Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Sneaky Suspicion

When reading Andrew's hilariously titled blog, "Kick her in the box(er)" I could only chuckle. I know exactly what he's talking about, and I know exactly why he hates Barbara Boxer. Allow me to attempt to explain his viewpoint if I may. I believe it is similar to mine, and if I'm incorrect at any point Andrew feel free to blog and correct me.

Point one and the shallow one first. She's a liberal from one of the top three liberal of states, California. Now that I got the juvenile reason out of my system, allow me to go deeper. Barbara, no she's not fitting of a first name basis, you see Boxer here falls prey to what a large degree of extreme democrats do, avoiding facts. Allow me to explain you're seeing an extremely vulnerable side of me here. I'm actually admitting there is a difference between extreme democrats and moderate ones. It may not seem like a big deal, but if you know me, you understand I like to paint in broad sweeping brushstrokes known as stereotypes.

But Boxer falls under the category of legitimate flaming liberal. She's just irrational, outspoken, and pardon me but wrong. She falls down on the harsh / intrusive side of every issue one could possibly imagine. For example when the Democrats wanted to challenge the Presidential vote and keep Bush from being inaugurate. Remember that? Who do you think led the charge? That's right Barbara stinking Boxer.

Who supports the increase of minimum wage? Boxer. Look, I'm all for people making more money. But raising minimum wage is not going to help tons of people. That extra dollar an hour while eighteen year old Jimmy is working at Sheetz or BP isn't going to help a ton. You know what it is going to do? Force union workers to get an easy pay raise. Most people in a union have a clause in the contract saying that they get a pay raise when minimum wage increases. So we're not giving hard working Americans who deserve it a pay raise, we're giving it to lazy union workers. I've worked for a union once, don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Way to go Boxer.

Should I keep going or do you have a sufficient picture? Here's a few quickies:

1.) She supports buying lower prescriptions from Canada? (yet she blasts republicans for outsourcing.)
2.) She supports healthcare for all ... so when you have cancer it takes you five months to see a doctor ... like Canada.
3.) Supports abortion ... hot topic I'm not touching that in this blog, but how about we don't kill babies.
4.) Finally she's for increasing gas prices. Ok that's a slippery slope on my part. But she doesn't want us to drill for oil in Alaska because it's bad for wetlands and animals. Thanks Boxer but that extra dollar in minimum wage will cover my rocketing gas prices.

What puts me over the edge is not just that she's wrong, a lot of people in America are wrong, but she's shamelessly wrong. She won't let you get a word in edgewise. If anyone has paid attention to the news you'd know we're attempting to appoint a new ambassador to the UN (yeah that horrible governing weakness that is the United Nations that's a whole other blog) named John Bolton. He's sitting before a committee to be voted on. So "the box" is grilling him with questions similar to, "How can you be an ambassador to the UN when in the past you said the UN was weak and non-existent?" That's a paraphrase, but her question was very similar.

What typically follows a question? A response from the person you asked the question to. But not in Boxer land. She just beligerently barrels through not letting the committee, or America for that matter, to hear his response. Now despite the fact that Republicans support him, I don't know what to think of the guy because I never got to hear his answer. Thanks for dissuading most of America with your ignorance Boxer. Thanks for not letting them hear a man give his answer or side of the story. Now people who can't think for themselves will assume he's bad for the job instead of deciding for themselves after hearing his answer. Thanks for being ignorant, brash, and flat out wrong. Typical raging liberals always just jumping on the wrong and irrational side. This man doesn't need to be a friend to the UN or kiss up to its corruptness. This man needs to get across the views, opinions, cases, and needs to the UN in a diplomatic way. Now we'll never quite know what to think. Thanks again ya' Box.


Donkey Patrol said...

'The Box' hahaha! That's awesome. Yeah you're pretty much got the nail on the head with this one, Keith. Barbara Boxer is one of those horrible liberals that always ruins your day. I've got a lot of friends who are Democrats and they don't ruin my day. B-Box does though. She's like the vegan who when you sit down to eat an omelette calls you a baby killer for no reason. She's like that tree hugging peace freak who assaults you on the street to let you know that '1500 of our boys have died for nothing' when reality (tricky thing, that reality business) the hard facts are that they are doing us a great service. In fact, maybe at the risk of sounding crass and incredibly morbid, I'd dare say that the 1500+ dead bodies of American soldiers have contributed more to this country, and the world than Barbara Boxer ever will. You can take that and put it where the sun don't shine, Boxer

Anonymous said...

sigh...why must we live in extremes? There has to be a mature middle ground somewhere where we can all live better lives...still in search of. Oh and Keith, appreciate your honesty about hating her just because she's a flaming liberal...made me want to read what else you had to say...way to keep it legit and honest. nice work. I'm three weeks away from graduation...and 15 hours away from completing my recital...HALLELUJAH!!!!

Anonymous said...

well...they don't appear to be afraid of me...now weak women...maybe...like those who travel under anonymous...hmmm...wonder why people are afraid of differences in opinions?

Anonymous said...

Avoid those boys.

Donkey Patrol said...

To be gender neutral for anonymous, because she has her panties in a twist and likes it, if Barbara Boxer were a dude, say Barak Boxer, and had all the same characteristics of The feamle Boxer, I would not hesitate to watch him get run over and then not do anything about it. And sometimes a cigar is a cigar...and what's your fascination with dudes and cigars? I think you've got a complex...

Anonymous said...

can't we all just have a conversation? good lord...anyway, anonymous...just put up a link to your blog and let's have an intelligent conversation can we? You see, because of your comments anonymous, you are not helping your cause. You sound brash and you aren't giving your comments any support, and that's why andrew and keith will keep bashing or ignoring every word you're saying and will keep saying things to piss you off. So help yourself out, start using your intelligence instead of your anger, and put up your blog so we can all know more about what you think and where you are coming from. And yes, I admit it, I like frat boys...they even me out and keep my panties for getting into a knot. ;) (props to you Andrew for using that phrase...) alrighty then... oh by the way, my recital went really well, and raised a decent amount of money for Sudanese refugees...YEAH!!!! Now to decide what charity would be the best to give it to...hmmm....tricky

Anonymous said...

It's funny how your little rant becomes more and more obviously wrongheaded as the evidence mounts that John Bolton is some kind of psychopath.

The man's actions speak louder than his prepared statements.

He's obviously unsuited to the job.

He's a thug, not a diplomat.