Wednesday, October 12, 2005

UNICEF is Horrible

I officially hate huge government run organizations. As a republican, and a capitalist, I tend to believe the more power you can give to people or small businesses the better. Local authorities, people, or businesses know how to run things better than large committees who take numerous unnecessary steps and are run unefficiently.

So UNICEF, United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (from here on known as horrible) runs a commercial ad / PSA utilizing the Smurfs. This commercial has war planes flying overhead, bombing the Smurfs, killing Smurfette, and leaving the rest of the smurfs crying in their "war torn" village. Of course it's first run was in Belgium, a country located right next to France. It's supposed to tell children to, "not let war destroy their world."

Thanks for the slap to the face horrible. Thanks for giving America a big middle finger. Just know that this American is giving one right back. I can't wait till the UN is somehow dismantled and shown to be the horrible beuracratic cesspool that it is. A wasteland of corruption, inefficiency, inaction, greed, selfishness, weakness, and horribly appointed world power. The UN is a picture of all that is wrong with the world and the mere mention of it makes me want to vomit. The next time the UN needs our help, or Belgium and France in particular, I will call on all of my senators, representatives, and the president to not give it. It's time we got our own house into order instead of helping only to be ridiculed and spit on continuosly.

Here are some links:

1. A CBS article about the UNICEF (horrible) advertisement

2.) Some crazy wacked out site I found that has the commercial ... in Belgian

I hate the UN and now you can join me too guys.

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