Tuesday, April 19, 2005

So the problem is ...

So the problem is that I've been agitated since about comment 18 on Andrew's post. At some point Anon decided to quit making crappy comments like, "Why don't you sit on your face donkey boy. Go fight in the war!" and he made ones that were politcally charged ... and false. Now I know that politics tends to be a circular argument and no one ever gets anywhere, but these were just so out there that I had to try to touch on them briefly. I hate circular arguments with all my heart, but here we go. Anon's previous comments in italics.

1.) "Racism is going to be an open wound until it's treated and allowed to heal. It seems, though, that your party just won't do its part in the healing--it's just too useful a political tool." Interesting that "my party" which is the republican party just won't let it heal. Never mind the fact that George Soros and his groupies from moveon.org were the ones running certain commercials in the innercity targeting african americans. These emotionally charged spots suggested that, "... when Bush and his big money white boys get in the white house again they're going to institute a draft. Don't get played." That's just an excerpt. But DON'T say republicans open the wound, because Democrats exploit it time and time again because it's the one category of vote they can count on in the past. Forget the fact that Bush has several African American's in places of prominence in his cabinet ... Republicans are racist right? How many did Clinton have again? Yeah that's what I thought ...

2.) "Bigotry against gays goes hand in hand with that. Rove did a great job at making that an election issue, though I'm thinking he might have lost your vote if they'd come out against hot TV lesbians." Let's get one thing straight. Karl Rove is a genius. This is evident by the fact that he runs a killer campaign. It's so wrong and bigoted that he posed a question relevant to America during an election year. He did raise it as an election issue; I'll give you that. It's not bigoted though that the people of America want to uphold Biblical values and traditional American families. It's bigoted that democrats call for tolerance and everyone to have their own beliefs and equality - yet when Republicans or Christians try to have a viewpoint it's bigoted. Heaven forbid we be allowed to have an opinion. Only the Democrats are. I'm sorry America wants to hold values, but it's no way bigoted. And Americans came out to vote for it. Chalk one up for Mr. Rove. Lesbians aren't hot by the way ... i.e. Rosie O'Donnell and Ellen Degeneres. Lastly I don't hate or think less of homosexual people. I do think it's morally wrong, but I'm not going to ignore homosexual people or send them to Iceland. But seriously, has anyone seen what Man thigh looks like? How can another dude like that?

3.) "Equal rights for women? Something tells me that you think that's unnecessary and that you would agree that the state should tell women what they can do with their own bodies." I don't even know where this comment came from. But women have rights. I'm all for it. They just don't have the right to kill anyone. Last time I checked no one in our country did. Abortion is beat and you know it.

4.) "And voter intimidation and suppression in the last couple of elections are just fictions that the Michael Moore wing of the left made up, right?" Wow voter intimidation. I'm going to go Hannity on you here, which I'm sure you love, and ask you to show me one instance of a republican intimidating a voter. Then I'll listen to your argument. Because when I went to vote several things happened. No one was being intimidated. The sample ballot that was out showing people how to vote had Kerry and Edwards marked on it. That's no swaying anyone though. Finally people were everywhere asking if I understood how to operate the machinery. And frankly if you can't figure out how to work a machine, I don't want your vote to count ... whatever side it may be for. If you can't pull a lever, punch a hole, or push a button you shouldn't be able to decide who runs the country. The only voter intimidation is misleading commercials and funding run by big money givers to the democratic party. Misleading commercials that say Bush is supressing the African American vote and African American rights. When in reality he's promoting people of color left and right. What a farce. George Soros can eat me, he gave more singlehandedly than the top three givers of the republican party combined. Then he just made up facts. Point out voter intimidation that the Republicans did then we'll talk.

