First off, I obviously have no friends. No one reads this blog that I know, only people that Andrew knows. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I think my own blog may suck and I'm ashamed for people to read it. I have too much of a headache to currently post about important things that are angering me. These things consist of the following: Liberals taking Christ out of all aspects of Christmas (way to neuter a holiday that is based on Christianity), liberals not allowing us to sing Christmas songs, social security failing me even though I am pumping money into it endlessly, the inherent media bias agains the Steelers by refusing to talk about them or thinking they are overrated, or the fact that IT'S RAINING ON DECEMBER 23rd FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Oh wait that one I will talk about.
It's absurd that it would be raining and of course it's worse Andrew. Rain has the ability to freeze and make my commute a living horrible existence. Not only that, but you're wet by the time you get from point A to point B. Who really carries an umbrella with them? That's right no one except women who carry more junk than they need, hence the invention of a purse. If it's snowing, you will undoubtedly be able to "Get that dirt off your shoulders" or snow and be dry. It's prettier, easier to hunt in, fun to watch, makes it colder and you can ski (sweeter than snow boarding). At this point of my blogging life, a whole like 5 posts, I've decided correct punctuation is no longer a necessity. If I mess up commas and junk oh well, go read another of the million or so blogs that exist.
As for Christmas, seriously, can it be any more commercialized? If I see one more huge motorized blow up Santa on someone's yard or icicle lights I may flip out in a rage and tear it all down. The city of Pittsburgh is overrun with HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE DECORATING. On that note, I'm sick of the classic Christmas carols. Someone needs to write new one's. U2 was able to do it in the 90's so why can't other bands? Oh yeah, maybe cause U2 is the greatest band ever, get out of my friggin face. As for U2, their new CD is slamming and I can't wait till the go on tour.
Lastly, I didn't break Andrew's wall. He's full of B.S. I put up his blind, heaven forbid he let some sunlight in. It's not my fault he chose the ghetto office with crumbling plaster. I also TOTALLY agree with Andrew's opinion on MTV. I love their "Choose to Lose" campaign a.k.a. "Choose the leftist communist social liberal way or die." What a farce. I will rail on this sometime when my head isn't pounding. But short of Napoleon Dynamite, which MTV had their hands in, they have produced nothing but garbage and dribble for almost 10 years now. Later chodes.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Snow or Rain?
Today it's raining,
It's raining, but it's the end of December, when it should be snowing or making some kind of ice. On days like these I'm never quite sure if I'm glad that it's raining, or really mad that it's raining. There are two sides to the issue. On the one hand, rain means it's warmer outside. Warm weather is infinitely better than the blasted cold that plagues us in the winter months. Also rain doesn't make your car slide off the road and into a telephone pole...well, usually. Rain is easier to drive in, it kind of washes the salt off of your car, and you can prevent getting rained on outside with an umbrella. Snow on the other hand messes everything up. It makes it harder to drive normally, accompanies blasted cold weather, and freezes on your car making little ice sculptures on your hood (you should have seen my collection of ice was ridiculous). HOWEVER! Whenever I think of winter, I think of 3 things: Christmas, Horrible Cold Weather, and Snow. Snow is part and parcel to the winter months and though it is usually accompanied by blasted cold, it is really pretty. It's also a lot of fun to play in, and without snow there would be no of my other favorite winter past-times. I think the fact that I grew up in Florida also makes seeing snow a novelty even still. So snow does have its selling points.
The purpose of this blog is to stimulate dialogue with the reader...a fruitless endeavor I know. I still am not quite sure whether I like rainy winters and the warmer, friendlier weather that comes with it, or whether the beauty and wonder of snow is what makes going outside worthwhile. I'll tell you what is worthwhile, though, is Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You" song...destined to be a Christmastime classic for decades to come.
