 bottle night is back.

6.) LSATs are this Saturday ... I'm kind of screwed.

I'm out you homos.

Who else you know....

Can take one week off, come back cold turkey and blog lids off? So other than the terrible transformation of Ma$e's verse in the Lean Back remix, nothing new is going down in W. PA. I'm also officially dead tired, so here is a short and concise blog to make everyone happy.

1) The Patriots are horrible (despite Super Bowl 39 evidence to the contrary).
2) I moved into a new apartment. I know no one cares, but I don't care that you don't care so bam.
3) I own a hookah, which happens to be an ultra sweet purchase. I have tubs of sheesha open in my room and it is making it smell awesome.
4) When Courtney says "I will kick you in the throat!!" in a threatening way, it makes me bust up laughing. Haha just thinking about it is funny.
5) Here's a thought provoker which I know Keith might take exception to. The question is: What has been the best SNL sketch of the last 10 years? I say Brian Fellow's Safari Planet. And I am right.

I'm going to go drink coffee and change out of my grumpy pants, maybe.