Friday, February 11, 2005


1) Ska never dies, it's still around. It's just under the surface of unpopular music. If you want to revive ska I'll help you...listen to Catch 22 and Less Than Jake again. I still get pumped up listening to that. Oh and Hey! Ska byt the suidice machines is still such an awesome song, JSO RULES!
2) The Lemon Jolly Rancher is inferior to: 1) the strawberry, grape, and watermelon ranchers in that order. It's no wonder it's not around any more because it had only a niche market. However, if you had to get rid of a Rancher, I think the cinnamon ones should go. They blow hard.
3) Write blogs and sports web pages...OR play Fable all day like Chaney (don't think I didn't see you at 3:00AM this morning rotting your brain out).
4) Teleporting would be so incredibly great. Here are the problems with teleporting that I see: a) What if you and someone teleport to the same place at the same time? You get a mess. b) What if someone teleports into your bathroom while you taking a long call? You get embarassed. c) What happens if someone teleports into space? They die. Too many variables with teleporting. Now time travel, I've already looked into that for myself...
5) I have no idea and for one and irate that Arrested Development is being canceled. That was the only show worth watching or blogging about on TV!!! How who will I have inside jokes with?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?! DIE FOX DIE!
6) The Xgames are sweet and take great athletic prowess to pull off. I like to snowboard a lot, so I will say that Xgames have pertinance to my life.
7) It would't be cool because knowing you you'd use your powers for evil!!!! Xray vision in the girls locker room AGAIN Keith?!

Here's a question: How sweet is 311 honestly? And how sweet is it that my little brother's goal for the year is to get down to New Orleans on March 11 for the Annual 3-11 day concert with 311?! I've succeeded as a big brother I think.

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