It's raining, but it's the end of December, when it should be snowing or making some kind of ice. On days like these I'm never quite sure if I'm glad that it's raining, or really mad that it's raining. There are two sides to the issue. On the one hand, rain means it's warmer outside. Warm weather is infinitely better than the blasted cold that plagues us in the winter months. Also rain doesn't make your car slide off the road and into a telephone pole...well, usually. Rain is easier to drive in, it kind of washes the salt off of your car, and you can prevent getting rained on outside with an umbrella. Snow on the other hand messes everything up. It makes it harder to drive normally, accompanies blasted cold weather, and freezes on your car making little ice sculptures on your hood (you should have seen my collection of ice was ridiculous). HOWEVER! Whenever I think of winter, I think of 3 things: Christmas, Horrible Cold Weather, and Snow. Snow is part and parcel to the winter months and though it is usually accompanied by blasted cold, it is really pretty. It's also a lot of fun to play in, and without snow there would be no of my other favorite winter past-times. I think the fact that I grew up in Florida also makes seeing snow a novelty even still. So snow does have its selling points.
The purpose of this blog is to stimulate dialogue with the reader...a fruitless endeavor I know. I still am not quite sure whether I like rainy winters and the warmer, friendlier weather that comes with it, or whether the beauty and wonder of snow is what makes going outside worthwhile. I'll tell you what is worthwhile, though, is Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You" song...destined to be a Christmastime classic for decades to come.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Andrew talks about MTV...again
Ok this is serious business,
Alright since this is a blog and since you are at the mercy of my opinion, I foist one on you now! If any of you know me then you know that over the past year, especially in this election year, I have become increasingly hostile towards MTV. Music Television should be by nature a network to promoting music...on television. When a network 'dedicated' to the music entertainment arts steps outside its boundaries and becomes a mouthpiece for the radical Liberal agenda in this country, then the network ceases to represent its namesake. Can you imagine watching the Food network and them telling you how to repair your truck? Or would you watch CNN if they decided to take hours out of their programming and advertising to play music videos and promote the latest record by Obie Trice? That would be unacceptable and stupid but yet for MTV, the social conscience of the ignorant generation, it's perfectly wont. Makes no sense.
If any of you talked to me over the fall you knew about my MTV Thesis. I hate MTV and had to write about it. MTV's blatant involvement in the failed attempt to swing youngsters over to the Democratic party was preposterous! Vote or Die? Vote for Change? Choose or Lose? What the crap does all of that mean?? I just can't stand how MTV tries to inundate the youth of America with fabricated ideals under the guise of social justice, and then spoon feed them to kids on programs like The Real World, Choose or Lose campaigns, and Fight for your Rights shows. Because I hate MTV so much (I'm not going to lie though, I do enjoy Pimp my Ride) I'm going to post blogs whenever I get really pissed at the network. I'll keep a running tally of my blogs, your comments, and then eventually write a paper so full of knowledge and vitriol for the horrible network, they will have no choice but to shut MTV down. It's a pipedream I know, but don't take away my hope! MTV sucks.
Alright since this is a blog and since you are at the mercy of my opinion, I foist one on you now! If any of you know me then you know that over the past year, especially in this election year, I have become increasingly hostile towards MTV. Music Television should be by nature a network to promoting music...on television. When a network 'dedicated' to the music entertainment arts steps outside its boundaries and becomes a mouthpiece for the radical Liberal agenda in this country, then the network ceases to represent its namesake. Can you imagine watching the Food network and them telling you how to repair your truck? Or would you watch CNN if they decided to take hours out of their programming and advertising to play music videos and promote the latest record by Obie Trice? That would be unacceptable and stupid but yet for MTV, the social conscience of the ignorant generation, it's perfectly wont. Makes no sense.
If any of you talked to me over the fall you knew about my MTV Thesis. I hate MTV and had to write about it. MTV's blatant involvement in the failed attempt to swing youngsters over to the Democratic party was preposterous! Vote or Die? Vote for Change? Choose or Lose? What the crap does all of that mean?? I just can't stand how MTV tries to inundate the youth of America with fabricated ideals under the guise of social justice, and then spoon feed them to kids on programs like The Real World, Choose or Lose campaigns, and Fight for your Rights shows. Because I hate MTV so much (I'm not going to lie though, I do enjoy Pimp my Ride) I'm going to post blogs whenever I get really pissed at the network. I'll keep a running tally of my blogs, your comments, and then eventually write a paper so full of knowledge and vitriol for the horrible network, they will have no choice but to shut MTV down. It's a pipedream I know, but don't take away my hope! MTV sucks.
