Sunday, April 10, 2005

Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest and Peace

Ok so I stole that line from my boys in Zao from an album that they put out a few years back. But it does have bearing with what I did today...

Today I was driving through Maryland and decided to take a detour. While I was headed on towards Germantown, I decided to stop off at the Antietam Battle Field. For those of you not steeped in Civil War knowledge, Antietam was the single bloodiest day in the Civil War. At Antietam:
1) On Sept. 17, 1962 over 6,900 Americans ended each others lives in less than 24 hours
2) Houses, barns, churches, and alleyways were used as receptacles for expired soldiers
3) It was said by some of the survivors that one could walk across Antietam farm and not have their foot touch earth...there were that many dead people.
4) More soldiers were killed at Antietam than in all other American wars of the 19th century...yeah, the whole 19th century.

(these facts come curtosy of Jeff Dreier, civil war guru)

"So what?", you ask. Well I'll tell you what. Having two feet in what was at once the largest American mass grave is an experience that few in our generation take. Sitting in the middle of a corn field where Americans willingly cut clean one another's souls from their mortal confines is an experience that more people will pass over. When people look back on our history-or at least when out post-modern, revisionist culture looks back at history-it seems to me there are two huge ink splotches on the fabric of American history that no one wants to talk too much about: 1) the abuse of minorities (indians, blacks, japanese) by the White Americans, and 2) the Civil War.

It's tempting in our day and age to dismiss the errors in judgment of our predacessors as things gone by; we wave the thought of them away like we would an annoying bee which keeps trying to land on our food and spoil our self-indulgent picnic. But people, you need to look at the reality that our country is united today because patriots fought and died in the Civil War. Because the edifice of our country was littered with corpses of our own people, we now have cause to look back and say "We have learned the lesson. Never again will division turn brother against brother in mortal combat". Because the cornfields of Antietam were saturated with the blood of Patriots, we now have a solid foundation on which to learn a lesson, love our brother, and be thankful that no one in our generation is capable of imagining such horror. The old guard fought it out to teach us something. The only problem is we're either too busy, or too self righteous to see it.

However, I'd encourage you that the next time the ghost of our history is exhumed in your mind, find an outlet for contemplation and reflection. You don't have to drive over to Antietam, or Gettysburgh, or Manassas to think about where we've been and how we've been so blessed as a nation to be where we are now. Our history serves to help remind us of who we are. Stop trying to cover up your identity; instead be an agent of change to be woven into the not yet completed tapestry of history which will one day be 2005.

And while we're on the Civil War:
1) No, the Civil War was not fought over slavery but over states rights, honestly..
2) No, Abe Lincoln did not 'free the slaves'. If my memory serves me correctly, he was as bigoted towards the slaves as were his Confederate contemporaries. Revisionist history doesn't teach you that, does it?


Anonymous said...

Andrew, you continually amaze me with your range of thoughts...

Anonymous said...

wow Andrew...this makes me like you again. ;) Nice to know you do have a heart in there somewhere....and a brain. Good entry...keep up the good work. :)

Donkey Patrol said...

Amanda I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted! You've in one fell swoop made me into not only a dumb Tin Man, but also a Scarecrow by not acknowledging my heart and brain before today. Maybe I can find a lion somewhere and we can find the Wizard together.

HA! Like the Wizard of Oz get it?!

Anonymous said...

Well I'll tell you then...since you don't flattered...I am not easily, if ever impressed. Ahh..the Wizard of Oz...have you ever read the book Wicked, Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West? Holy crap! It's seriously my favorite book! It's a great read, plus very philosophical. Anyway...does this mean I'm Dorothy? And if so, where are my ruby slippers? ;)

Anonymous said...

Your drivel is undercut by the fact that your "guru" is a Civil War reenactor (my guess is he wears Gray) and your last paragraph.

Talk about revisionist history!

If you're really interested in the continuing aftereffects of the Civil War read the following essay and add your own comment.

Donkey Patrol said...

