Thursday, May 05, 2005

Amazing isn't it?

This is going to be the link addition of my blog. I don't do this often, but there are three different articles that deserve reading. Read the article and then read my brief yet hopefully meaningful insight.

1.) Glenn Beck's Website

That link sends you to an amazing story on the Glenn Beck website. I'm not going to go off about it. But in summary it's about a man named Donald Herbert. He was a fire fighter and has been in a coma for roughly the last ten years. He recently awoke from his coma and the first words he said were, "I want to talk to my wife."

My blog has in no way been a memorial or a tribute to Terri Schiavo. But this case is stunningly similar, yet the media refuses to note this. Yeah, she probably wouldn't have awakened from her coma at all. I hope the court system in America feels good about her blood on their hands.

2.) Josh's Blog

This is a buddy of mine's blog. His name is Josh, and he just wrote a brief piece about Jennifer Wilbanks. Maybe you don't recognize the name so let me help you ... she's the bride that lied to America and ran off from her wedding. Now you recognize her. The part I'm miffed about is the part about Fernando Mateo, the President of Hispanics Across America. The fact that he's demanding an apology from this girl is absurd. You can read the post and my comment for further thoughts. Good find Josh.

3.) Lillet and Trey

This is a piece from the blog of Lillet and Trey. We've referenced them a couple of times in our blog. They're the raging liberals that hate America. Great writers, but cracked out kids. I dare say they should be deported for their anti-American ways. They claim America hates them ... I think they hate America. This is the part that got me up in arms. Lillet is discussing America's concern of homosexual behavior or even sexual behavior.

"Open Letter to America: If you are someone who thinks that what two guys or girls do with each other is a bigger concern than

a) A lying, impeachable President
b) Poverty
c) Global Warming
d) Corporate Criminality
e) Wal-Mart
f) Rampant Outsourcing and Job Loss
g) Rudeness"

Here are my quick hit bullet points

a) We tried to deal with Bill Clinton. So I think America was concerned with that. You're probably talking about Bush, but remember Clinton? Probably not Democrats still LOVE him.
b) Poverty - a.k.a. people abusing the welfare system. I'd love to get rid of that and actually help poor people get jobs. Welfare costs taxpayers roughly $35,000 a year I think. My buddy cited this stat once, I just can't remember where. I'd love to do something about Welfare, but democrats won't allow it. What a waste.
c) Global warming - is a huge myth and even my 13 year old brother knows that. Scientists take horribly inaccurate measurements that aren't high enough in the atmosphere, and when they do, it's too inaccurate to prove anything. If Global warming is so bad, why the crap was it snowing last weekend?
d) Corporate Criminality - We do try to do something about this. But it's some isolated incidences. Nothing as massive and relative to the morality of an entire nation as homosexuality.
e) Wal-Mart - I agree it does blow and mistreat a fair amount of employees. It drives out businesses and then jacks up the prices. Clearly not important enough to raise the ire of the nation.
f) Rampant outsourcing - We try to deal with this often. Huge issues in the senate like Barbara Boxer trying to buy low prescription drugs from Canada instead of buying them from American works and businesses. That's outsourcing right? Oh yeah she says Republicans doing it all the time. Most democrats in the media don't make it an issue. But we're trying to fight it.
g) Rudeness - You're stupid for putting that. Haha, just a bad joke. Speaking of rudeness how about Lillet and Trey not getting back to Andrew when he was out in Brooklyn and wanted to visit them. Way to ignore his comments and attempts to catch a quick meal with you guys. Talk about rudeness ...

These are things that I get fired up about on a daily basis and things a lot of America would love to change. We also just think that it's slightly immoral for homosexuality to be legal. Not to mention detrimental to children who are parented in such homes. It's just not as solid as the traditional nuclear home. This will probably spark a debate, but one we've put off for a while, so let the battle begin. Alright, that's all I've got for now. Enjoy those few links and I've got some lame humorous stuff coming your way tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Closet queen.

Keith said...

I'm glad to see the intelligence and fire has left from Anon. After we superiorly debated her and made her feel dumb, she is now left as a pile of nothing. She can only mutter a, "Closet queen."