Thanks a whole fat lot Keith
Keith thanks for messing up my blinds in my office. Just FYI they were put that way to disguise the plaster that was falling off near the window. Now that you've exposed the ailing plaster, I can't close the blinds without destroying a fragile chunk of my wall exterior. I'm going to try....
Ok now my wall looks horrible. There's a good 12 inches of plaster that WAS JUST FINE that's now sitting in my garbage can and it's ALL YOUR FAULT. Way to make a trash heap out of the Front Door to our College.
I hope your air conditioner breaks and you sweat to death in your little brown sweater.
Keith thanks for messing up my blinds in my office. Just FYI they were put that way to disguise the plaster that was falling off near the window. Now that you've exposed the ailing plaster, I can't close the blinds without destroying a fragile chunk of my wall exterior. I'm going to try....
Ok now my wall looks horrible. There's a good 12 inches of plaster that WAS JUST FINE that's now sitting in my garbage can and it's ALL YOUR FAULT. Way to make a trash heap out of the Front Door to our College.
I hope your air conditioner breaks and you sweat to death in your little brown sweater.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Don't Hate Me
Ok, I (Keith) have nothing really to say in response to Andrew's post about yinzers. We could discuss all day and disagree, so I shall move on. I stopped at the Giant Eagle tonight, I'm sure all of you are ecstatic to know, and came to two stunning revelations. 1.) The organic food section is getting increasingly larger. I find this to be alarming. This means that either a) other sections are slightly neglected or b) the store will become larger as if it's not large enough already. I can never find my way around as is. I always walk around muttering things out loud like, "Where are the peanuts?" until some lady comes by recognizing my helplessness and guides me in the right direction. Well, now not only do I have to find the peanuts but I must avoid the soy chips and grain of life bars while doing it. I'm slightly disappointed.
The other stunning revelation that I came to was 2.) The Giant Eagle employs a large number of (don't hate me now) special / slow people. I have no problem with this, don't get me wrong. I have a problem with where they are employing them. They aren't working registers or stocking the shelves. They're not behind the deli counter. They all ALL seem to be bagging groceries. This would seem to be the worst place for them to work. It's a fast paced job where you must make lots of decisions. Now a lot of you are thinking, "Keith why do you care don't be so mean." but I'm sick of getting home to find my bread smashed by the rotisserie chicken. I get home and find a box of ice cream in with the chips smashing them. I just feel that we owe it to all involved to do better at job placement.
Now that I have angered some, although you all agree. I'm going to go play some Mario Kart Double Dash. A truly sweet Nintendo game and perhaps the only one I can still beat my brother in. Until later honkies.
The other stunning revelation that I came to was 2.) The Giant Eagle employs a large number of (don't hate me now) special / slow people. I have no problem with this, don't get me wrong. I have a problem with where they are employing them. They aren't working registers or stocking the shelves. They're not behind the deli counter. They all ALL seem to be bagging groceries. This would seem to be the worst place for them to work. It's a fast paced job where you must make lots of decisions. Now a lot of you are thinking, "Keith why do you care don't be so mean." but I'm sick of getting home to find my bread smashed by the rotisserie chicken. I get home and find a box of ice cream in with the chips smashing them. I just feel that we owe it to all involved to do better at job placement.
Now that I have angered some, although you all agree. I'm going to go play some Mario Kart Double Dash. A truly sweet Nintendo game and perhaps the only one I can still beat my brother in. Until later honkies.
Parentheses rule this post...
