Sunday, May 08, 2005



Ok I'm not going to lie. I just wrote a big long blog about a subject very important to me...hating on semi truck drivers. I included personal experiences, and even a poem about how much I hate semi truck drivers. But after reading it through (just to suit my own pedantic need to watch myself talk) I just couldn't post it! It just wasn't right! So here's the long and short of what I was going to say!

1) I hate semi truck drivers
2) (this is in order to prevent some wise remark from Lillet or Tray) Ok how about this. Dissociating the person from the job, I hate stupid semi truck drivers...guys who try to pass other semi trucks up a long, winding hill and cause a stupid polish roadblock; semi truck drivers who swerve into your lane and make you either slam on your breaks or die; Semi truck drivers who in the construction zone drive 20 under the suggested contruction speed because they're oh so great samaritains; Semi truck drivers who drive slowly and hold up traffic in general; Semi truck drivers who STILL can't make those wide turns and make you back up into someone else just to get out of their way. THOSE of the semi truck drivers I despise
3) I smoked my new pipe this past week and legitimately burnt my tongue. I haven't been able to taste anything for going on 4 days. OUCH!!

So that's what I wanted to say people. To those of you GCC kids getting ready to graduate, good work. Hang out in there and crush those last few finals. To everyone else who just graduated, way to be. Now go out there and change the world, dang it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate semi-truckdrivers as well! they are the reason I didn't even get my driver's license until I was 21. (yes...a year ago actually...happy one year anniversary to me). Particularly I hate semi-truck drivers in PA...even more particularly on interstate 80. Seriously! How is it that you getting crap from one place to another on time or early is more important than my life?! I can't stand them.

So I graduate next monday...good for me...and not to worry Andrew...I will change the person at a time.

Well I'm out! I have a dorm to clean before the night is over...being an RA is OVER-RATED.