Wednesday, June 08, 2005

One more Link

So I was thinking of blogging today about the cons of media these days. I'm tired of all news networks. Whether it's CNN, Fox News, or ESPN News - there really just isn't enough stuff that needs to be said constantly 24 hours a day. The result is a glut of information, and emphasizing stories that really have no need to be so public. Take Jennifer Wilbanks for instance. Yeah it totally stinks that she lied and hurt everyone. But do I need to be bombarded with it? In times past that story doesn't even make the hour, it hits the cutting floor with a loud thud, or at best gets mentioned for 30 seconds after the donkey who won the spelling bee, everyone chuckles, end news.

But no, now we hear all about Jennifer, all about Michael Jackson, and everytime a Republican or Democrat takes a dump. I'm sick of all news all the time. It just keeps watering down product. Now ESPN has to fill its flag station with things like dramas about poker, when it would be running the stuff that's on ESPN News or ESPN 2. We don't need this much coverage please make it stop!

This was proven even more when I received an e-mail from my sister. It's about a site called EatMJ. The site is unbelievable. It's a review of all the eateries around where the trial is taking place and it's done by some journalist. This way all the reporters who have basically lived there for two months can find other places to eat. MAYBE IF WE DIDN'T NEED SO MUCH COVERAGE OF NEWS WE WOULDN'T NEED WEBSITES LIKE THIS WASTING THE PRECIOUS TIME OF PEOPLE MAKING THEM OR THEM TAKING UP SPACE ON THE INFINITE WORLD WIDE WEB!!!!! It's awful. I just want the insanity to end and my normal life of occasional news back. Here's the site make sure you read the reviews about certain restaurants. They really are quite humorous Not humorous enough to warrant an entire website though.


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