My credibility would be undercut if I made this stuff up. Dreier knows way more about the Civil War than you or I, so I consider him a resident expert. Thanks for stalking me. And if you knew Dreier you'd know that he fought for the Union.

If I grew up in the South maybe I could relate to the person's blog that you sent me. I was schooled in the North where revisitonist history rules the educational system. You went to school up here, I know you can relate.

ALSO! Get correct with history.

From the Lincoln Douglas Debates of 1858:

"I will say, then, that I am not, nor have ever been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races; that I am not nor ever been in favor of making voters of the free Negroes, or jurors, or qualifying them to hold office, or having them to marry with white people. I will say in addition, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races, which, I suppose, will forever forbid the two races living together upon terms of social and political equality, and inasmuch as they cannot so live, that while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, that I as much as any other white man am in favor of the superior position being assigned to the white man."

That came out of Abe Lincoln's mouth. This is where the revisionistic approach to history comes into play. Have you ever seen this in any public school textbook? I personally have never read a textbook or been in a class where the Southern Ante-Deluvian culture was pictured any other way than as an economically depressed carpet bagging society that struggled to regain some sort of stable economy.The whitewash in MY textbooks at public, northern high school failed to account for the fact that the odious racism which Abe's Union fought against was still a part of his worldview. Fortunately for all of us Abe didn't get his way in regards to perpetrating racism.

Again I reiterate, get bent.

Anonymous said...

damn! I declare andrew the winner of this war! BAM! Although...seriously..."Get bent"? I expect more from you andrew... ;)

Anonymous said...

Gee, I guess if LINCOLN said those things while he was RUNNING FOR OFFICE then the fact that he SIGNED THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION is meaningless.

Maybe if you had gone to college and taken some American History classes you would have been exposed to the social and cultural realities with which Lincoln had to deal.

It galls me that Strom Thurmond apologists like yourself use quotes like this to justify your racist feelings and impulses.

Maybe the Civil War wasn't fought over slavery per se but about "state's rights." But wasn't it really about a state's "right" to OWN SLAVES?

If you'd actually read Gilliard's article you'd learn that the Union let the treasonous South off the hook and let them enter a 100 year period of lynchings and KKK activity that finally ended when LBJ ended "separate but equal" in the 60's.

If you can't see that your beloved Republican Party feeds and manipulatesthis unresolved history of racism and intolerance to their own cynical ends, then you're an even bigger wanker than I initially thought you to be.

I'd bet that you've never even read "Uncle Tom's Cabin."

I think you need to start watching "Deadwood" to get some idea what a brutal, racist bunch of cocksuckers many Americans were around the time of Lincoln.

Sadly, not much has changed in people's hearts-- at least 51% of them, that is.

Anonymous said...

And Ruby, do yourself a favor and stop lowering yourself through such sycophantic nincompoopery.

Donkey Patrol said...

Sycophant, nice word. Bonus

If the rest of your knowledge of history is steeped in the illustrious annals of HBO, you're certainly a bigger wanker than I took you for. I obviously need to re-evaluate how I get my information, thanks Anon.

And by the way this conversation didn't start off as a delve into racism but apparently by quoting Abe Lincoln I'm now a blazing racist. By bringing up the civil war I'm a racist. I imagine only a delusional liberal could indulge in such intellectual masturbation to sate their need to hear their own ideas. Keep bending whilst I bray in your face.

Anonymous said...

Thank you and you're welcome.

Ha ha. Funny to see you go off the deep end. If you want to take your identification with the Republican party so personally that you think I'm calling YOU a racist, fine.

I was only pointing out that the highmindedness of your essay was undercut by the non-sequiter of the Lincoln quote. Why even mention it? That's the kind of shit you'd once have found pointed out in Southern Partisan magazine, the same one to which Ashcroft once granted an interview.

"Your magazine also helps set the record straight.  You've got a heritage of doing that, of defending Southern patriots like [Gen. Robert E.] Lee and [Gen. Stonewall] Jackson and [Confederate President Jefferson] Davis.  Traditionalists must do more.  I've got to do more.  We've all got to stand up and speak in this respect, or else we'll be taught that these people were giving their lives, subscribing their sacred fortunes and their honor to some perverted agenda."

