Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Quick Link

Wow. I just stumbled across maybe the funniest website I've seen in ages. A friend of mine sent me this link to random facts about Vin Diesel. You know Vin Diesel right? He's the actor of former XXX glory, as well as Chronicles of Riddick, and more recently The Pacifier. He's really a horrible actor, but quite possibly one of the hardest guys ever to roam the free earth. Just keep hitting refresh for new facts. I bet you laugh for like an hour like I did. And I only saw a repeat fact once. If you don't know who Vin Diesel is, sorry, but this is RICH. Without further delay ... Vin Diesel Facts


Josh said...

Two things: First, I would like to take credit for sending that link to Keith, to prove what an ego-driven, self-serving conservative I am.

Second, I would like to weigh in on an issue here. I just read many past statements made on the board (first-time reader), and I have to point out one thing to Keith. Keith said something to the effect of President Bush promoting many blacks in his administration. I would like to point out to Keith that they don't count as blacks anymore. At least, that's what you would hear if you talked to other black people about that issue. Blacks who are also conservatives subsequently lighten their skin, and are no longer considered members of the black community. This is from the same constituency (re: liberals) who encourage and foster open-mindedness.

It makes me sick.

Josh said...

Anon: That just serves to prove my point. Thank you very much. I now decree that any white people who aren't conservative are sell-outs, and aren't really white. How bout them apples?

Another point: The homeless man was clearly conservative. No homeless people are liberal, or they wouldn't be homeless, because they would be living on government handouts (re: welfare), costing taxpayers an estimated $35,000 a year.

Josh said...

Nice choice, quoting Malcolm X, Anon. However, you neglect to show the whole story. The facts, as you say, are your Kryptonite.
Later in his life, he went to Mecca, and saw that white people were not as bad as he thought. A quote from his autobiography, written with Alex Haley, "The Autobiography of Malcolm X".
Speaking about an incident in which he coldly shot down help from a white college girl, he said "Well, I've lived to regret that incident. In many parts of the African continent I saw white students helping black people. Something like this kills a lot of argument. I did many things as a Muslim that I'm sorry for now. I was a zombie then - like all Muslims - I was hypnotized, pointed in a certain direction and told to march. Well, I guess a man's entitled to make a fool of himself if he's ready to pay the cost. It cost me twelve years."
Malcolm X doesn't even believe in his own words; it's a shame that blacks hide behind them today when they discriminate against their own.

Anonymous said...



Donkey Patrol said...

Josh pulling out the history! Way to put things in the big picture perspective dude man mouth (oh PS you've also just been initiated into the group of people where I just use random nouns to come up with a colloquial, fun name for them)

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