Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Year Long Debate

Hey gang,

First and foremost let me say, for those of your disappointed about not being able to look at matoke every day, I had to take the post down. Just looking at the stuff every time I signed onto the blog made me ill...I feel Keith's pain. So it's down, sorry James.

For those of you who are glad to see Matoke go (and glad to see another post come up, of course!!!) let me pose to you a question-a blog feedback question if you will. Most of you know by this point that Keith and I are going to split up here by the end of the summer. I'll be down south of the Mason Dixon line , and he'll be up here in Horriblevania. Don't worry, we're going to try to keep the blog going-so you can wipe the tears of sadness from your eyes and blow the snot out of your nose. But the question I pose is one I would legitimately like your feedback for.

Since I'm moving, and am going to be living in a completely new area, I'd like to chronicle something in my weblog for a year. I take inspiration from people like this fellow and others who decide to chronicle otherwise mundane activities, but infuse them with intrigue through the power of blogging. I have no idea what I'd like to chronicle, or what annual canticle I would like to regale you wonderful people with.

I'm sure you can guess my question by now: what kind of things would hold your interest for a year if I decide to document them? What type of thing would make you say "OH! It's Thursday! I wonder if Andrew's put his weekly blog up yet? I can't wait to hear about what _____________________________________ is like this week!!" The floor is open for discussion, so let me hear it people. I will tell you I do already have one idea, which would no doubt be a blog-blockbuster; but I still need you to give me more ideas.

When Andrew leaves and heads down south, what one blog theme would hold your interest for one year if it were consistently chronicled? READY?!?! COMMENT!!!!

On a lesser note, I'm trying to revive ama mizu's now deceased blog (and believe me I'm trying to use mouth to mouth recussitation a haaa heh heh heh yeeaaahhhhh!!). You should start a deluge of comments on her page to make her come back (and if you can somehow bring her back from North Carolina, that would be great because I miss her a lot).

Ok to the task at hand!! En Viamos!!


Trey said...

Four years ago, I would have said grow a mullet. But as I found out in college, people are just a backward in Horriblevania as they are here in the south...

Therefore, you must chronicle getting ripped. And I mean photos. Explicit photos.

RJ said...

I'll read just about anything you put up if it's under 800 words, because I have a short attention span, and a tendancy to read just about anything written by someone I know.

Especially if you hit up my blog every now and then. But it's not too funny lately, so I understand if you've been uninterested.

Donkey Patrol said...

Dude, RJ, I go to your blog all the time and it makes me laugh, it makes me cry, it makes me feel good in my belly. The Red Hurt Machine, for all intents and purposes, wins.