I guess Ashcroft didn't like "revisionist history" either.

You're deluded if you don't see how Rove and Luntz are using the still unresolved emotions and issues that once culminated in the Civil War to turn Americans against each other even today.

Only a dumb ass romanticizes war: "Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest and Peace." Please! If you believe that then why don't you get your asses over to Iraq instead of hanging out in shitty hotel rooms and rundown apartments in Grove City?

Your Dear Leader needs more help with his clusterfuck. You could blast Zao in the Bradley as you dodge roadside bombs.

Donkey Patrol said...

Hey if there is a deep end and I'm off treading water in it, at least you are there to keep my company. Going off the deep end, maybe...going off my rocker, no way.

"It galls me that Strom Thurmond apologists like yourself use quotes like this to justify your racist feelings and impulses."

That's a quote from Anonymous indicating that I'm a racist. You gotta re-read your stuff man.

I understand that people down South are still fired up about what they would call the War of Northern Aggression. I understand that a few people may be pandered to by inciting hostility that stems from race related issues. But if you're going to point your finger look at your own party!

You want to talk about discrimination? A majority of the proponents of such 'progressive' and 'liberal' ideologies are fueled in part by a hatred for people who perpetrated crimes in the country over 150 years ago. Reparations? Voter disenfranchisement? the ACLU? Get a freaking break. All this racism-talk is propagated primarily from a flaming left who, having no real grounds to mobilize people to support them, relies on hatespeech and unadulterated vitriol for conservative America...which may have oppresed some races scores of years ago. People screw up. People make mistakes. And it is up to both offending and offended parties to be able to reconcile and move on. That was one of the underlying themes of my original post: know where we have been and refuse to go back there. It makes me vomit to think of the hatred amongst people that your Democratic party encourages unnecessarily.

That's a whole lot to swallow at once so if you don't want to post anymore and digest for a bit, go ahead while you're still in the bent position.

And OF COURSE you would make the illogical jump that because I am a Republican I should be a real supporter of the war and go to Iraq. Talk about non-sequiters. Anyone can make as straw man to knock over and you're pretty good at battling with straw when you're not too busy hugging it.

Anonymous said...

I lower myself for no one...i'm just not a prig to people (oh and Andrew...wanker...way to go international...bonus)...I find I learn more about the different sides of things that way. But way to bust out your websters and follow it with nincompoopery...seriously. I feel like if you could just give your opinion and stop with the name calling and all the assumptions about Andrew, whom you don't even know, you may even get some where with him in this conversation. Pretty sure you two will never agree, but name calling never gets us anywhere...sigh...this conversation is becoming a gigantic waste of time.

Anonymous said...

No body wants to admit racist feelings and impulses. That's ok, we all have them.

Your denial and turning the discussion back on the "flaming left" is also understandable.

Denial is how a person like yourself can excuse the statements and actions of prominent leaders of your own party. For example, Trent Lott was just joking, right? That Rush Limbaugh-- he's so funny, isn't he? Those clowns over at Little Green Footballs-- ha ha!

Racism is going to be an open wound until it's treated and allowed to heal. It seems, though, that your party just won't do its part in the healing--it's just too useful a political tool.

Bigotry against gays goes hand in hand with that. Rove did a great job at making that an election issue, though I'm thinking he might have lost your vote if they'd come out against hot TV lesbians.

Equal rights for women? Something tells me that you think that's unnecessary and that you would agree that the state should tell women what they can do with their own bodies.

And voter intimidation and suppression in the last couple of elections are just fictions that the Michael Moore wing of the left made up, right?

And your vitriol about the ACLU-- ACLU has become a codeword for "New York Jew", doncha know. You might want to look at that. And then you might want to send them 50 bucks for their work against the excesses of the Patriot Act.

If you're vomiting all over yourself, I'd guess it's because of all the cognitive dissonance you're experiencing.

Yup. Rove and Luntz have us pretty well polarized. And now they're happily looting the treasury thanks to folks like you.