Andrew says,
If you're going to play Scrabble, the word 'Yinzer' is not going to be in the directory of legitimate words. I've looked...yeah I'm that guy who tries to drop the Z-bomb on the triple letter square. Listen, Keith does have some good points about Yinzers, even if it's not a real word. They do kill deer (I hate my mind, the most horrible creatures either in this world or the next go in order like this: 1-Beelzebub, 2-deer, 3-semi trucks) which is a big bonus in the Western PA depressed steel industry member community. They are also, as Keith pointed out, starting to vote republican. I don't care if they stink, I'll still stand arm in arm with a Yinzer so long as we are voting for the right person. So ultimately, Keith and I will forever disagree on this issue, but that's part of what makes America great (and for those of you trying to get a lot of points in Scrabble, U-S-A isn't a word that's short for America). I think what you have to ask yourself is this: Is the guy with the $5,000 suit going to really like hanging out with Yinzers? Huh?? (another inside Arrested Development joke, hahahaha).
Tag, you're it
If you're going to play Scrabble, the word 'Yinzer' is not going to be in the directory of legitimate words. I've looked...yeah I'm that guy who tries to drop the Z-bomb on the triple letter square. Listen, Keith does have some good points about Yinzers, even if it's not a real word. They do kill deer (I hate my mind, the most horrible creatures either in this world or the next go in order like this: 1-Beelzebub, 2-deer, 3-semi trucks) which is a big bonus in the Western PA depressed steel industry member community. They are also, as Keith pointed out, starting to vote republican. I don't care if they stink, I'll still stand arm in arm with a Yinzer so long as we are voting for the right person. So ultimately, Keith and I will forever disagree on this issue, but that's part of what makes America great (and for those of you trying to get a lot of points in Scrabble, U-S-A isn't a word that's short for America). I think what you have to ask yourself is this: Is the guy with the $5,000 suit going to really like hanging out with Yinzers? Huh?? (another inside Arrested Development joke, hahahaha).
Tag, you're it
Random musings ...
Keith here with back to back posts. After my passionate defense of yinzers, in which I exhausted only half my thoughts, I decided it was time to post on more light hearted matters. I agree with Andrew on his opinion of Arrested Development. I was introduced to this show recently, at which point I found the first season and watched it in roughly 2 weeks in order to catch up with the story line. The show has that wacky off the wall humor that plays out in two forms. The first form is the continual narrator and the sarcastic humor he has. When the sarcasm is applied to the reoccuring themes in the show, usually pokes at the Bluths, it's just comedic genius. The second form is the attention to detail and the progression of thought the show has. Like when Buster picked up the banana with the crane ... hahahaha (inside Arrested Development joke) hahahaha ...
I'm gonna have to say it's the best show on television. Let me qualify the statement though. It's the best show if: 1.) You don't count Seinfeld reruns 2.) You don't count that show The List on Fox Sports with Summer Sanders as the host. If you count that show, then it's number 1 because Summer is smoking fine.
I also spent this weekend playing a lot of Scrabble. If you're like me, you think Scrabble sucks something fierce, but for some reason people love to play it. The game basically is sitting there and staring while someone thinks about a word. It's so friggin boring. Then at the end of a game, someone drops an "x" or a "q" on a triple word score and it's lights out. Yes, I was winning, DESTROYING, the entire game until my friend dropped "axe" yes axe on a triple word score. Yep, that sentence was horribly puctuated, and yep I lost. Next time I play Scrabble I think I'm going to get RIPPED before hand and then smoke a cigar. NOW THAT would make Scrabble a decent game.
I'm gonna have to say it's the best show on television. Let me qualify the statement though. It's the best show if: 1.) You don't count Seinfeld reruns 2.) You don't count that show The List on Fox Sports with Summer Sanders as the host. If you count that show, then it's number 1 because Summer is smoking fine.
I also spent this weekend playing a lot of Scrabble. If you're like me, you think Scrabble sucks something fierce, but for some reason people love to play it. The game basically is sitting there and staring while someone thinks about a word. It's so friggin boring. Then at the end of a game, someone drops an "x" or a "q" on a triple word score and it's lights out. Yes, I was winning, DESTROYING, the entire game until my friend dropped "axe" yes axe on a triple word score. Yep, that sentence was horribly puctuated, and yep I lost. Next time I play Scrabble I think I'm going to get RIPPED before hand and then smoke a cigar. NOW THAT would make Scrabble a decent game.