5.) "And your vitriol about the ACLU-- ACLU has become a codeword for "New York Jew", doncha know. You might want to look at that. And then you might want to send them 50 bucks for their work against the excesses of the Patriot Act." I hate the ACLU. It has such potential and is a decent idea. It also could does some good. Very very little good. Here's the problem I have with the ACLU. They have gone completely off the deep end. Here's a current example of some of the ACLU problems. They have sent some representatives down to Arizona to work with the Minute Men that we have patrolling the borders. Now that sounds like a noble cause. But they've stated that they're there to protect the rights of the illegal immigrants who are caught! Since when do people breaking the law and sneaking into a country they have no residency in have rights!?!? These people should be kicked back across the border! So they find no wrongdoing in any way shape or form. So what do they do, try to create a scene and get the Minute Men to retaliate. They have gone up to them in pitch black and blasted a spot light on their face. They give them the finger. They blast loud noises to wake them up. It's unbelievable. They're defending ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Give me a break. This is just a MICROCOSM of what they do. I'm not only going to get into the iffy practice of Affirmative Action. It's not reverse racist to hire a man because of his skin color. Same type person, same credentials, same experience, yet one guy is African American so he gets hired. It's unbelievable actually. Good man Kender comments from time to time here and has a blog http://www.stoptheaclu.blogspot.com/ He goes into detail and I'm going to piggy back him since he's done the leg work. But they seriously may warrant their own blog soon. The ACLU is a joke.

The Patriot Act is sweet. I have no problem if the government can see if I'm checking out a book entitled, "How to make a bomb." I have no problem if the government can check out my file. Maybe it will save a couple thousands lives. I don't care about offending a few people along the way to save the innocent lives of thousands. Is the Patriot Act perfect? No. But it's better than the nothing act. Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away. The Democrats haven't figured this out yet though. Let's not talk about homosexuality. It'll just fix itself. Let's not talk about Sandy "Pants" Berger who stuffed documents in his pants that were incriminating of Clinton and his lack of inaction. Let's not talk about the fact that Bush Promotes people of color. Let's not talk about the fact that the only people who suggested a draft in congress were Barbara Boxer and what's his name that escapes me now from Minnesota. If we just say it was a Bush idea we can get away with it right? Let's not talk about the fact that Kerry has still yet to produce medical records and better yet let's forge some for Bush and run them on CBS. You can't ignore things and expect them to get better. Social Security is another prime example. Bush must be lying. So let's not do anything and see where we are in 25 years. IT'S GOING TO BE SO SWEET WHEN I HAVE GIVEN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO AN EMPTY ACCOUNT! Inaction is bad - Patriot Act = Sweet.

6.) "And hey, Whoops! No WMD! People make mistakes" I'm not sure where to begin on this one. Part of me believes there still could be WMD. Sadam knew we were coming and heaven knows there are enough terrorist nations around him to help out. But you'd laugh at that so I'll go elsewhere. Hard to argue with someone who is not really logical or reasonal. Iraq was still a threat, and had massive capabilities to produce WMD. Not really mentioned in mainstream media, but they have found all kind of explosive cake powder, or a couple of trucks that were sneaking chemical materials across the Syrian border. No one really covers all that though. Kind of curious ... Dan Rather anyone? Point two we did manage to liberate a country along the way. You want to gripe, as aforementioned, about women's rights. That country had none and now they can vote and have more rights than they ever dreamed. Lastly and most importantly EVERYONE THOUGHT THEY HAD WMD. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1051684/posts Look at all the Democrats that thought they had them as well. If you're going to nail Bush for saying they had WMD and they didn't, then nail all these Democrats as well. It was bad intelligence not something manufactured for a war that Bush wanted to fight. Everyone thought we were at risk. Everyone ... do you get that now. Hard to say Bush made it up when everyone believed it isn't it?

7.) "Y'know, a hitch in Iraq might be just the thing you need to clear your head. But I expect you'll just keep on with your casual and smug bashing of the party of social and economic justice, the pile of Cheeto™ crumbs on your lap growing ever higher." Cheetos suck. I prefer good chips and salsa. You seem to forget that support comes in many packages. I constantly pray for those fighting overseas, send financial support, respect and thank all who fight for us, or buy a hot meal for any that I see in restaurants or out in public anywhere. I know several people who have fought overseas and they are incredibly brave men and women who are to be honored. So I'm not going to stoop and say something ignorant about the war. So many thanks to all who fight for our country and freedom. I believe Amanda has sufficiently stated why we haven't chosen to enlist. If you want to be ignorant and call it lazy that's fine. Belittle me, it's really mature, logical, rational arguing. That's all you seem to be capable of.