And hey, Whoops! No WMD! People make mistakes!

Oh well.

Y'know, a hitch in Iraq might be just the thing you need to clear your head.

But I expect you'll just keep on with your casual and smug bashing of the party of social and economic justice, the pile of Cheeto™ crumbs on your lap growing ever higher.

Anonymous said...

Any assumptions about Andrew, Ruby, come from what I read here.

I guess you could say I'm fighting back against the fighting back.

Don't you have anything to add to the discussion other than a defense of your pal? Or are you just throwing up your hands?

Take a stand.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha! this is freakin amazing...15 comments..well now 16 just because Andrew had a moment of appreciation for veterans...good grief! As for taking a stand. To be honest, I'm not even sure this conversation has very much to do at all with the orginal blog. I will say this much...everyone is prejudice to some degree. It is built right into society. But that goes for everyone; not just white middle class republican men. African, Native, Asian, Latino, Americans....they all, we all have our fears and misconceptions about one another. We act around each based on what we think the other person thinks we think about them. It's a sociological fact called associative assigned behavior. But it's not just among race, but also gender, age, and sub-cultures. I know. I see it in action every day. I go to one of the most diverse colleges in the United States. So to call Andrew a racist as if he's the only person or as if Americans or Republicans are the only group to do that is terribly extreme and ill-informed. This kind of thinking and behavior is cross international borders, name it. What is your obsession with sending people to Iraq? You know, there are plenty of men and women over there right now who are really proud of what they are doing and truly believe that they are defending their country, Iraq and freedom. Now whether I agree or not is irrelevant. The bottom line for me is, that they signed up to serve their country and they are. Who the hell am I or you to belittle that sacrifice and the sacrifice of their families? That's just shameful. Sure, we can discuss the war as citizens, but I will not be derogatory towards our troops. Furthermore, signing up to do that is a choice...a freedom. Andrew and Keith didn't choose that path...that's their right. That's terrible logic that just because they are Republicans and not in the military that they are hippocritical. Not everyone has what it takes to be a soldier. back off the Iraq comments, you just sound like a fool. As for my "pal" Andrew...I've never even seen him face to face. He's a friend of a friend. What I know of him is through IM conversations and this blog. I'll tell you this much...he LIVES to get people all riled up so he says outrages things. He basically completely over-exagerates his point of view, and says radical things. Then he waits for someone, usually you, to get their panties in a's good fun for him. Am I right Andrew? However, the one time he goes out and just tries to tell us all about a personal moment he has, you freak out and make it totally about something else. First of all, it was his experience...feelings are neither right nor wrong, they just are. Who are you to tell him how to feel? Who am I? People have a right to think for themselves. Obviously he wasn't just talking out his ass, but he knows about this stuff and he's thought about it and that's the conclusion he came to...big friggin deal?! Welcome to America...a land were not just liberals get to piss and moan and state their opinions, but tight ass conservative republicans like Andrew and Keith too. So if you want to "fight back against the fighting back" go right ahead, but don't be so narrow about it that you don't give them any room just to be the people that they are. Besides, the more you freak out the more they are going to keep on saying ridiculous things...but good luck with that. There is a reason extremes exist in the's to find balance...think about it.

Donkey Patrol said...

Amanda and Anon,

Amanda: That was glorious. Way to go, you are right. And how was your recital? I' sure you blew the audience away.

Anon: It's obvious you fail to address the issues I so nonchalantly shove down your throat. It's always back to Rove or Lott or some other pat answer you have to try and make conservatives trip up...and I'm sure that it works most of the time. Nice smoke screen for the fact that you have no defence (european spelling for you) for your party. Get so bent you make an arch.

All silliness aside, I just have to know this Anon...I have to know this and only this:

Was my blog as least well written? Give me some self-gratification here. You know you loved reading it, right?

Keith said...

Wow Anon ... I don't know if I've ever seen a member / follower of the democratic party so closely imitate the leaders of it. I'm glad that you, like the so called "leaders" of the party just avoid answers and blunder ahead with their own talking points. You my friend are no better than Barbara Boxer. You can expect a post from me regarding your thoughts on homosexuality, bigotry, the ACLU, and the WMD.

