Saturday, April 16, 2005

In case you hadn't noticed, you lazy readers

There's quote the discussion going on about "Where Blood and Fire..." you should get off the couch and contribute. That's all I have to say for now, other than that I'm glad Anonymous finally came out of her shell.

Where Blood and Fire Bring Rest and Peace is a song not about war, by the way. I just thought the title was appropriate for your consideration of civil war.


Anonymous said...

Andrew....this is friggin awesome! ha ha ha ha! I seriously never imagined THAT blog entry would blow up like this...fabulous!

Anonymous said...

praise and worship November 13, 2004
Reviewer: ryan from sutherlin,OR.

where blood and fire brings rest and peace means more than just a title. Think about the end times and what the bible says about it. That's the rapture folks. But the whole album is like this. The lyrics make you actually understand them which is awesome.And there is so much power in this music. As we all know "life and death is in the power of the tongue", and this music brings life my freinds.

Revelations is a metaphor, not a prophecy.

You're into this stuff for the "camp" factor, right?

Irony isn't dead, is it?

Donkey Patrol said...

Revelation is written in apocolyptic language...a hybrid of metaphor and prophesy. If you can figure out how to decipher one from the other tell me because I want to know. Direct interpretation, however, does get a bit dicey.

And I don't know if I'd also draw one to one correlations to Zao's musical titles and the themes that said songs express. I'm thinking of the Funeral of God as an album title that, while provocative, doesn't really talk about God dying. You can reference Neitzche for that, but you already knew that I'm sure.

Zao's best album is The Splinter Shards the Birth of Separation. If you can find a copy of it somewhere let me know...I want it REALLY badly.

I'm glad Anon is now my gopher for Christian music. Is that cool?