Thursday, April 21, 2005


I would just like to tell everyone in Blog land that half of our staff ... ok that's really just Andrew, has his birthday today. So feel free to wish him a Happy Birthday. Of course Anon will probably make it some snide comment, but that's cool, we welcome it because at least we have dialogue now. So Happy B-day Drew - that's Donkey Patrol for those of you keeping score at home.

Secondly I just want to gripe for a minute. I've been saving money for three years to go to the world cup in Germany next summer. Despite the fact that it's a liberal marxist American hating hole, the holy grail of soccer will be held there. So I have saved $3,500 up for air fare, tickets, food, etc. So my buddies and I put in our application for tickets and we find out today if we get them. Well wouldn't you know they had too many applications and we don't get any tickets. I've been saving for THREE FLAMING YEARS! What in the world is going on here? America hates soccer. So now the team gets good and everyone jumps on the bandwagon. I've been doing things correctly for three years and acting responsibly, and I get screwed. This totally sucks and I may now hate sports because of it. This could be the turning point. I have much more success when I loaf and just have things fall in my lap.

Lastly in my tradition, sort of, of reporting good deeds, I saw one today that made me glow. While sitting and reading down at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore a few kids were playing with a miniature basketball. One brother took it and threw it away from his brother and of course it bounced away and into the water. So the kids are crying, Dad is upset, and no one knows what to do. So the homeless guy is there, and he takes off his coat, fully clothed, and climbs down the ladder, putting his legs on the bottom rung and in the water. He reaches out with his coat, and is able to drape it over the ball and pull it towards himself. He grabs it, climbs out soaking wet from the knees down, and gives it to the kid. Everyone is amazed, the kid hugs him and thanks him and everyone just breaks out into applause. And for one moment in time, the barrier of the haves and the haves not is broken. It was quite a moving moment actually and a very good deed that deserved mentioning, even if only in blog land. Alright kids I'm off to bed. Good night all and Happy Birfday Drew.


Anonymous said...

Well Andrew you already got your New York Birthday serenade...while you were in NY! Does it get bettter?! But I'll say it again anyway...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Keith, seriously enjoyed this blog...good story...thanks. Sorry about the ticket thing...seems tickets aren't really going your way for much lately...not to neither...although I did get tickets to Dave Matthews...YES! Well I hope you will eventually be able to go to the World Cup! Night boys....I have an all nighter to pull...time to get done and get out!

Anonymous said...

So the homeless guy is there, and he takes off his coat, fully clothed, and climbs down the ladder, putting his legs on the bottom rung and in the water.

He's obviously a Democrat

I have saved $3,500 up

Perhaps a "donation" to Senator Man-on-Dog would advance your application. He's tight with the new Nazi Pope.

Andrew, has his birthday today

IF APRIL 21 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Queen Elizabeth (1926) shares your birthday. You are very caring. Professionally, however, you demand intelligence, honesty and propriety. You very much have your finger on the public pulse. You are sensual and enjoy the pleasures of life in terms of food, drink, beauty and sex. (You even love sleep!) Major changes will take place in your life this year -- good ones.

Keith said...

I'll tell you how we would know if he was a democrat. We would have known for sure if instead of doing the good deed, grabbing the ball, and getting his pants wet he then made everyone get in the bay and come out soaking wet. Nothing like leveling the playing field for everyone. Forget the good old fashioned hard work and advancement, we should even everyone out. Go ahead give them all healthcare. Give them all welfare. Make everyone soaking wet, that way things are fair.

James said...

Actually if he was a Democrat, he wouldn't have done anything about the ball himself. Instead he would have petitioned the government to think about the children and rescue the ball. The 'Save the Ball' bill would cause a massive hike in taxes due to the creation of the useless, 'Save the Ball' task force. Eventually, possibly years later, the ball would have been saved, but by this time no one would care.

Donkey Patrol said...

I am just glad that I got a birthday shout out on the blog and a serenade by Amanda, and that no one threw my ball into the ocean.

And it's a funny thing you mention 1) Queen Elizabeth and 2) liking sex and 3) big changes in the future. Honestly I'm cracking up because long ago, I made a statement involving all 3 of those exact same things. Maybe I'll tell you about it in my next blog...

Anonymous said...

A Republican would have just frowned, thought "Tough shit, not my problem" and walked on by.

You didn't jump in the water after it, did you?

Anonymous said...

good lord....even on Andrew's birthday there is no peace, humor, and/or's chilly in here. Andrew...really looking forward to how Queen Elizabeth, sex, and big changes are all connected into your world...this should be fun...

Anonymous said...

Ps. A note of interest: Just got my Time magazine and guess who's on the front cover?! That's right...Ann Coulter, or as they called her, "Ms. Right" Just thought it was perfect timing that's all...note of interest over.

Anonymous said...

Ps. A note of interest: Just got my Time magazine and guess who's on the front cover?! That's right...Ann Coulter, or as they called her, "Ms. Right" Just thought it was perfect timing that's all...note of interest over.

Anonymous said...


Donkey Patrol said...


I can't believe the illogical sequences of words that you foist on us in an attempt to be cheeky and intelligent.

"A Republican would have just frowned, thought "Tough shit, not my problem" and walked on by.

You didn't jump in the water after it, did you? "

When was the last time you took a bum out to eat?

When was the last time you gave money out of your pocket to support some kid in college?

When was the last time you encouraged free speech and open mindedness?

When was the last time you helped a kid who dropped their papers, a woman who spilled her food on the floor, or given up your place in line to let some guy get in front of you?

When was the last time you took criticism and formulated it into constructive feedback instead of banal drivel under a veil of vociferous discourse?

I've got an answer for you: not lately. You're supposed to be the compassionate one, yet you're just as douchy as the most money hungry republican (hey guess what, Keith's right...people regardless of their political party sell out for cash. EVERYONE sells out for cash, so get over your penis envy just because our party gets away with it more).

How can a person as 'intelligent' as yourself who holds such an apparently lofty position force this utter rubbish on people? And you think GCC is going to poison kids minds? Your deluge of dialectical diarrhea deadens dendrites developing divinely in my brain.

So shut up.

Anonymous said...

I thought you guys were "fighters!"

Clever alliteration! Dr. Suess would be proud!

Oh, wait!

Dr. Suess was a raging liberal!

As far as your questions go, I'm assuming you're talking about yourself. You are truly an exemplary person! Or perhaps you were just taught basic manners and consideration for others. Good for Mom and Dad!

This cracks me up:

When was the last time you encouraged free speech and open mindedness?

So shut up!

Hahahahahahaha! Are you channeling Falafel O'Reilly?


Donkey Patrol said...

And let me say,

Hahahahaha James is totally right! Way to go dude

Keith said...

Wow ... I don't have a whole lot to say in comment to this blog. But O'Reilly is actually a fairly moderate guy. I just want to say that. I watch him from time to time and a lot of republicans call in or write in and say stuff like, "C'mon Bill you're stinking soft these days."

So get stuff straight he's not quite in the same league as Ann or Hannity.

Amanda ... thanks for the tip, I'll actually go out and buy Time this week. Wooooooo Ann Coulter!