Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentines Day

Does everybody know what today is? That's right you do: it's Valentines Day, ho faces. Valentines Day. What a misnomer. They make it sound all fluffy and fruity but it's really not. It's about some dude who got kilt (short for 'killed') for trying to marry people, apparently. That's what I think happened, but you can read it for yourself here:

This delightfully gay website will break down:
1) what valentine's day is about,
2) who saint valentine was, and
3) some valentines day customs.

What this website doesn't tell you is:

1) How Cabbage Patch kids got into the V-day mix
2) Why you get valentines from ugly girls in elementary school
3) How many brain cells you will lose reading this short history of V-day.

So check this website out, because I don't have the energy to make cynical comments about valentines day all day...all valentines day. Unless you have someone to fawn over, I say Valentines day is a waste of time.

I seriously have to stop being negative, maybe some coffee will make my face happy!!

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