Homosexuality was not made an election issue. People actually care about it. Since Democrats are so out of touch with American values, it comes as a shock to them. They think Rove forced it to be an election issue. But shock of all shocks, America actually cared.

And since every Dem. under the sun has called Bush dumb, every Dem. sure is dumb himself. Because if Bush knowingly, "lied" about WMD you still all believed him. And in my opinion, that either A) exonerates him of dumbness or B) makes you even more dumb. The war was about safety. Keeping madmans like Sadam from eventually getting to us, as well as freeing others. So when you get your head out of your arse, let me know.

Rock on friends.

Anonymous said...

Andrew...thanks...I thought it was pretty glorious myself. ;) My recital went really well...thanks for asking. I looked hot (no kidding...$250 ball gown! good Lord...), sang well (lessons since I was in 8th grade for goodness sake), made my mom cry (in a good way...not at all hard to do. I think you guys would like my mom...she's a conservative republican from PA...), and made some money for Sudanese refugees...SAWEET. Andrew I will say that though very often I wonder what the hell you are thinking...I will say your blog is well-written and a fun read...nice work. This conversation's getting so hot that Keith's getting riled up....LOOK OUT! I'm scared about what's coming next...helmets everyone...this war's about to get fierce. HA HA HA HA!!!! This is absurd! Oh yeah...aren't you coming to Nyack soon? At last I meet the infamous Andrew...this should be a rare treat indeed. ;) Maybe when you get here, you can manage to manipulate Heidi into commenting. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for identifying the "associative assigned behavior" phenomenon, Ruby.

they all, we all have our fears and misconceptions about one another. We act around each based on what we think the other person thinks we think about them.

My point is that the Republican party, of which our hosts are members, encourages these normal impulses for their own electoral ends. They encourage racial, sexual, religious and economic fears. Hate and fear are their political tools of choice.

Republicans who do not repudiate these tactics tacitly approve of them.

Anyone who raises an objection is a "flaming liberal" or whatever Hannity/Limbaugh/Scarborough appelation is in fashion.

Ruby, those controlling the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government was to reverse a 100 years of progressive legislation and return to the earlier Hobbesian nightmare said legislation was designed to ameliorate.

That's fucking scary to me.

As far as belittling or disrespecting the troops-- where the hell did you get that? I don't see how pointing out the hypocrisy of the fact that our hosts are unwilling to put their lives on the line like our brave servicemen and women is in any way disrespectful to the troops. I'm just sick of smug frat rat brats cheerleading this clusterfuck from the safety of their mother's basements.

I can't believe you're letting our hosts off the hook on this:

Andrew and Keith didn't choose that path...that's their right. That's terrible logic that just because they are Republicans and not in the military that they are hippocritical. Not everyone has what it takes to be a soldier.

Can I venture to say that it's because the greedy little cowards are content to let others do the dirty work for them, just like their chickenhawk heroes?

It's all well and good that our host can get all misty-eyed at the site of such senseless and wanton death and destruction while the melody of some lame xtian power ballad wafts through his underdeveloped mind. But to deny the role of the bigotry and greed of the treasonous Southern Aristocracy in the firing of the first shot at Fort Sumter but insinuating that Lincoln was as much to blame is bullshit that couldn't go unchallenged.

Then for our host to wax all eloquent about how we must learn from our mistakes and move on and blah blah blah-- sophomoricism at its finest! How high-minded-- and trite.

I'm sick of little Limbaugh wannabes polluting discourse with their illconsidered, illinformed, inflamatory and sometimes downright false assertions. Lies and the lying liars who tell them indeed.

I'm a proud member of the reality-based community which is more than I can say for our bloviating hosts.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, DonkeyBoy, but what was the issue again?

That Honest Abe was just as much a racist as any of us?

The reasons for the Civil War?

That xtian metal rocks?

What are the questions you were expecting answers to?