Yinzers are truly sweet
With all due respect to my dear friend Andrew, he misunderstands the true meaning of yinzerdom. Yinzers are not just people that say "dahntahn or n'at" at the end of sentences. While yes they tend to be blue collar in nature and sometimes from areas that are economically depressed, they offer so much more to society.
Yinzers are people who are completely and totally loyal. They have an undying sense of faith in the city and its attributes as I mentioned in the last post. So rather than being an economic drag on the city, they do all they can to further its cause and the varying businesses in it. They often visit Heinz Hall despite the lack of desire for the arts. I mean c'mon, who wants to see Casey at the Bat as set to ballet, when they could eat some Pierogis with an Iron City down at the Pirate game. Yinzers selflessly go to support the arts scene in the 'burgh.
Yinzers also kill deer. An act that may seem truly barbaric in nature, but not so when further considered. The reason for the innocent slaughter of animals is to protect others from car accidents and thousands of dollars of body work on their cars. Believe me, I've seen what hitting a deer can do first hand and it's quite an expensive experience. Yinzers selflessly thin out the deer population for us.
Finally Yinzers are slowly turning Republican. For example look with me at the last election. The east side of this state totally hosed us. As you moved westward it became increasingly red. Allegheny County finally voted Republican. I have no doubt in my mind that come next election we will vote a Republican as Mayor of this fine city.
All these traits: Loyalty, support, selflessness, and being conservative ... these are the things that make yinzers great. Yes they sometimes are loud. Yes they sometimes are unattractive (well most ladies not the yinzer accent in general). Yes they sometimes are blunt. But I am proud to stand side by side with my fellow yinzers to make the town of steel great again.
Yinzers are people who are completely and totally loyal. They have an undying sense of faith in the city and its attributes as I mentioned in the last post. So rather than being an economic drag on the city, they do all they can to further its cause and the varying businesses in it. They often visit Heinz Hall despite the lack of desire for the arts. I mean c'mon, who wants to see Casey at the Bat as set to ballet, when they could eat some Pierogis with an Iron City down at the Pirate game. Yinzers selflessly go to support the arts scene in the 'burgh.
Yinzers also kill deer. An act that may seem truly barbaric in nature, but not so when further considered. The reason for the innocent slaughter of animals is to protect others from car accidents and thousands of dollars of body work on their cars. Believe me, I've seen what hitting a deer can do first hand and it's quite an expensive experience. Yinzers selflessly thin out the deer population for us.
Finally Yinzers are slowly turning Republican. For example look with me at the last election. The east side of this state totally hosed us. As you moved westward it became increasingly red. Allegheny County finally voted Republican. I have no doubt in my mind that come next election we will vote a Republican as Mayor of this fine city.
All these traits: Loyalty, support, selflessness, and being conservative ... these are the things that make yinzers great. Yes they sometimes are loud. Yes they sometimes are unattractive (well most ladies not the yinzer accent in general). Yes they sometimes are blunt. But I am proud to stand side by side with my fellow yinzers to make the town of steel great again.
This isn't really important, but...
Alright get this people,
So I've (Andrew) finally come to a decision on something. I've been contemplating a certain issue in my mind, really since the beginning of the fall, and I've finally come to a conclusion about this issue. It's not an issue of great importance, but it is about something that has been lacking in my life for the past few years. As I survey the landscape of my life I realize that something has been missing in rounding me out as an individual. Again, this one thing isn't crucial for survival, but it does make life a little more interesting.
