Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Get your Wednesday on!

I'm not going to lie to you, people, I don't have a whole lot to talk about (this is rare for me). So I was sitting in my office talking out loud to myself, trying to elicit some semi interesting conversation out of the depths of my mind. As I was musing to myelf, Katherine blurts out across this office, "Do a blog on Wednesdays!!!!" I of course was taken aback, because Wednesdays aren't inherently interesting.


Here are some Wednesday facts:

1) El Miercoles, Mercredi, 星期三, and В среду

2) Courtney used to work with a girl who would sing about Wednesday. If you know Courtney, I would ask her to sing the song for you. I guarantee you that after you hear it, you won't look at the word 'wednesday' without singing the song under your breath. I know I do!

3) There are roughly 52 weeks in a year. Within a week there are 7 days, one of which is Wednesday. Therefore in any given year, you experience about 52 Wednesdays (give or take one). Therefore, since my birth, I have experienced 1,248 Wednesdays (give or take 10). That may seem a little preposterous. Also take into consideration that 1,248 Wednesdays is also equivalent to about 3.42 years worth of Wednesdays. That means about roughly 14.1% of my life is Wednesday. If you think about it for 2 seconds you know that there's no revoltionary concepts there. But how often do you think of your life in terms of Wednesdays gone by? Not often.

4) Wednesday? or Weeeeheeheeheeednesdayyyyy!

5) You didn't think Wednesday could help you cook did you? Well cheer up my friends, if Wednesday can cook, so can you!

6) Popular Wednesday aphorisms:
-Wednesday is hump day (usually said by an unsuspecting elementary school teacher to a chorus of chuckling little boys)
-Wednesday's child is full of woe (I think I was born on Tuesday, in case you were wondering)
-Anything can happen day (thanks to the Mickey Mouse Club)
-'Spy Wednesday' is a name given to the Wednesday post-Easter, as an allusion to the betrayal of Jesus by Judas. I have no idea why they came up with the name SPY Wednesday as opposed to BETRAYAL Wednesday.

7) The popular Nursery Rhyme by mother goose that goes "Rain, rain, go away! Come again another day" was origincally written to say "Rain, rain go away! Come again on Wed-nes-day!'*

8) This fact should have come first, but here is a brief history of Wednesday (as adapted from

"Wednesday is considered either the third or the fourth day of the week, between Tuesday and Thursday. The name comes from the Old English Wodnesdæg meaning the day of the Germanic god Woden who was a god of the Anglo-Saxons in England until about the 7th C. AD....

...Quakers traditionally refer to Wednesday as "Fourth Day", eschewing the "pagan" origin of the name "Wednesday". Most eastern languages also use a name with this meaning, for much the same reason. Faithful Orthodox Christians observe a vegetarian / fish-only fast on Wednesdays (and Fridays) in some countries."

Those dang Quakers, they are so righteous. So those are some facts about Wednesday. I hope you all enjoy being over the hump, and I'll talk to you all MIERCOLES!!!

*author's note: I can't verify this statement.

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