Monday, December 20, 2004

Don't Hate Me

Ok, I (Keith) have nothing really to say in response to Andrew's post about yinzers. We could discuss all day and disagree, so I shall move on. I stopped at the Giant Eagle tonight, I'm sure all of you are ecstatic to know, and came to two stunning revelations. 1.) The organic food section is getting increasingly larger. I find this to be alarming. This means that either a) other sections are slightly neglected or b) the store will become larger as if it's not large enough already. I can never find my way around as is. I always walk around muttering things out loud like, "Where are the peanuts?" until some lady comes by recognizing my helplessness and guides me in the right direction. Well, now not only do I have to find the peanuts but I must avoid the soy chips and grain of life bars while doing it. I'm slightly disappointed.

The other stunning revelation that I came to was 2.) The Giant Eagle employs a large number of (don't hate me now) special / slow people. I have no problem with this, don't get me wrong. I have a problem with where they are employing them. They aren't working registers or stocking the shelves. They're not behind the deli counter. They all ALL seem to be bagging groceries. This would seem to be the worst place for them to work. It's a fast paced job where you must make lots of decisions. Now a lot of you are thinking, "Keith why do you care don't be so mean." but I'm sick of getting home to find my bread smashed by the rotisserie chicken. I get home and find a box of ice cream in with the chips smashing them. I just feel that we owe it to all involved to do better at job placement.

Now that I have angered some, although you all agree. I'm going to go play some Mario Kart Double Dash. A truly sweet Nintendo game and perhaps the only one I can still beat my brother in. Until later honkies.

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