I know you are all waiting to hear what I've been missing. I know some of you are probably like me in that you're missing this fulfilling part of your life. What I lack in my life is the routine of sitting down, once a week, and watching my favorite TV show. I can honestly say I have no favorite TV show! People are always like 'Man did you watch the Apprentice! I LOVE that show!' or 'Wow Scrubs is so sweet!', and I always have to admit that I don't know what they are talking about, because I can't get into TV these days. HOWEVER! I've finally found a show that's worth devoting half an hour to, once a week. Arrrested Development is hands down my favorite TV show on the air right now. I'm even going to go one step farther, and speak for everyone in America by saying that it's the best show on TV period! The humor is great, the antics of the Bluth family is awesome, and what's best about it is it's kind of like a big inside joke. You can talk about Survivor, or ER to your friends at work who have maybe missed the show, and the other person will most likely be able to understand what happened, and how the show unfolded. With Arrested Development you have to watch it to understand; this makes talking about it with other friends who have seen it a much deeper conversation...I swear. Go watch it next Sunday and then we can talk.
So I've (Andrew) finally come to a decision on something. I've been contemplating a certain issue in my mind, really since the beginning of the fall, and I've finally come to a conclusion about this issue. It's not an issue of great importance, but it is about something that has been lacking in my life for the past few years. As I survey the landscape of my life I realize that something has been missing in rounding me out as an individual. Again, this one thing isn't crucial for survival, but it does make life a little more interesting.
I know you are all waiting to hear what I've been missing. I know some of you are probably like me in that you're missing this fulfilling part of your life. What I lack in my life is the routine of sitting down, once a week, and watching my favorite TV show. I can honestly say I have no favorite TV show! People are always like 'Man did you watch the Apprentice! I LOVE that show!' or 'Wow Scrubs is so sweet!', and I always have to admit that I don't know what they are talking about, because I can't get into TV these days. HOWEVER! I've finally found a show that's worth devoting half an hour to, once a week. Arrrested Development is hands down my favorite TV show on the air right now. I'm even going to go one step farther, and speak for everyone in America by saying that it's the best show on TV period! The humor is great, the antics of the Bluth family is awesome, and what's best about it is it's kind of like a big inside joke. You can talk about Survivor, or ER to your friends at work who have maybe missed the show, and the other person will most likely be able to understand what happened, and how the show unfolded. With Arrested Development you have to watch it to understand; this makes talking about it with other friends who have seen it a much deeper conversation...I swear. Go watch it next Sunday and then we can talk.
Friday, December 17, 2004
Andrew does stuff to it...
Keith and I are here to talk about serious stuff. I can already foresee an important issue on the horizon which will be a bone of contention for years to come (or however long we can fight off apathy and keep this blog alive). Keith is from Pittsburgh. I am not, thank the Lord. Keith thinks yinzers are awesome. I do not! When I think of yinzer, this is what I think of: some loudmouthed dude in a steel-worker's union who hates the Man, says ignorant things that have no meaning whatsoever (dahntahn, yinz, 'n at, etc.), and comes to epitomize what can be summed up as a depressed industrial community past its Glory Days.
I typically picture yinzers as being two dimensional people who drink IC Light and swear Donny Iris really is the king of cool. Why do I harp on this issue so much? Well, I feel my friend Keith is not a yinzer (see, look at this kid's heart!). Yinzers are dumb, but Keith is pretty cool. Yinzers are, in my mind, a drag on the intellectual culture that Pittsburgh could really capitalize on and cultivate. So my appeal to Keith is to join me in looking down on yinzers with disdain, for he is not amongst their ranks! I've also got another friend who thinks Keith is sweet... Anne Coulter!
Keith and I are here to talk about serious stuff. I can already foresee an important issue on the horizon which will be a bone of contention for years to come (or however long we can fight off apathy and keep this blog alive). Keith is from Pittsburgh. I am not, thank the Lord. Keith thinks yinzers are awesome. I do not! When I think of yinzer, this is what I think of: some loudmouthed dude in a steel-worker's union who hates the Man, says ignorant things that have no meaning whatsoever (dahntahn, yinz, 'n at, etc.), and comes to epitomize what can be summed up as a depressed industrial community past its Glory Days.
