Thursday, January 13, 2005

That takes care of that

A few things I think I think:

1.) We just switched laptops this morning. I'm not going to complain about a free laptop, but it's an older, larger, not nearly as sweet version, and frankly it's cramping my style. I feel like we were punished for doing our job well. Since we brought in too many freshman students, we needed to give our freshman computers to them. Bummer.

2.) Getting my haircut today. There are few things I enjoy less than a haircut. I hate going, paying, making small talk, the hair itch all day afterwards. It's just bad news.

3.) Jeff Mincey, our boss, has a pretty slammin' house. We have some pretty slammin' coworkers.

4.) I can't wait to move up to Grove City and smoke a pipe on the way home from work. Fabulous idea Andrew.

5.) Men rule at the game Catchphrases.

6.) Blondes DO have more fun ... wait a minute, what am I saying, I have red hair.

7.) I beat Andrew to this post today.

8.) It's 62 degrees out on January 13th. I'm riding home with my windows down and my system up ... kind of like Eminem.

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