Thursday, December 23, 2004

Snow or Rain?

Today it's raining,

It's raining, but it's the end of December, when it should be snowing or making some kind of ice. On days like these I'm never quite sure if I'm glad that it's raining, or really mad that it's raining. There are two sides to the issue. On the one hand, rain means it's warmer outside. Warm weather is infinitely better than the blasted cold that plagues us in the winter months. Also rain doesn't make your car slide off the road and into a telephone pole...well, usually. Rain is easier to drive in, it kind of washes the salt off of your car, and you can prevent getting rained on outside with an umbrella. Snow on the other hand messes everything up. It makes it harder to drive normally, accompanies blasted cold weather, and freezes on your car making little ice sculptures on your hood (you should have seen my collection of ice was ridiculous). HOWEVER! Whenever I think of winter, I think of 3 things: Christmas, Horrible Cold Weather, and Snow. Snow is part and parcel to the winter months and though it is usually accompanied by blasted cold, it is really pretty. It's also a lot of fun to play in, and without snow there would be no of my other favorite winter past-times. I think the fact that I grew up in Florida also makes seeing snow a novelty even still. So snow does have its selling points.

The purpose of this blog is to stimulate dialogue with the reader...a fruitless endeavor I know. I still am not quite sure whether I like rainy winters and the warmer, friendlier weather that comes with it, or whether the beauty and wonder of snow is what makes going outside worthwhile. I'll tell you what is worthwhile, though, is Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You" song...destined to be a Christmastime classic for decades to come.


Anonymous said...

I read my article and I agreed with myself


Anonymous said...

I do not know even where to start... I guess we can do a list of why I am better than Andrew:1. I went to Florida, Florida State Sucks 2. I live in California and the weather is a million times better (right now it's 65 outside with no clouds)3. I do not refer to myself as a donkey