Nice to see a broken spirit of a liberal who's been freed. Freed by the presentation of facts and truth. I feel so good about myself right now. Closet queen ... silly Anon

Anonymous said...

Get a room you two!

Throck it!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha:

Rarely is the question asked: why don’t you try to reason with wingnuts, rather than just insult them? More commonly, we are informed by wingnuts that our rude behavior is THE REASON they decided to be morons, because it exemplifies everything that is wrong with THE LEFT. Whenever we hear this, Gentle Readers, our hearts are filled with such joy as we cannot describe, and we feel as though we could float into the clouds on gossamer wings of purest Poesy, and we are overcome with a sense of release and freedom known only to the birds! the birds! the birds* and we! For we know that happiness that can only come from letting go of the impossible, embracing the possible, and telling people we’ve never met to go fuck themselves on the internets. Also, we are small, sad little people. There’s that as well.

This reminds me of a story. The year is 2003, and our chain of Poor Man “E-Z Gay-Away” homosexuality reversal clinics have just gone belly-up. The problem, financially, was the 100% money-back guarantee, which ate up some - well, OK, all - of our gross income, and the reason for this low - OK, zero - cure rate was bad staffing and a sagging economy and SEC over-reach and not our business model at all which was brilliant. We then decided to switch our approach a bit, and offer instead a guaranteed cure for wingnuttery. Our cure rate was unchanged. Again, there were many reasons for this: media bias, the sun was in our eyes, traffic jam on I-35, etc. But we did learn one valuable lesson from these debacles learning experiences: whatever the exact reasons, and regardless of how nice we are and how many ponies we offer, we could no more turn wingnuts into rational creatures than we could turn gay people straight. We have learned from these mistakes opportunities, and are now seeking investors for our nationwide brand of Fresh-Squeezed Stone Juice. Get in on the ground floor.

Another thing we noticed about wingnuts during this period was that, much as people rarely progress from Afghan heroin to low-alcohol wine coolers, they rarely move from states of great wingnuttery to states of less. For such is the curse of the sweet sweet Wingnut, that every time indulgence just leaves you wanting more! More! MORE! until you find yourself strung out and wasted, haunted eyes glued to the website, frantically banging the refresh button in search of just one more fix of Malkin. I’ve seen it too many times.

It’s for this reason that I do worry about how far to the right the Republican goverment can go, and how far its supporters can go. It is also for this reason - and, if my last post wasn’t specific enough for you, to assure you that I am not fighting straw with straw - that you may wish to explore Little Geneva, a collection of Rushdoony-quoting “Reformed Conferate Theocrats”, who I’m 80-85% sure are for serious. I say you may want to, because these guys are the real item - a heady brew of Dominionist, neo-confederate, and white supremacist. So the downside is the whole completely crazy thing. On the upside, they do actually say directly what they mean, without the usual nice-guy wingnut “I’m not saying X, but…” song and dance routine, which, if you’ve read as many essays explaining how the only way to oppose torture is to actively support torture as I have, is actually more refreshing than anything else. So, there it is, the choice is yours.

If you do stop by, I recommend: an amusing misreading of Stanley Kurtz’s recent theocrat apologia in National Review (excuse me: National ReJew); this fascinating explanation of where the light that God made when he said “let there be light” started off, which combines theology and home-schooled physics in the most original way (coming soon as a homework question at a fair-and-balanced science class near you); and avoiding the reams and reams of shit about how the Book of Abevigoda and III Tarkanians clearly forbid race-mixing, and probably Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, because it’s THE BORING. It is fun to compare against your favorite wingnut (Malkin’s a peach) and try to figure out just what the substantive differences are. Anyway, these are the people that Stanley Kurtz will be telling you are just regular mainstream evangelicals and nothing to worry about in a few years, or two days ago, whichever comes first. Maybe right after he updates his business cards to read “National ReJew”.

* Also butterflies, bats, moths, other flying insects, hang gliders, UFOs, superheros, dragons, people in airplanes, Millikan oil drops, little bits of airbourne fluff, people who live at very high elevations, astronauts, people who get shot out of circus cannons, flying monkeys, and certain species of squirrels. To be honest, it’s kind of a zoo up there.