Thursday, December 23, 2004

Keith says ...

First off, I obviously have no friends. No one reads this blog that I know, only people that Andrew knows. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I think my own blog may suck and I'm ashamed for people to read it. I have too much of a headache to currently post about important things that are angering me. These things consist of the following: Liberals taking Christ out of all aspects of Christmas (way to neuter a holiday that is based on Christianity), liberals not allowing us to sing Christmas songs, social security failing me even though I am pumping money into it endlessly, the inherent media bias agains the Steelers by refusing to talk about them or thinking they are overrated, or the fact that IT'S RAINING ON DECEMBER 23rd FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Oh wait that one I will talk about.

It's absurd that it would be raining and of course it's worse Andrew. Rain has the ability to freeze and make my commute a living horrible existence. Not only that, but you're wet by the time you get from point A to point B. Who really carries an umbrella with them? That's right no one except women who carry more junk than they need, hence the invention of a purse. If it's snowing, you will undoubtedly be able to "Get that dirt off your shoulders" or snow and be dry. It's prettier, easier to hunt in, fun to watch, makes it colder and you can ski (sweeter than snow boarding). At this point of my blogging life, a whole like 5 posts, I've decided correct punctuation is no longer a necessity. If I mess up commas and junk oh well, go read another of the million or so blogs that exist.

As for Christmas, seriously, can it be any more commercialized? If I see one more huge motorized blow up Santa on someone's yard or icicle lights I may flip out in a rage and tear it all down. The city of Pittsburgh is overrun with HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE DECORATING. On that note, I'm sick of the classic Christmas carols. Someone needs to write new one's. U2 was able to do it in the 90's so why can't other bands? Oh yeah, maybe cause U2 is the greatest band ever, get out of my friggin face. As for U2, their new CD is slamming and I can't wait till the go on tour.

Lastly, I didn't break Andrew's wall. He's full of B.S. I put up his blind, heaven forbid he let some sunlight in. It's not my fault he chose the ghetto office with crumbling plaster. I also TOTALLY agree with Andrew's opinion on MTV. I love their "Choose to Lose" campaign a.k.a. "Choose the leftist communist social liberal way or die." What a farce. I will rail on this sometime when my head isn't pounding. But short of Napoleon Dynamite, which MTV had their hands in, they have produced nothing but garbage and dribble for almost 10 years now. Later chodes.


Donkey Patrol said...

Yeah Keith,

Ok THIS is Andrew and see you do have friends who read your blog. The only people who post to my blogs are myself! Stop being poopy, mister!

Anonymous said...

Hey this is Colin. It is sad that you classify liberals as wanting to take Christ out of Christmas. It is akin to saying Muslims want to see an increase in terrorism. My question is: Does Jesus even really mean anything in this bastardization of christmas we have in America today. Certainly, many people celebrate and respect the religious aspects of the holiday but I know countless others who celebrate christmas (and easter) and never step foot in a church, crack a bible, or even think about anything bigger than themselves. Usually, when I bring this up to these people they give me dirty looks and tell me I am taking the fun out of their christmas. Now, I am not saying one needs to participate in a church or even read the bible to have a relationship with God, but then making a big deal about religious holidays is pointless. All Christmas means to America is bringin' in the bling. Companies want the money. The stock market is boosted by christmas. People want to overindulge and get presents. I think we should have more Christ in Christmas not because I am getting all Benny Hinn, but because people have lost sight of why the holiday is celebrated. If they have a problem with it, fine, they can celebrate their own "holiday", but they should know what it is all about. I would bet more people associate santa claus with Christmas than Jesus. Still, i could be off base here, but just some things to think about.

Also, I am bringing the blue back to the blue collars.