There is my defense of my political beliefs. Am I saying the Republican party is perfect? Heck no. But I believe it's the best thing we have going right now. And sometimes we have to use broken vessels to fix things. For my money, that vessel is the Republican party. Wow ... long blog ... dang it I said I wouldn't do that anymore. I'm off to read the new Ann Coulter book ...


Anonymous said...

I've got thoughts on a lot of these issues, but I'll save them. I'll just address the very last statement from USCU2.
Don't. Don't read a book written by Ann Coulter. Or by Bill O'Reilly, or Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, or for that matter, don't read books by Al Franken, or Rhonda Rhodes or any other leftist advocates. These people are all extremists. Their secondary goal isn't to be correct but to choose a side and aggressively attack the other extreme's equally flawed arguments in hostile, snide, and hyperbolic language. Their primary goal is to sell books and get rich and famous. Rush Limbaugh makes more than A-Rod, even enough to support his former painkiller addiction, which no one seems to care about (recall Marv Albert, heck even Bill O'Reilly, we're a nation with short memories, we don't hold a grudge but we seem to be less than morally scrupulous if you entertain us). It's true that everyone has a point of view, and I do think it's better to come clean about what yours is (I think you even become more credible), these people make a living off of saying the things that no one is willing to say, most often because no one in their right mind would think so outrageously or simplistically. So stop reading and listening to them. Find some sober non-partisan source. We all have internet, and foreign news tends to be better balanced and would anyway give a fuller perspective on how we're seen around the world and why we're seen that way. But the biggest problem this country may be facing is the rule of extremism in the media and on K Street when the majority of the nation is centrist, people who are willing to go along with a well-thought-out and sensible plan.

Anonymous said...

...a well-thought-out and sensible plan.

That certainly doesn't describe anything put forth by the current administration, ideologues run amuck.

Anyone catch Samantha Bee interviewing Frank Luntz on The Daily Show last night? He put their strategery in a "nut" shell.

The segment should be available on TDS site in a day or so.

Ok, off to read letters to Michael Moore sent to him by soldiers in Iraq...

Anonymous said...

...a well-thought-out and sensible plan.

That certainly doesn't describe anything put forth by the current administration, ideologues run amuck.

Anyone catch Samantha Bee interviewing Frank Luntz on The Daily Show last night? He put their strategery in a "nut" shell.

The segment should be available on TDS site in a day or so.

Ok, off to read letters to Michael Moore sent to him by soldiers in Iraq...

Anonymous said...

Samantha Bee: Hall of Same

No direct link but look for it on this page:


Not that this would be of interest to an earnest but deluded young man whose job it is to convince unsophisticated highschoolers to matriculate to an institution that's home to quack homophobe Dr. Warren Throckmorton and which also once fought Title IX right up through the Supreme Court.

Anonymous said...

ohh...now we're hitting below the belt...dear Lord...I wait breathlessly for the response to that last comment!

Anonymous said...

Note of Interest: my school's firewall will not allow to visit http://tinyurl.com/8bb9...hmmm... now what could be on there? ...

Keith said...

I didn't see the Daily Show interview because Jon Stewart is, to coin a phrase you love, a raging liberal. I think there's like a 90% chance he hates America. I'll have to click around on the links just for you though. You know why? It's because I'm just such a nice guy.

Of course Rush and Ann are extremists, but they are informed extremists. I find that when I read moderate people they live in a fairy land that's poorly researched. They're people that have a hard time making up there mind so they just settle for the lame ground in the middle. But I will AGREE WITH YOU ... I'm stunned here ... the media is extreme. Both sides. Even Fox News, which I watch often, is clearly Republican. The news needs to get their act together, report fairly, and let dumb Americans decide.

As far as GCC, yes we did take it to the Supreme Court. Yes we did win. Yes we are not beholden to the government. Yes we can do as we please with our funding and act as we deem correct. I'm proud of it to be honest. Call us the bastion of conservatism if you will. As for Dr. Throckmorton. If you want to call him a quack for just stating facts, then go ahead. I hardly believe homophobe falls in that category. I'm going to defer to a comment Andrew, donkeypatrol, made on some previous blogs from, www.whatdidweeverdotoyou.blogspot.com

"Gayness is a choice. Honest to goodness. Before you sling your gay gene theories and inherent gayness arguments at me, hear me out. Name a study linking genetics to homosexuality. I see the crowd is silent. And it would behoove you to maintain your silence because there is no statistically valid argument or research that supports the idea of homosexuality being an inherited trait. Call me conservative and bigoted if you must, but you can't call me wrong here, folks."