Y'know, none of this would have been stirred up if you hadn't added the Lincoln aside to your treacle. What did that have to do with anything you wrote about? That highschool textbooks leave out some ugly truths? Revisionism? I imagine you're all for teaching creationism in schools, too.

It's so infuriating when the simple-minded are so smug about it but that's your strategic M.O., your self-entertaining pose, right?

So let's start over.

I can't wait for your or your cohort's scintillating exegesis of 21st century political reality.

To quote Dear Leader: "Bring it on!"

Anonymous said...

Ruby, those controlling the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government want to reverse [a] 100 years of progressive legislation and return to the earlier Hobbesian nightmare said legislation was designed to ameliorate.

Anonymous said...

I feel like you're angry...can I start of by saying that? Ok. Now that I have that off my chest...As for using hate and fear as a political power move...welcome to politics! That's how it works. Look around you...nay look around the world. It's a gigantic struggle for power by manipulating the unsuspecting and in many cases the uneducated should know...the democratic party does it too. They are not innocent. One of my favorites during the election year was the mass emails with the subject line: You've just been drafted." and then an email that follows telling me that's what would happen in GWB was elected. They use fear about the environment, economy, even religion...just in a different that arguement is seriously falling on deaf's exactly what you're doing and what Keith and Andrew are doing. And as for sexual and moral fears...blah blah blah..once again used by the democratic party but in a different manner. Furthermore, some of that is not "fear" or manipulation, but foundational beliefs. Once again...welcome to America. People are allowed to have beliefs. Who are you to tell them what to believe? Now should Andrew and Keith hate homosexuals or people who don't fit into their world view? Should they treat them differently then they treat me? No...and I'm going to venture out and say they don't. People don't like the fact that I'm a Christian, but they like me. I made a lifestyle choice...and people respect me for that. So what? My friends who are homosexual know I don't approve of that lifestyle what? We're still friends. Why? Beats me?! Excpet we're people and we love each other. They don't like that I'm a Christian, and I don't like that they sleep with each other...but I like them and they like me...good grief. Why does everything have to be so black and white? Listen...I'm not going to change anyone...and neither are you...not with words anyway (especially not with how hostile you are anon). But those things are not always based out of fear, but out of a religious or culture foundational belief. I don't like the Republican party just as much as the next person...but I don't like the Democrats either...or the liberals...or the independants...and I will venture out and say that even the American church is a political power house...and to be honest, even though I'm a Christian, I don't like them too much either...all politicans have an agenda and they use and manipulate the masses' fears to get power. You don't think they didn't take sociology courses? That they don't know how to use people as a means to an end? Wake up. Politics don't change the world...people do. Just like development...the people ultimately decide what they are going to be about and who they will be. Get a grip...
As for being disrespectful to the troops...this is another thing that pisses me off about politics...the way both sides use war...ugh...any're being disrespectful because you throw around being in Iraq as if it's some proof of something. You can be in support of something and not be there. Basically it's like telling someone who wants to be a pyschologist, go get schizo, heal yourself...then you can be one, other than that shut up. Be reasonable. And my God, if every republican signed up and went over...I shudder at the thought...we would lose (no offense boys! ;) ). Why would you EVER wish that on someone? I have friends and family over there and it has messed them up severely not to mention their families. The things they've seriously hurts me to hear the way people talk about that war so flippantly...I've lost's not a joke...and it's shouldn't be talked about lightly, and it definitely shouldn't be thrown around by you to make a point. As for moving on and learning from mistakes....ummm right so if we don't do that, then what do we do? Live in the disasterous aftermath? Listen I'm all for healing, but if you're not going to heal while you keep moving, you're just going to get caught in the crust of your scab. I agree with anon that the world is far from where it should be...and yeah some of that is the Republican party's fault, some of it is the Democrats' fault, but mostly it's the people's fault...we are ultimately individually responsible for what we do, how we act, and what we contribute to this world. I don't know Keith and Andrew all that well, but I do know they are helping people get into to college so they can have a securer future and Keith has been on trips to Uganda, India...they have contributed and keep their idealogy doesn't match your''s going to ok. They will keep keep contributing...and I will keep contributing..and hopefully, we'll make the world a little bit more decent before we die...and it will still be diverse as well...because none of us are EVER going to agree with one another. 21 comments...sweet

Anonymous said...

