Tuesday, May 24, 2005

thought pad

thought pad. This is what Hampton Inn calls their post it notes. It's my own personal thought pad. How cute is that? I'm not sure if I think it's clever, stupid, or new agey. I do know that I'm expending far too much thought on the subject though and it's probably things like these that drive men to their graves early.

So what would go on my thought pad today if I were to fill it out? Good question I'm so glad you asked. Time to blog stuff to it bullet point style.

1.) First and foremost I just found out that Coldplay is coming to Pittsburgh August 11th. I'm just about as excited as ou can be to see an up and coming band in concert. Totally will be a sweet show since they're a new band with a ton of good stuff. They don't have a whole lot to choose from to play, so you know you're going to get the good stuff. Make fun of "Yellow" if you want; I dare say it's a killer song.

2.) In the tradition of mentioning good deeds and news - Albert Pujols is involved in extensive work and mentoring of kids with Downs Syndrome. He spends time weekly with them. He went to a fund raiser for Downs and bid on and won a trip for four to Disney World, which he gave to this girl's family who he mentors. That my friends is a good deed and deserves mentioning in our blog.

3.) Also deserving of mention would be the snack, in any variety, Cheetos. Cheetos are so good and addicting. Whether it's straight puffs, crunchies, color changers, springs, or x's and o's - Cheetos are killer wicked good. One might say they're underrated.

4.) Not killer wicked good is the current compromise in the senate over filibusters. I'm glad that for years Republicans preached reform. Not falling to status quo and trying to please both sides like the Democrats. Now the Republicans get elected into power preaching reform and different and what do they do, succumb to the Democrats crying that Republicans are unfair. Unfair they want judges to get a vote, LIKE ALL OTHER JUDGES IN THE PAST HAVE, because Democrats don't have the votes to stop them. I'm sorry that we were going to appoint judges that THE MAJORITY OF AMERICA SUPPORTS WITH THEIR VOTES. VOTES SUPPORTING AMERICAN VALUES AND REPUBLICAN BELIEFS. In no way is it my fault the Democrats our out of touch with this country, so why should my party have to cater to the losers. It's pathetic. I'm really disappointed in the Republicans at this point.

5.) Extremely disappoined with John McCain. A man who is a loved and a quote machine. Whatever this guy says is turned to gold practically. But instead of blazing the trail he is the one who bends and caters and wimps out. American people have spoken and McCain has disobeyed. McCain will not have my vote should he be running in 2008. Maybe because he has no spine.

6.) Good conservative and thought provoking reading for the summer Just some good books for all you to read out there over the summer. Never let your brain get lazy it's a tough thing to get back.

7.) Where should I go to law school? Readers poll.

8.) My blogs have been long of late so I'm going to cut it short here guys. Catch all y'inz later.

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