Monday, May 16, 2005

I'm on a (angry) roll!

Ok I could not pass up this opportunity to slam MTV. I hate MTV. I hate everyone who works for MTV. I hate myself when I love the Real World Inferno. So digest this garbage if you can. This is an excerpt from an article about the Audioslave concert in Havana, Cuba. I also hate whoever wrote this article:

"A note about the venue: It's a surprisingly modern-looking — at least by Cuba's normally shopworn standards — open-air plaza featuring tubular steel arches that create a tunnel effect, ending in a stage that can accommodate events musical or political. In fact, La Tribuna became famous several years ago as the place Cubans rallied for the return of Elian Gonzales, the boy that sadly became a political football in the decades-old chest-thumping contest between Cuba and its large and powerful neighbor to the north. So the plaza just happens to sit smack-dab in front of the only American government presence in Cuba, the heavily fortified U.S. Interests Section (Guantanamo Bay is not technically part of Cuba), and the billboards the Cubans have erected in front of it give new meaning to in-your-face defiance. "Señores Imperialistas, no los tenemos absolutamente ningún miedo!" (Mr. Imperialists, we have absolutely no fear of you!). Scenes of Abu Ghraib, captioned simply "Fascistas." And just behind the stage, "Venceremos!" (We will win!)."

I can't even type long coherent sentences I'm so pissed, so I'll just bullet point my tirade

How to get your Head out of your Arse 101:
1) "It's a surprisingly modern-looking — at least by Cuba's normally shopworn standards — open-air plaza featuring tubular steel arches that create a tunnel effect, ending in a stage that can accommodate events musical or political."

Who can we thank for this surprisingly modern looking, impressive stadium? The millions of impoverished, malnourised, maligned underlcass who slave all day to give their money to a defunct economic paradigm that turns their hard work into useless garbage. Thanks, people of Cuba, for dying hand over fist to make a venue for Audioslave to bash America; and thank you Castro for killing your people yet somehow appearing magnanimous for building such a stadium for your oppressed people.

2) "In fact, La Tribuna became famous several years ago as the place Cubans rallied for the return of Elian Gonzales, the boy that sadly became a political football in the decades-old chest-thumping contest between Cuba and its large and powerful neighbor to the north"

I lived in Miami for nearly 10 years. Daily I saw rafts of people coming to America for freedom. Weekly people risked life and limb to get away from a nation that only sucks life out of people to fuel a narrow minded megalomaniac's dream. If you talk to most Cubans in Miami they will tell you that rather than seeing America as a chest thumping imprialist nation, they see America as a compassionate counselor with arms extended to welcome the tired, hungry, the oppressed, and afflicted. After all, the rafts from Cuba are never turned away. Those are the rafts from Haiti, get it right

3) "...and the billboards the Cubans have erected in front of it give new meaning to in-your-face defiance. "Señores Imperialistas, no los tenemos absolutamente ningún miedo!" (Mr. Imperialists, we have absolutely no fear of you!). Scenes of Abu Ghraib, captioned simply "Fascistas." And just behind the stage, "Venceremos!" (We will win!)."

Wow wow wow. I'm glad some young reporter from MTV has bought into the political propaganda foisted on the Cuban people by Castro. Hey dude, the Cuban people didn't erect those signs of their own free will. If you think about it for half a second, you will realize that the Communist regime has to use propaganda. Signs of defiance are not erected by the Cuban people, but rather by the Cuban named Fidel Castro. Wow. And Castro is going to call us Facists? Do you know why Castro puts those signs up? Because he knows starry eyed liberal kids are going to come down to Cuba and hate on America. He knows only the ignorance of youth could ever possibly buy into the ideals of communism. He knows that only an uneducated, reactionary person would look at that and say "Hey, Cuba is calling America a group of facists. That makes so much sense!!" I hope whoever wrote this horrible article gets run over.

"And just behind the stage, 'Viceremos!' (We Will Win". Guys you've already lost over and over again. There is no one for you to win against. Think about it.

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