Monday, December 20, 2004

Random musings ...

Keith here with back to back posts. After my passionate defense of yinzers, in which I exhausted only half my thoughts, I decided it was time to post on more light hearted matters. I agree with Andrew on his opinion of Arrested Development. I was introduced to this show recently, at which point I found the first season and watched it in roughly 2 weeks in order to catch up with the story line. The show has that wacky off the wall humor that plays out in two forms. The first form is the continual narrator and the sarcastic humor he has. When the sarcasm is applied to the reoccuring themes in the show, usually pokes at the Bluths, it's just comedic genius. The second form is the attention to detail and the progression of thought the show has. Like when Buster picked up the banana with the crane ... hahahaha (inside Arrested Development joke) hahahaha ...

I'm gonna have to say it's the best show on television. Let me qualify the statement though. It's the best show if: 1.) You don't count Seinfeld reruns 2.) You don't count that show The List on Fox Sports with Summer Sanders as the host. If you count that show, then it's number 1 because Summer is smoking fine.

I also spent this weekend playing a lot of Scrabble. If you're like me, you think Scrabble sucks something fierce, but for some reason people love to play it. The game basically is sitting there and staring while someone thinks about a word. It's so friggin boring. Then at the end of a game, someone drops an "x" or a "q" on a triple word score and it's lights out. Yes, I was winning, DESTROYING, the entire game until my friend dropped "axe" yes axe on a triple word score. Yep, that sentence was horribly puctuated, and yep I lost. Next time I play Scrabble I think I'm going to get RIPPED before hand and then smoke a cigar. NOW THAT would make Scrabble a decent game.

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