I typically picture yinzers as being two dimensional people who drink IC Light and swear Donny Iris really is the king of cool. Why do I harp on this issue so much? Well, I feel my friend Keith is not a yinzer (see, look at this kid's heart!). Yinzers are dumb, but Keith is pretty cool. Yinzers are, in my mind, a drag on the intellectual culture that Pittsburgh could really capitalize on and cultivate. So my appeal to Keith is to join me in looking down on yinzers with disdain, for he is not amongst their ranks! I've also got another friend who thinks Keith is sweet... Anne Coulter!
So Dreier says...
My (Andrew's) friend Dreier says that this blog is dumb...well do you know what Dreier? You're dumb. Touche my friend!
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Keith chimes in ...
Andrew began the festivities with a lovely introduction of himself. I shall then return serve. Andrew, I believe, was correct in stating that I was the more opinionated one. I suppose this comes to be when you think about things like what your three favorite animals are when you fall asleep. When you spend your waking hours thinking of anything from favorite movies to least favorite person (undoubtedly someone French) you tend to be opinionated.
I don't have any real wisdom to share with you, but I do believe that I can fix society and the hole it has fallen in. Throughout the upcoming weeks or days (depending on how long Andrew and I choose to do this) I will share my opinions with you. You can take them or leave them, you're better off if you take them though because you'll be a better person. My main goal will to impart on you the enjoyment of yinzers.
Yinzers by definition are the people that most exemplify the qualities of the city of Pittsburgh. Most people think of yinzers in a strikingly negative light, but I am here to dispel that kind of thinking. So you can expect me to impart yinzer knowledge of you, most of which is just an undying love and faith in your city and the products of it. You wake up every day believing the Steelers will win the Super Bowl. You don't just think that Heinz ketchup is a gift from God, but rather you believe in your heart there is no greater product in the country (even if it is largely owned by a liberal rag of a person). That's all I've got going for now. Feel free to check back and read often. Excuse my extensive use of parenthesis and ellipses ... woops ... somewhere between 9th grade and now I forgot basic english rules. I don't talk too good.
Over and Out ...
I don't have any real wisdom to share with you, but I do believe that I can fix society and the hole it has fallen in. Throughout the upcoming weeks or days (depending on how long Andrew and I choose to do this) I will share my opinions with you. You can take them or leave them, you're better off if you take them though because you'll be a better person. My main goal will to impart on you the enjoyment of yinzers.
Yinzers by definition are the people that most exemplify the qualities of the city of Pittsburgh. Most people think of yinzers in a strikingly negative light, but I am here to dispel that kind of thinking. So you can expect me to impart yinzer knowledge of you, most of which is just an undying love and faith in your city and the products of it. You wake up every day believing the Steelers will win the Super Bowl. You don't just think that Heinz ketchup is a gift from God, but rather you believe in your heart there is no greater product in the country (even if it is largely owned by a liberal rag of a person). That's all I've got going for now. Feel free to check back and read often. Excuse my extensive use of parenthesis and ellipses ... woops ... somewhere between 9th grade and now I forgot basic english rules. I don't talk too good.
Over and Out ...
Andrew says...
So this is our web blog,
For those of you familiar with either myself or Keith, you will know that both of us tend to be pretty opinionated; Keith maybe moreso than I, but I do what I can. In an effort to better use my time and maybe contribute a little back to the intellectual community on the internet, I've decided to post blogs on the internet! I know you are all thrilled. Stay tuned to see what wisdom (or the lack thereof) comes from this page. I'm going to let Keith post now...boom!
For those of you familiar with either myself or Keith, you will know that both of us tend to be pretty opinionated; Keith maybe moreso than I, but I do what I can. In an effort to better use my time and maybe contribute a little back to the intellectual community on the internet, I've decided to post blogs on the internet! I know you are all thrilled. Stay tuned to see what wisdom (or the lack thereof) comes from this page. I'm going to let Keith post now...boom!
First Post
This is the first of many blogs from Keith and Andrew about sweetness all consuming! As DJ Clue would say, 'Prepare Yo-Selves!'
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