Monday, April 11, 2005

Kick her in the Box(er)

It's official, I can't stand Barbara Boxer.

MOREOVER! If I was standing on a corner on any given street in America, and saw Barbara Boxer standing on the other side of the street, I would not even wave at her.

FURTHERMORE!!! If Barbara Boxer started walking across the street and then a car, nay, dumptruck came careening down the street and ran her over, I would not call 911. I would look to my left, look to my right, maybe point at the smear on the pavement and say "Woah look at that!", but call 911? Far be it from me!

AND THEN OFF!! IF in the event Barbara Boxer was not dead, just brain-dead and placed on a feeding tube, I would stand out in front of her hospice and advocate the removal of that odious death-preventing advice. I'd even send my little kids in to unhook her adn then watch them get taken to jail. I'd do it too!

LASTLY!!!!!!!!!!! This hotel that I'm staying in blows. The walls are so paper thin that the conversation of what I can only guess are 17-19 year old girls in the room adjacent to mine is now, unbeknownst to them, my business. I can't even turn the TV one and have it cover up their talk, and they're not screaming over there. At this point I don't know which is worse-hearing those stupid girls laugh and giggle and talk about what "top looks good with those jeans...", or hearing the people on the OTHER side of me banging. Be it giggling or banging, I have a feeling that I'm not going to sleep so super tonight.

In case Barbara Boxer is reading this, hyperbole is the name of the game (for all you are concerned).


Anonymous said...

So is there one particular reason you hate her, or is it merely based on the fact that she's a democrat from California? Just checking...want to know what all the rage is about. Sorry you're in a crap hotel...but at least there wasn't banging going on in both that would be a LONG night. Personally...when I'm in a hotel and the people next door are having unusually loud sex (whether it's thin walls or not) I bang on the wall, call, knock on the door...whatever...cause it's obnoxious...and let's face facts: my subconscience is saying if I'm not getting any, I sure don't want to hear you getting some. But Andrew what I REALLY want to know is were those girls actually talking about tops with jeans...or were you using it to be funny? Afterall, blogs are the news now. Didn't you hear?! So they need to be accurate. ha ha ha :)

Anonymous said...

well...i like them...good times. I don't think they hate women per say, and they aren't little boys either...they are grown men who have looked at the issues and made their decisions. So they are different from what I think...who cares? Not me. It makes for a fun conversation. Only speaking with people who agree with everything you have to say makes you just as narrow-minded as the next ignorant person. Whether someone is conservative or liberal does not make them ignorant or stupid, but it's those people who will only converse civilly with those who agree with them. Andrew and Keith have never been rude to me and they have listened to my point of they don't I don't agree with's all good. We all three are better people for it. Maybe you want to think about it before you become a raging ignorant liberal. Be a raging liberal by all means, but please don't be ignorant. It seriously makes the world unbearable.

Anonymous said...

FURTHERMORE!!! If Barbara Boxer started walking across the street and then a car, nay, dumptruck came careening down the street and ran her over, I would not call 911. I would look to my left, look to my right, maybe point at the smear on the pavement and say "Woah look at that!", but call 911? Far be it from me!

AND THEN OFF!! IF in the event Barbara Boxer was not dead, just brain-dead and placed on a feeding tube, I would stand out in front of her hospice and advocate the removal of that odious death-preventing advice. I'd even send my little kids in to unhook her adn then watch them get taken to jail. I'd do it too!

That's not vile, misogynistic and ignorant? It's certainly not funny.

Not one word of defense for Senator Boxer from you. Is Santorum more to your liking? Tom DeLay? Do you care if the state wrests control of your body once again?

Nothing wrong with hanging with a couple of ignorant frat rats, I guess. Whatever floats your boat.

Don't say I didn't warn ya.

Anonymous said...

Here ya go ya little brownshirts:

Donkey Patrol said...


While you may not like my point of view, you continue to view my point. That makes you a point viewer, and I feel violated...pervert.

SECOND OFF!! Anon give me the link to your blog so I can make comments on your social commentary. I know your pithy remarks are really only the tip of the iceburg, I would love to see what kind of verbal diarrhea comes out of your mouth all the time.

LAST OFF!!! Don't cut and paste my last quote about verbal diarrhea because yes, I know I spray it as well. But at least I sucker people like yourself into reading it. And Musicruby rules by the way beacuse she uses her brain.

ALSO: Get bent.

Anonymous said...

Please feed the troll, donkeykong!

Ha ha.

You expect me not to challenge your atavistic spew?

Why the heck ain't you en yer buddy signed up and shipped out?

Cowardly frat rats?