Thursday, January 12, 2006

haiku guessing game

Let's play a game. I'm going to write some haiku's, and you're going to tell me what you think they are about. I haven't written a haiku since I was probably in 5th grade, and as I recall I won some pretty stellar awards for my haiku stylings. HAI! KU YOU GUESS THIS?!

Crash and Coalesce
Strings of black infiniti
Warm Cacophony

ok here's another one

Slicing the Darkness
with a heating sensation
get up, close the blinds

alright try your hand at THIS ONE!!

Crimson and Garnet
Arms reach out to greet your frame
wrap'd but not embraced

Ok one more

Parting careless curl
cover that which I desire
lightest golden brown

These are all thigns in my office, or at least representations of things that I have in my office. GO GUESS!!

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