"FIRST! No, Lillet, no study proves gayness in the brain. The only study that has remote statistical validity about gayness being in you brain is a study by Brian Mustanski from University if Illinois at Chicago. His studies show that no one region in the brain is tied to sexual orientation, and that the myth of the 'gay gene' is just that...a myth"

Gay gene - more like lame gene ... ok that was weak. Gayness is a choice, I agree. I'm glad to see you're doing research on Grove City College. Yes I do get high schoolers to come here, but ones that are way smarter than you or I. We don't get the unsophisticated ones, they go to Big Ten Schools.

Peace out fools

Anonymous said...

Of course Rush and Ann are extremists, but they are informed extremists.


That's rich! Please! Stop!

Hahahahaha ha ha ha, ahem...

Anyway, here are a few quotes from your favorite Time cover girl:

On academics:

“In addition to racist and Nazi, how about adding traitor to the list of things that professors can’t be? And yes, I realize I just proposed firing the entire Harvard faculty.”
(Speech at Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 2/18/2005)

On McCarthyism: “ Liberals like to scream and howl about McCarthyism, I say let’s give them some….it’s time for a new McCarthyism.”
(Speech at CPAC, 2/18/2005)

On President Clinton: "Well, he was a very good rapist. I think that should not be forgotten."
(New York Observer, 1/10/05)

On Voting: “It would be a much better country if women did not vote.”
(The Guardian, 5/17/2003)

On the Press: “My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times building.”
(New York Observer, 8/26/2002)

On the Environment: “God says, ‘Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It’s yours.’”
(Fox News, 12/22/2001)

On Campus Progressives: “When contemplating college liberals, you really regret once again that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors.”
(remarks from Conservative Political Action Conference, 2/26/2002)

On Swing Voters: "The swing voters—-I like to refer to them as the idiot voters because they don’t have set philosophical principles. You’re either a liberal or you’re a conservative if you have an IQ above a toaster. "
(Beyond the News, Fox News Channel, 6/4/00)

On Herself: "You want to be careful not to become just a blowhard."
(Washington Post 10/16/98)


Here's something else to keep you warm:

Under fire, Time's Cloud now compares Coulter to Stalin, Hitler


And isn't Pilodinal Cyst Boy on wife #4 now?

You sure know how to choose your heroes.

As far as gay being a choice, why don't you ask Matt Drudge, JimmyJeff GuckertGannon, Ken Mehlman-- oh, do your own googling!

You've been Throckmortoned!

Wake up!

Hang in there, kids, there have to be a few ballplayers that Bob Jones and Hillsdale haven't scooped up already!

Hmmm, Hillsdale.... isn't that where, while championing family values, the longtime college president was sleeping with his daughter-in-law, leading to her tragic suicide?

Ah, Republican Family Values™!

Anonymous said...

umm...so i have neither the time or patience to find out what happened with GCC and the supreme court...fill me in here keith or andrew...or anon if you can manage to just give the facts minus your oppinion. As for attacking Republicians on values...do you really honestly think that is going to be your best course of action when defending Democrats? Let me fill you in...NO! Oh...and this just in from Captain Obvious: Politicians are scumbags...they have power so they can abuse it, Democrat and republican alike.

Anonymous said...

"The time has come that the American people know exactly what their Representatives are doing here in Washington. Are they feeding at the public trough, taking lobbyist-paid vacations, getting wined and dined by special interest groups? Or are they working hard to represent their constituents? The people, the American people, have a right to know...I say the best disinfectant is full disclosure, not isolation." - U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay, 11/16/95

Keith said...

Couple of quick points:

1.) Nothing like taking quotest out of context is there Anon? I happen to agree with Coulter on a lot of those things. The New York Times is by and large a paper that avoids facts. Like the story regarding papers linking Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. It's been about 592 days since the story broke and the Times has still yet to mention it. They also failed to mention the story of three trucks fleeing towards Syria containing chemical weapons. They also never mentioned numerous other stories. Because they have no journalistic credibility. Point being, I'm sure she was referring to getting rid of the Times. Way to take it out of context.

