Thursday, February 17, 2005

Legends of the Hidden Temple

So this guy commented on our blog yesterday, but it's some dude who seems like he's just talking like the narrator from that old Nickelodeon show Legends of the hidden temple. Check it out, he commented on my short blog yesterday "Agree" It's totally from that show. Remember the teams they had, Blue Barracudas, Green Monkeys and I think the Purple Lizards were another. It was such a sweet show. In fact a lot of TV used to be sweeter. Think about the sweet shows Nick used to have between like Legends of the Hidden Temple, Double Dare, Doug ... freakin Doug! Now they have gay stuff. Plus new Cartoon Network cartoons blow. I hate them so much. The Boomerang channel is so much sweeter that plays Jetsons and Flintstones. I'm just sick of network TV and other companies overdoing it. Like reality TV, it's gone WAY TO FAR. What's worse is we're stuck with it. You only have to pay little Susie off the street pocket change compared to real actors and comedians to do show. I hate that TV is slowly being ruined. Here's a good question do I hate TV because it's getting suckier, or do I hate it because I'm getting older and out of touch with society? I hope that it's not part of me being old and lame.

I tried to change my font for this blog, if it looks different that's why. I totally bought Ninja Gaiden last night for Xbox. Incredibly detailed and sweet game. As soon as I turned it on and picked up the controller it was like I entered some vortex where 2 hours of my life was just zapped away never to return. Really sweet game, so far fairly challenging also, I highly recommend it at this point.

In the new tradition of reporting good news, cause heaven knows we need more good news in the world, the guy at Lids last night (hat store in Ross Park mall) said since they were out of a hat, they would mail it to my house if I wanted to free of charge when they get it in. Now, this is really weak good news, but work with me. A company is not only trying to do their job, provide hats (their only item) but they are going the next step, and since they were out, offering to send it to my house free of charge. That is good customer service and I will now tell everyone how sweet the store Lids, sometimes known as Hat World, is to its customers. I highly recommend Lids to all of you.

Ok lastly for the day, if you like rap music, go listen to some of MA$E's old music. He's now a born again Christian and a pastor to boot, and he's making a rap comeback. He's doing it, but as a clean rapper, his new song is littered with quick little references such as, "I be like Moses and I bring you the law." That my friends is high comedy. So his new CD inspired me to listen to some of his old stuff. MA$E is so sweet. I'm sure he's not happy that I'm listening to his old dirty past life that he's trying to throw off, but you should all go listen to the stuff, it's fabulous. Some of his work whether his or a collaberation: Mo Money Mo Problems, Can't Nobody Hold Me Down, Feel so Good, Take What's Yours, Been Around The World, I could keep going, but that's a few. Great music if you like rap. Oh yeah, the person that blasted Andrew for being angry about the gay pretzels, go read her blog, you can read her comment then click on her name and it takes you to her blog. She's quite the pretentious one. I'm out kids.

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