PS. School exists to teach theories. I think what Andrew was getting at is that Lincoln, though a great man, was not this perfect moral of man we make him out to be. He was a racist....who back then wasn't? There are various theories about what the civil war was really they should be taught in school...that's what he's saying...correct me if I'm wrong here Andrew. As for creationism...why not? Can't kids think for themselves? It's a vialbe theory of earth's origins, just like evolution and the Big Bang..and creationism has several very different counterparts...let kids think for themselves...there are logical scientific objections and supports for all of the theories mentioned teach them. Why are we afraid of information? was 76 degrees today! YES! I've been waiting for 9 months to see 70! I really need to move to Cali or FL...well comment number 24. And anon wrote 2 comments while I wrote my last one...props to you on the fast typing skills anon.

Donkey Patrol said...

Once again in diatribe format, Amanda has got the nail on the head (for the most part but sweetheart, use paragraphs!!)

Anon you haven't contributed anything to this blog other than your axe to grind. "What was the point of this blog and these posts"? It was up about 6-7 posts ago and I'm not reiterating it. I understand that I can sit here and cast aspersions on you from 'my mother's basement' whatever that means just as much as you can. So apart from calling the kettle black, you haven't told me anything that I don't already know.

And I urge you to support YOUR political party over mine. Chances are you'll come out with your finger pointed shakily in my direction but with no words to substitantively back up your party's deification. Amanda's got your party pegged man...fear, intimidation, hate are their collective modus operandi and for you to purport otherwise is a denial of facts. Take everything that you say about republicans and substitute the word 'reublican' with 'democrat'. It all sounds about the same. Yeah I know that my party isn't God's gift to the earth and no government system on this planet will have the cure for societies ills. THAT is the reality and THAT is incontrivertible.

About the only thing I can muster up about your jabberjawed political debates is that they lack serious critical thinking and reasoning skills. I'll save you the time, I know I'm flawed in the area too, especially when I'm heated...but not as much. All supporters of Iraq's liberation should be in Iraq sniffing out roadside mines...get real.

Real, that reminds me. The real intention of the post was to stimulate thought. That has happened. And truth be told, Anon, I threw those last 2 lines in because I knew you would get pissed and write a lot of comments...and then Amanda would chip in and so would Keith. The self-righteous has condescended to judge the self-righteous, the intellectual masturbator has condescended to enlighten the pedantic blogger. You might say it was all a publicity stunt wrapped in diction and high verbaige. Maybe marketing is my gift and not political banter after all. Or maybe politics (i.e. manipulation, elabortate rhetoric, high mindedness, confusion, name calling, reactionary statements) is my calling. I'll let you decide though I'm sure "When you and your right wing friends arrested control over the house and senate we'll be thrown back into a draconian talespin the likes of which has not been paralelled since the Crusades, you stupid Christian". Blach blah blach I saved you the trouble of writing that one too.

To recap:
1) Yes ZAO is great
2) Why not creationism? Scan scientific record for proof of evolution. Keep scanning...oh yeah none exists. Theory theory theory, and a dead ended out moded one at that. You're all about progressive reform...find a progressive new theory to replace the defunct 'scientific' one. But again, this is the discussion for another day and undoubtedly it will be as tiresome and circular.
3) In case you're just tuning in, the past 24 posts have essentially amounted to a quarrel between a bunch of 3 year olds. The gyst of the quarrel goes like this:

"You're stupid"

"You're stupider"

"You're the stupidest"

You're...stupid times 10"

and on and on. Come on Anonymous let's break up the tension with a little levity. I laugh at myself all the time. Keeps me young...and dead sexy!!!!!!!!!
4) The shower head at the Sheraton out here on Long Island is glorious! It emits the perfect shower spray
5) Anon how do we know each other? Seriously I gotta know.