2.) Your comments cover WAAAAYYYY to much ground in an incoherent manner. I can't follow your thoughts man. Try transitioning a little better or using whole sentences rather than pithy statements followed by a link.

3.) Most colleges are liberal holes. Like our lovely Al-Qaeda sympathizer in Colorado.

4.) I never said all republicans were perfect. I do maintain that MOST think more rationally and logically than Democrats. They also don't leave out facts from news stories like liberal rages similar to the NY Times do.

5.) Tom Delay is doing nothing more than your lovely party front runner Boxer has done in the past. This is totally being blown out of proportion. I'm not saying it's right when either of them do it. But I'm going to have to find the transcripts next week of a reporter asking her about when she did stuff that was just the same. All she does is say, "This isn't about that this is about Tom Delay." If she's going to try to nail him on it, she needs to face the music herself. Typical double standards.

6.) Amanda - Grove City took a case before the Supreme Court in 1984 I believe. It was over Title 9 trying to separate ourselves from the government. We no longer take any federal money at all. The two schools in the country like that are us and Hillsdale. It enables us to spend money on programs we want to spend, hire who we want to hire, teach what we want to teach, and advertise however we choose to advertise. We follow Title 9 so it's not like we wanted to give women fewer sports teams, we just took our axe to grind over that issue and forever separated ourselves. It's glorious actually. That's the short of it. Well I'm off to bed I think, it's been a long day of driving.

Anon - I can slowly feel you becoming a Grover ... but I have a suspicion you already were one. Some girl who had a bad experience there with some dudes and Jesus in general. Sorry to hear about it, just don't get your panties up in a bunch.

Keith said...

I did nothing more than you do every single time I call you out. Look in the mirror you ill-informed slug.

Anonymous said...

So, let me get this straight, Mr. Smug:

1.) You agree with Coulter that Timothy McVeigh should have instead blown up The New York Times building because they publish facts with which you don't agree. Nice!

2.) "pithy statements followed by a link" is very common in the blogosphere. There are other ways to think than in a strictly linear manner. Try it sometime.

3.) The scourge of Liberal Professors? That's what David Horowitz says anyway. What a quack. We'd be much better off if universities were full of Warren Throckmorton clones, right?

4.) Dems ain't perfect either but at least they are based in Reality. Facts are Kryptonite to Republicans, I understand that. I'm curious, though: what do you consider credible news sources? Are they faith-based?

5.) Barbara Boxer has not been admonished three separate times by the ethics committee, nor has she re-engineered the ethics committee so that it no longer bothers her.

It's also a question of scale -- and btw, that's 32.5 k a year for Boxer's son, which is, well, probably not overpaying -- and what the offspring in question did for the dough.

I'm guessing Boxer's son, a lawyer, never had champagne poured over him whilst sitting in a hot tub.

6.) Shorter Keith: I'm proud of GCC's resistance to ending gender discrimination.

Here's a link, Amanda:


From the link:

Four years later, over Reagan's veto, Congress passed the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1988. This act nullified the effects of the Grove City ruling by outlawing sex discrimination throughout an entire educational institution if any part of the institution received federal funding. In addition to the Act, the OCR publicly renewed its commitment to ending gender discrimination, calling Title IX a "top priority," and publishing a "Title IX Athletic Investigator's Manual" to strengthen enforcement procedures.

No wonder GCC takes no Federal money at all: They can't because they still discriminate.


"We follow Title 9" --- prove it.

7.) Some girl who had a bad experience there with some dudes and Jesus in general.

This is the most disgusting statement at all. That you could coldly minimize a tragedy like that and insinuate that it must be the woman's fault is lower than low.

The behaviour of the President of Hillsdale College was even uglier than Newt Gingrich divorcing his cancer-riddled wife and marrying an intern.

Here's the whole sad story:


(Hopefully your school's firewall let's you through to this one! )

BTW, I wonder what skeletons are in Warren Throckmorton's closet?


As far as your inclination to categorize people in terms of Sesame Street characters, Keith-- well, real people are a lot more complex than that.

Josh said...
